Michael Ruppert

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Liberty Bound

Liberty Bound

Aug 05, 2004
Liberty Bound takes an entertaining look at America's ongoing struggle to keep a comfortable balance between democracy, capitalism, and fascism. This is a film about historic events that shape history. It is a film about courage and fear; ignorance and knowledge; propaganda and rhetoric. Through original footage, archived footage, and interviews with people such as Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, and Michael Ruppert, Liberty Bound explores the state of the union and its ostensible move toward fascism. We talk with people who have been interrogated by the Secret Service and threatened with arrest for doing such benign things as sending an email, turning around during a Bush speech, and having a philosophical discussion on a train.


Sep 12, 2009
Collapse retrace le parcours de Michael Ruppert, un officier de police devenu journaliste indépendant. Il avait prédit la crise financière actuelle dans sa newsletter, From the Wilderness.
Escape from Suburbia: Beyond the American Dream
After condemning America's oil dependency in his 2004 documentary The End of Suburbia, filmmaker Gregory Greene here addresses the solutions that will avert catastrophe, outlining the issues actively moving the energy crisis from theory to reality. Spurred to action by the realities of peak oil, Greene focuses his camera on individuals across the country brave enough to challenge and instigate their communities into serious change.
The Truth and Lies of 9-11
In the wake of the September 11th attacks, Mike Ruppert was among the first to be publicly critical of a number of transparent flaws in the official story presented by the US government. Mike is a former LAPD narcotics investigator who discoverd CIA trafficking drugs in 1977. After attempting to expose to corruption, he was forced out of LAPD while earning the highest rating reports possible and having no disciplinary actions. Mike has been shot at by people who have tried to keep him from bringing his findings to light. In more than 80 stories since 9-11,
The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror
Examines the link between oil interests and current U.S. military interventions. It includes original footage shot over a four-month period in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as many interviews with a large array of personalities including Bush administration officials.
Denial Stops Here

Denial Stops Here

Dec 10, 2008
Michael Ruppert discusses the theory of Peak Oil and how Peak Oil influenced 9-11, a potential conspiracy. Michael Ruppert is the founder, Publisher, and Editor of From The Wilderness, or FTW, a newsletter he created in March of 1998 by mailing out 68 copies to friends and researchers. Today, FTW is read by more than 22,000 subscribers in 50 countries, including 45 members of the US Congress, the intelligence committees of both houses, and professors at over 40 universities around the world.
Apocalypse, Man

Apocalypse, Man

Jan 14, 2014
Most people were first exposed to Michael C. Ruppert through the 2009 documentary, Collapse, directed by Chris Smith. Apocalypse, Man is an intimate portrait of a man convinced of the imminent collapse of the world, but with answers to how the human spirit can survive the impending apocalypse.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Moving Forward (Aller de l’avant), est un film documentaire en faveur d'une transition qui déboucherait sur un nouveau paradigme social durable appelé "Modèle Économique Basé sur les Ressources" quis'inscrit dans le respect des lois immuables de la nature. Apparaissent dans ce film des experts dans les domaines de la santé publique, de l'anthropologie, de la neurobiologie, de l’économie, de l’énergie, de la technologie, des sciences humaines et autres domaines ayant trait au fonctionnement socio-culturel. Ses trois thèmes centraux sont le comportement humain, l’économie monétaire et les sciences appliquées. Dans son ensemble, cette œuvre engagée constitue un modèle de compréhension du paradigme social actuel et explique pourquoi il est impératif d’en sortir. La nouvelle approche sociale radicale, mais néanmoins pratique, qu'elle propose, est fondée sur des connaissances avancées qui permettraient de résoudre les problèmes sociaux auxquels le monde est aujourd’hui confronté.
Escape from Suburbia: Beyond the American Dream
After condemning America's oil dependency in his 2004 documentary The End of Suburbia, filmmaker Gregory Greene here addresses the solutions that will avert catastrophe, outlining the issues actively moving the energy crisis from theory to reality. Spurred to action by the realities of peak oil, Greene focuses his camera on individuals across the country brave enough to challenge and instigate their communities into serious change.