In 1970, Mikey and William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can wear the mask.
Pour fêter son dix-septième anniversaire, Mari, accompagnée d'une amie, décide de se procurer de la marijuana. Lorsqu'un jeune marginal, Junior, se propose de leur en procurer, elles acceptent, ne se doutant pas que le dealer fait partie d'une bande de sadiques meurtriers emmenés par le terrifiant Krug. Leur calvaire va bientôt commencer.
David Coleman spends his whole life looking to fit in. He is constantly bullied and screwed over by his so called friends. He finally has the family he had always wanted when his foster mom dies of Cancer. Now his life is nothing but hell. Thinking his bi-polar medication isn't helping him at all he quits taking them against the orders of his psychiatrist. When he accidentally kills one of his bullies he feels a bit of satisfaction that leads to a meticulous serial killer in the making.
A small town is rocked when a local man goes on a rampage in a movie theater, killing dozens as well as himself. Now, a year later, young filmmaker Pierce Lyndale adds salt to the wound when he makes the tragic decision to base a film off of this event and show it on the town's public access channel. As he attempts to throw a premiere party for himself, his friends ditch him, his community shuns him, and he finds out that not everyone wants to be in a movie.
How Bugs Bunny Won the West is a Looney Tunes special that was released in 1978. This special was narrated by Denver Pyle. The special is available as a bonus feature on The Essential Bugs Bunny DVD set. It had a running time of 30 min.
Sep 24, 1984
1984 min272 vues
Cette série brosse un portrait idéalisé de l'Amérique des années 1950 et du début des années 1960. Elle met en scène la vie de l'étudiant, un peu coincé, Richie Cunningham, de sa famille, d'Arthur « Fonzie » Fonzarelli, jeune loubard au cœur tendre et de leurs amis.
Véritable série culte des années 1970, elle doit son immense succès à la nostalgie d'une époque et à la variété des thèmes abordés comme l'amitié, l'amour, le courage, le sacrifice, la loyauté…
Feb 27, 1987
1987 min182 vues
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.