Donn Davison

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The Force Beyond

The Force Beyond

Dec 02, 1977
Speculative "documentary" about alien visitations on Earth, UFO sightings and how aliens are responsible for pretty much every conspiracy theory, paranormal encounter and cryptozoological sighting in history. (Also Jesus. No, really.)
Spooks A-Poppin'

Spooks A-Poppin'

Jan 01, 1992
A documentary about the phenomenon of "spook shows," which were a sort of circus-type freak show/carnival act that were often performed in movie theaters before a horror movie was shown. Film clips from several old spook shows and interviews with some of the performers and producers are shown.
Mardi Gras Massacre

Mardi Gras Massacre

Aug 11, 1978
Dans une ville de Louisiane, un assassin s'installe et choisit ses proies dans les dancings érotiques où les femmes se donnent pour quelques dollars. Ses seules exigences sont qu'elles soient "very evil" et vénales! Il les amène ensuite dans son antre où il pratique un rituel sacrificiel pour la déesse Coatla, sous couvert de jeux sado-masochistes, et comptant sur le prochain carnaval de Mardi Gras pour offrir à sa déesse moult coeurs de femmes... Heureusement, Serge, un flic à la moustache fournie, prend l'affaire en main, et écume ces bars "exotiques" et luxurieux à la recherche du criminel. Il en profite pour jouer de ses charmes et de son pouvoir professionnel auprès d'une des employées.
The Force Beyond

The Force Beyond

Dec 02, 1977
Speculative "documentary" about alien visitations on Earth, UFO sightings and how aliens are responsible for pretty much every conspiracy theory, paranormal encounter and cryptozoological sighting in history. (Also Jesus. No, really.)
Moonshiner's Woman

Moonshiner's Woman

Jan 01, 1968
Claude, a Tennessee moonshiner has been holding out on Jarvis, a big-city gangster, so Jarvis kills Claude and takes his woman, Lorilee, back to the high city with him, and promises her fancy clothes, money and fame for working at his nightclub.