Anne-Marie Faux

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Jan 30, 2008
Charles Boyer, commissaire à la retraite, commence à perdre la mémoire. Afin de ne pas devenir une charge pour ses proches, il décide de rentrer à la Résidence, une maison de repos. Il s'adapte bien à son nouvel environnement mais des patients meurent... trop vite selon Charles. Rattrapé par son instinct de flic, il est persuadé qu'on les a tués. En s'accrochant aux bribes de sa mémoire défaillante, Charles mène l'enquête la plus essentielle et la plus difficile de sa vie ...
Hic rosa, partition botanique
From what was to me a gift of friendship day: a book makes some of Rosa Luxemburg's prison letters written by her friends Sonia Liebknecht and Mathilde Wurm between July 1916 and October 1918. And all the jingles who composed this period: songs of birds, plants, colors and sounds passages. Those for events in the events of the being-locked. As for the outside: October, World War Revolution, The emigrant and Chaplin The Adventurer, The affliction flowers and Klee's zoological garden. Appearances / disappearances, present stories, their intertwined. Destinies.
Maurice Pialat : l'amour existe
Le cinéma de Maurice Pialat est parcouru par une évidence : ce qui se vit, se dit, s'invente, se défait dans la " vraie " vie résonne, le plus souvent en échos fracassants, un jour ou l'autre, dans les films. Les réalisateurs, Anne-Marie Faux et Jean-Pierre Devilliers sont partis de ces correspondances pour tracer une forme d'auto-portrait, celui d'un cinéaste qui n'oublia jamais ce que fut l'enfance et ne voulut rien céder quant à ce qu'aimer veut dire.
Face au vent, partition buissonnière
There is no denying that autobiographical intentions and introspection have their pitfalls. But a man's voice off screen sets the tone from the start: "There is no such thing as a private diary. The very expression is nonsensical." No chance then to see outpourings, confessions or explanations.
Face au vent, partition buissonnière
There is no denying that autobiographical intentions and introspection have their pitfalls. But a man's voice off screen sets the tone from the start: "There is no such thing as a private diary. The very expression is nonsensical." No chance then to see outpourings, confessions or explanations.
Hic rosa, partition botanique
From what was to me a gift of friendship day: a book makes some of Rosa Luxemburg's prison letters written by her friends Sonia Liebknecht and Mathilde Wurm between July 1916 and October 1918. And all the jingles who composed this period: songs of birds, plants, colors and sounds passages. Those for events in the events of the being-locked. As for the outside: October, World War Revolution, The emigrant and Chaplin The Adventurer, The affliction flowers and Klee's zoological garden. Appearances / disappearances, present stories, their intertwined. Destinies.
Hic rosa, partition botanique
From what was to me a gift of friendship day: a book makes some of Rosa Luxemburg's prison letters written by her friends Sonia Liebknecht and Mathilde Wurm between July 1916 and October 1918. And all the jingles who composed this period: songs of birds, plants, colors and sounds passages. Those for events in the events of the being-locked. As for the outside: October, World War Revolution, The emigrant and Chaplin The Adventurer, The affliction flowers and Klee's zoological garden. Appearances / disappearances, present stories, their intertwined. Destinies.
Hélas pour moi

Hélas pour moi

Sep 08, 1993
From what was to me a gift of friendship day: a book makes some of Rosa Luxemburg's prison letters written by her friends Sonia Liebknecht and Mathilde Wurm between July 1916 and October 1918. And all the jingles who composed this period: songs of birds, plants, colors and sounds passages. Those for events in the events of the being-locked. As for the outside: October, World War Revolution, The emigrant and Chaplin The Adventurer, The affliction flowers and Klee's zoological garden. Appearances / disappearances, present stories, their intertwined. Destinies.
Maurice Pialat : l'amour existe
From what was to me a gift of friendship day: a book makes some of Rosa Luxemburg's prison letters written by her friends Sonia Liebknecht and Mathilde Wurm between July 1916 and October 1918. And all the jingles who composed this period: songs of birds, plants, colors and sounds passages. Those for events in the events of the being-locked. As for the outside: October, World War Revolution, The emigrant and Chaplin The Adventurer, The affliction flowers and Klee's zoological garden. Appearances / disappearances, present stories, their intertwined. Destinies.
Le bruit du temps, Messaoud
1986, a young boy tells you about Bougie, his city of birth, and asks you to go there because he know he will never go back. It is in Algeria, in Kabylie. 2011, you are invited there and you go as a silent promise.
Le bruit du temps, Messaoud
1986, a young boy tells you about Bougie, his city of birth, and asks you to go there because he know he will never go back. It is in Algeria, in Kabylie. 2011, you are invited there and you go as a silent promise.
Face au vent, partition buissonnière
There is no denying that autobiographical intentions and introspection have their pitfalls. But a man's voice off screen sets the tone from the start: "There is no such thing as a private diary. The very expression is nonsensical." No chance then to see outpourings, confessions or explanations.
Ostinato, Al-Ándalus

Ostinato, Al-Ándalus

Jul 17, 2017
Sometimes the Mediterranean cries as it dances, sometimes it gives birth and drowns. Cradles, tombs, it is ours, from the sigh of the Moor in Granada to the insurrections of Montfermeil in Seine-Saint-Denis, from the destiny of Palestine to the mountains of Kabylie. Perhaps the time has come to speak of this sea in order to glimpse what we will do when the war is over.
Ostinato, Al-Ándalus

Ostinato, Al-Ándalus

Jul 17, 2017
Sometimes the Mediterranean cries as it dances, sometimes it gives birth and drowns. Cradles, tombs, it is ours, from the sigh of the Moor in Granada to the insurrections of Montfermeil in Seine-Saint-Denis, from the destiny of Palestine to the mountains of Kabylie. Perhaps the time has come to speak of this sea in order to glimpse what we will do when the war is over.