Katya Wyeth

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Straight On Till Morning
Brenda, une femme timide et renfermée, rencontre Peter, un homme qu'elle croit être enfin l'amour de sa vie. Cependant, Brenda est loin de se douter que Peter est un tueur en série vicieux.
Les sévices de Dracula
Dans l'Europe de l'Est du 19e siècle : Les sœurs Gellhorn sont orphelines et ont été recueillies par leur oncle, puritain membre d'une secte de fanatiques chasseurs de sorcières. Non loin de là, vit le comte Karnstein, dépravé et adorateur du diable. L'une des sœurs, Maria, est scandalisée par l'aristocrate alors que l'autre, Frieda, éprouve une certaine fascination pour le libertin.
Let's Sleep On it

Let's Sleep On it

Jan 01, 1976
A BAFTA award nominated feature telling the story of the making of a sales film about beds.
Orange Mécanique

Orange Mécanique

Dec 19, 1971
Au XXIe siècle, où règnent la violence et le sexe, Alex, jeune chef de bande, exerce avec sadisme une terreur aveugle. Après son emprisonnement, des psychanalystes l'emploient comme cobaye dans des expériences destinées à juguler la criminalité…
Science Fiction
Got It Made

Got It Made

Dec 12, 1974
Drama set in Norfolk, England. An aristocratic girl whose world falls apart three days before her wedding. She discovers the hideous truths about the people closest to her - and her upbringing and background leave her unable to cope.
L'infaillible inspecteur Clouseau
Notre naïf inspecteur Clouseau s'embarque dans une nouvelle aventure : cette fois, à la demande de Scotland Yard, il doit démanteler un gang de braqueurs de banques rusés : en effet, lors de leurs hold-up, tous portent un masque et pas n'importe lequel : celui de l'inspecteur Clouseau...
Confessions of a Window Cleaner
Young Timmy starts as a window cleaner in the little company of his brother. Soon he learns that some female customers expect additional service. Young and curious as he is, he reluctantly accepts the juicy duty. However his heart belongs to Liz, who demands the highest commitment until she lets him go all the way.
I'm Not Feeling Myself Tonight
Virginal nerd Jon Pigeon, manages to secure a job in a sex research institute where the patients run about the corridors naked, nude aerobics are encouraged and no man is safe from the crotch-grabbing tea lady. In his attempts to seduce pretty office secretary Cheryl, Pigeon invents a machine called Agnes that emits a 'sonic aphrodisiac' guaranteed to turn any man or woman into an slathering sex maniac. Although his attempts to zap Cheryl are singularly unsuccessful, Pigeon gets some interesting results when he accidentally turns the 'sex ray' on his bullying boss Nutbrown and the prudish Mary Watchtower.
Making the Play

Making the Play

Jul 02, 1973
They no longer live together because, after 11 years, the marriage is over. They're both agreed on that. So why is she always turning up to see him at the most embarrassing times? And why doesn't he feel inclined to send her away?
Burke & Hare

Burke & Hare

Feb 03, 1972
Two men go into business supplying medical colleges with cadavers by robbing graves.
Barry McKenzie Holds His Own
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Cette série mythique est une anthologie de sketches, de parodies d'émissions télévisées et de reportages improbables. Elle dénonce les travers de la société britannique et s'attaque avec un humour non-sens au monde politique, au sexe, à la religion, à l'armée, aux fonctionnaires...
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
John Steed, un agent des services secrets britanniques, flanqué d'accortes acolytes nommées Cathy Gale, Emma Peel ou Tara King, combat le crime et résout des mystères souvent mâtinés d'énigmes surnaturelles. Sans se départir de son flegme et ponctuant ses actions de citations tirées de Shakespeare ou Wilde, il affronte des criminels plus flamboyants et mégalomaniaques les uns que les autres...
Action & Adventure