Bank director Hardner, a cunning businessman who hides his unscrupulousness behind a mask of friendliness, tries to destroy a family. This film is considered lost.
Film star Ruth Breton has a habit of falling in love. When dating Walter she meets Von Zornhorst. When Zornhorst discards her, she pines away. As a last token of his love for Ruth, Walter writes a play for her, but during the final act of "Pierrot's Death", Ruth expires.
Hanna is a lush and her artist friend abandons her only to reacquaint himself with when she is down and out. His motive is to paint her as a washed up women. When she realizes his intentions she ruins his painting and him.
Bella is married to engineer Burk who meets with an accident. To provide an income she starts as a performer, but happen to meet an infatuated, intriguing composer. On the brink of marital ruin, she kills the composer.
Comedy about the lieutenant who marries poor Jesta. As a wealthy neighbor wants his own daughter to wed the officer, Jesta has to disguise herself as a man to woo her rival. She is revealed but finally gets her lieutenant.