Steph Van Vlack

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The Devil on Screen

The Devil on Screen

May 13, 2023
After the Devil enters a bet against God over whether or not humanity can be corrupted, he teams up with the young software engineer Annie to build his doomsday device: the first social media platform.


Oct 01, 2006
Every town has a local legend. Not all of them are deadly. Headed to Miami to celebrate winter break, a group of four college students from New Jersey take a detour into the bowels of rural West Virginia. There, the unwitting friends uncover a grotesque legend that stains the fabric of Rolling Glen, a sleepy backwoods town. As the four friends quickly find out, some believe Williams still roams the woods on the outskirts of town, surviving on the slaughter of wildlife. Others claim to have seen Williams in person, a looming figure with a ghostly white visage, purportedly a makeshift cast to mask the scars and wounds left from the merciless assault. They have a name for Williams now: Plasterhead. Soon, the four friends find themselves holed up in an abandoned farmhouse, mired in a macabre web of terror. Sheriff Taggart will do anything to keep the truth buried: the truth that Plasterhead is frighteningly real. As these teens will soon learn, true evil has no face.


Nov 17, 2023
A young woman who struggled with a childhood mental illness falls in love with a married man. Never having real love, she will do anything to keep it, even if murder is the only option.


Dec 12, 2008
1964, une école catholique dans le Bronx.La père Flynn, un prêtre de la paroisse, entraineur de basketball, est soupçonné d'avoir fait des attouchements sur un garçon noir de douze ans.Soeur Aloysius, directrice de l'école, a des doutes sérieux sur la moralité du prêtre mais n'arrive pas à établir les preuves nécessaires à son renvoi.Quand soeur James, une soeur naïve, vient lui raconter un événement impliquant le père Flynn et un garçon de l'école, soeur Aloysius estime que ses soupçons sont confirmés. Elle part donc en guerre contre le prêtre, bien determinée à le demasquer. L'aumônier accusé va tenter de se disculper mais soeur Aoysius n'a pas dit son dernier mot. La doute s'installe. Quelles en seront les conséquences ? Et si tout cela n'était qu'un malentendu ?