Porter Strong

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One Exciting Night

One Exciting Night

Oct 02, 1922
A young orphan girl, courted by an unpleasant older suitor who has a hold over her adoptive mother, falls in love with Fairfax, a young stranger at a party. A group of bootleggers try to get away with the loot stashed previously within Fairfax's mansion; Mysterious faces peer into the windows and shadowy figures stalk the hall. One of the bootleggers is killed and the young stranger becomes the prime suspect.
Nobody Home

Nobody Home

Aug 24, 1919
A young woman is so superstitious that she cannot make a move or a decision without the approval of the cards or the stars. Pursued romantically by two men, one virtuous, the other villainous, the cards point her toward the villain. Which will she follow, her cards or her heart?
I'll Get Him Yet

I'll Get Him Yet

May 25, 1919
A young woman is in love, but the man of her affections wants only her and no part of her vast wealth.
Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables

Nov 02, 1919
Doris Pennington is committed to an insane asylum by her aunt, who hopes to take over Doris's fortune. Upon arrival at the asylum, however, Doris convinces the staff that the nurse who accompanies her is actually the patient and she the nurse.
À travers l'orage

À travers l'orage

Sep 03, 1920
Lennox un homme très riche et fort d'un succès certain chez les jeunes filles de la bonne société, séduit Anna d'extraction plus modeste. Cette dernière, envoyée par sa mère demander une aide financière auprès de parents éloignés se laisse convaincre par les assauts répétés de Lennox et une demande en mariage de celui-ci. Une cérémonie fantoche orchestrée par Lennox est célébrée, et le mariage consommé. Mais, Anna tombant rapidement enceinte, Lennox la laisse tomber. Seule, elle accouche de son enfant, Trust Lennox, qui disparaît rapidement d'une maladie. À la mort de l'enfant, Anna erre et trouve finalement un travail comme femme à tout faire chez Squire Bartlett, un propriétaire terrien. David, le fils de Squire Bartlett, s'éprend d'elle. Mais, bien que personne n'en ait alors eu vent, elle ne peut souscrire à ses avances, à cause de son passé.
The White Rose

The White Rose

May 21, 1923
A wealthy young Southern aristocrat, Joseph, graduates from a seminary and, before he takes charge of his assigned parish, decides to go out and see what "the real world" is all about. He winds up in New Orleans and finds himself attracted to a poor, unsophisticated orphan girl, Bessie. One thing leads to another, and before long Bessie finds that she is pregnant with Joseph's child.
The Idol Dancer

The Idol Dancer

Mar 21, 1920
A religious zealot and his nephew are thrown together on a South Seas Island with an alcoholic beach comber and a native dancer. A battle to see who will "civilize" whom ensues.
Le roman de la vallée heureuse
John Logan laisse ses parents et son amour dans leur heureuse vallée bucolique pour aller faire fortune en ville. Ceux qu'il a laissés derrière lui deviennent misérables et assiégés en son absence, mais après plusieurs années il revient, en homme riche. Son père aigri et ne le reconnaissant pas pour ce qu'il est, prévoit d'assassiner l'étranger nouvellement arrivé pour lui prendre son argent.
Dream Street

Dream Street

Apr 12, 1921
Three men in London compete for the love of a dance-hall girl.
Flying Pat

Flying Pat

Nov 11, 1920
Wild flapper Patricia Van Nuys decides to become a pilot like her husband Robert, but with a difference--she wants to become the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by airplane. Capt. Endicott, a friend of Robert's, offers to teach her how to fly. One day while aloft in the plane, the craft takes a sudden nosedive and crashes. The pair walk away uninjured and find shelter in a roadhouse. Robert, upon hearing of this, becomes jealous of Pat's spending so much time with Endicott, which angers Pat. She decides to leave Robert and slips out of the house to catch an evening train, but unfortunately, Endicott is also aboard the train. Robert finds out about that, too. Complications ensue.