Betty McDowall

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La Malédiction

La Malédiction

Jun 25, 1976
Robert Thorn viens de devenir ambassadeur des États-Unis à Londres. Celui-ci va réaliser peu à peu que son fils de 5 ans, Damien, n'est autre que la réincarnation de l'Antéchrist.
Les premiers hommes dans la lune
En 1964, une mission astronautique internationale (Russes et Américains ensemble) prend pied sur la Lune et y découvre un drapeau anglais et un document écrit qui est une prise de possession de la Lune au nom de la Reine Victoria. Grosse surprise des astronautes qui se croyaient les premiers hommes sur la Lune. On retrouve Bedford, le dépositaire de ce document, dans une maison de retraite de l'Angleterre.
Always Another Dawn

Always Another Dawn

Sep 24, 1948
Featuring Charles 'Bud' Tingwell in only his second film and first lead role, which helped prepare him for his part in the 1953 World War Two Hollywood action drama, 'The Desert Rats'. 'Always Another Dawn' celebrates the Australian Navy's contribution to the Allied victory in WW2. The ship (Dauntless) is based on the real-life HMAS Yarra, which was sunk by a Japanese cruiser squadron on 4 March 1942 with 138 lives lost. Assisted by the Royal Australian Navy, filming took place at Flinders Naval Depot Melbourne and aboard the destroyer HMAS Bataan.
Diamond Safari

Diamond Safari

Feb 21, 1958
A U.S. private eye falls for a smuggler and clears a native for murder in South Africa.
Ballade en bleu

Ballade en bleu

Feb 18, 1965
En tournée à Londres, le chanteur Ray Charles rend visite à une classe de jeunes aveugles. Il devient l'ami de l'un d'eux, David, et voudrait l'aider car il trouve que sa mère lui donne trop de soins. Une opération est possible mais elle hésite. Elle finit par accepter et David est opéré à Paris où le chanteur donne un récital...
Time Lock

Time Lock

Aug 27, 1957
A boy is accidentally locked in a bank vault. With less than 10 hours of oxygen left in the vault, it becomes a race to save the boy.
Jack l'éventreur

Jack l'éventreur

May 28, 1959
Londres vit au rythme des meurtres perpétrés par Jack l'Eventreur. Deux inspecteurs, le Britannique O'Neill et l'Américain Lowry, mènent l'enquête.
The Bass Player and the Blonde
George Mangham is a former composer and bass player in a band struggling for money. Stuck in an engagement with Mrs Merino, a wealthy older woman, while on the run and owing money to gangsters who are after him for debts he owes them, life is not great for George. But it gets even more complicated when he literally bumps into Terry Weston, daughter of gangster Charlie Weston, who has run away from home with her marriage to the rich but nerdy Nigel only a few days away. Little do either realize just what trouble and turmoil lays ahead for both of them...
Echo of Diana

Echo of Diana

May 01, 1963
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
Dead Lucky

Dead Lucky

Jun 01, 1960
Mike Billing's newspaper series about quasi-illegal gambling parties in Mayfair have so far been works more of imagination than genuine journalism. But when he and his columnist girlfriend, Jenny Drew, finally manage to infiltrate one of them, it leads quickly to trouble. The party's organiser is found murdered the next morning, and a number of suspects begin to emerge. But which of them killed Lucky Lewis?


Jan 01, 1960
Back in London after serving time, an ex-convict learns that his wife is not willing to return to him. He plans to crack a safe at a club.
Tomorrow at Ten

Tomorrow at Ten

Jun 23, 1963
A British policeman (John Gregson) tries to find a rich man's (Alec Clunes) son before a kidnapper's (Robert Shaw) time bomb blows.
Spare the Rod

Spare the Rod

May 23, 1961
It is London in the year 1960 and John Saunders enthusiastically begins his new teaching career at a tough slum-area school. His class are bored pupils in their last term before leaving. Will he handle the grave problems that lie ahead?
Police internationale

Police internationale

Apr 02, 1957
Le policier Charles Sturgis est prêt à tout pour coincer Frank McNally, un trafiquant de drogues international. Pour le piéger, il se rapproche de Gina Broger, la complice du gangster, qui passe son temps à voyager entre l'Europe et les États-Unis. Lorsque celle-ci est arrêtée par Interpol, Sturgis lui demande de l'aider à attraper McNally...
The Shiralee

The Shiralee

Jul 11, 1957
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
Le Liquidateur

Le Liquidateur

Nov 01, 1965
Colonel Mostyn du Service de renseignement britannique soupçonne qu'il ya une fuite dans son département et engage un expatrié américain pour éliminer diverses cibles de travail pour les Soviétiques.
She Didn't Say No!

She Didn't Say No!

Sep 30, 1958
Bridget Monaghan, une mère célibataire qui a eu six enfants de pères différents, choque les villageois irlandais conservateurs.
Ici interpol

Ici interpol

Jun 05, 1960
L'inspecteur Paul Duval enquête à Paris, en tant que chef du bureau d'Interpol en France.
The Corridor People

The Corridor People

Sep 16, 1966
The Corridor People is a British television series produced by Granada Television for the ITV network in 1966, devised and written by Edward Boyd. A surreal black-and-white detective series, The Corridor People pitched security agent Kronk against exotic villainess Syrie Van Epp over the course of four episodes.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Le Prisonnier

Le Prisonnier

Feb 02, 1968
Après sa démission, un agent secret est enlevé pour être emmené dans ce qui semble être un village idyllique, mais s'avère être une prison étrange. Son gardien veut des informations. Il ne dira rien mais va tenter de s'échapper.
Le Saint

Le Saint

Feb 09, 1969
Surnommé « le Saint » en raison de ses initiales, Simon Templar est un détective amateur au charme irrésistible qui traque les criminels à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure
Sailor of Fortune

Sailor of Fortune

Jul 31, 1958
Captain of 'The Shipwreck' Grant Mitchell runs a cargo business, but finds himself often called on for help against problems, intrigue, and villainy on the choppy waters of his trade.
Action & Adventure
The Bass Player and the Blonde
The Bass Player and the Blonde was a television play in the ITV Playhouse series, first broadcast 14 June 1977. It was followed up with a three-part serial with the episodes given the names of musical terms: Rondo, Allegro, and Andante. In the play and the series, George Manghan, a middle aged, debt ridden bass player in a Jazz band, falls in love with the wealthy and much younger blonde singer Terry, much to the distress of her father.