Michael, une jeune recrue, découvre qu'une organisation raciste infiltre les rangs de la police. Il comprend alors rapidement qu'on veut se débarrasser de lui...
Hogtown: The Politics of Policing is an unblinking look at political pressures and their impact on the operations of the Toronto Police Services Board.
This is the Easter weekend. In an inner city project, three people struggle against their demons and try to find redemption. They are Maxine, a window dresser depressed since she had an abortion and lost her lover ; Jordan, a boxer who has indulged in gay-bashing ; and 'The General', a drug dealer turned artist.
Le principe de cette série documentaire, Les mystères de la Bible, consiste à alterner des interviews de chercheurs ou d’intellectuels avec des morceaux de docu-fiction reprenant certain passage de la bible.