Florian Hoffmeister

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Antonia Bird: From EastEnders to Hollywood
In this new documentary, Susan Kemp explores the life and work of the great British director Antonia Bird, who died in 2013. Bird blazed a trail from the radical hotbed of the Royal Court Theatre in the 70s, via the groundbreaking early days of EastEnders and Casualty in the 80s, all the way to Hollywood in the 90s and back again. She always had something urgent to say, but her career was a long struggle to get her voice heard. Featuring many of her close collaborators, including Robert Carlyle, Irvine Welsh, Kate Hardie and Mark Cousins, this documentary is the first to examine Bird’s legacy, and to place her where she belongs – among the most important British film, TV and theatre directors of her era.
Berlin is in Germany

Berlin is in Germany

Nov 01, 2001
When Martin, a former GDR citizen, is released from jail, he lately becomes confronted with the consequences of the German re-unification.
Liegen lernen

Liegen lernen

Jul 02, 2003
18-year-old school boy Helmut falls in love with fellow pupil Britta. He starts working for a Peace movement to get to know Britta. Britta, however, suddenly moves to San Francisco to live with her father and whilst there, finds a new boyfriend. Helmut studies, literature and politics in his home town and have a relationship with another girl from his former school, now studying medicine at the same university but they break up after having an affair with her roommate. Helmut begins a lot of short affairs with different women but still searches for his first girl.
Paul Is Dead

Paul Is Dead

Jan 27, 2000
A youth discovers Paul McCartney died and the public had never been informed of this fact.


Sep 23, 2022


Aug 13, 2020
While reporting on the election of the Pope in Rome, the completely atheistic journalist Gregory falls in love with Maria of all people, who is about to become a nun and is therefore actually promised to God. Gregory faces an accumulation of mysterious obstacles as he tries to get closer to Maria. He has to find out that he is dealing with a supernatural competitor. However, Gregory is determined to take up the fight against the big enemy.


Nov 30, 2009
At the age of forty Dame Margot Fonteyn is considered to be past her best as a prima ballerina and Ninette de Valois is reducing her roles at the Royal Ballet. Then the exciting young Russian dancer Rudolf Nureyev, a recent defector to the West, comes into her life and her bed and revitalizes her career. Frederick Aashton creates a new ballet for them and they become the golden couple of the ballet world. However, Margot is married to Roberto 'Tito' Arias, a Panamanian politician of dubious repute who is not sympathetic to her calling and is probably faithless. When he is shot and paralyzed for life Margot must carry on dancing well into her sixties in order to pay for his costly treatment though she still collaborates with Rudolf in the occasional ballet.
The Roses

The Roses

Jan 01, 1970
Ivy and Theo, the picture-perfect couple who have successful careers, great kids, and an enviable sex life. But underneath the façade of the perfect family is a tinderbox of competition and resentments that’s ignited when Theo’s professional dreams come crashing down. 


Mar 14, 1997


Cracker: Nine Eleven

Cracker: Nine Eleven

Oct 30, 2006
After living in Australia for the past decade, Fitz and Judith return to Manchester in 2004 for their daughter Katie's wedding. Drinking too much at the reception, Fitz stumbles through a rambling toast, which only embarrasses the bride. Instead of spending time with his grandson, son of his married son Mark, Fitz opts to join in the investigation of a serial killer who has an apparent dislike of Americans in the wake of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq.
A Number

A Number

Sep 10, 2008
A fictionalized account of the September 11 hijackers.
Science Fiction

Dec 29, 2024

Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.

Nov 17, 2009

Lorsqu'un agent secret britannique démissionne, il est enlevé par un mystérieux groupe, et retenu prisonnier dans "le Village", un endroit d'où on ne peut sortir, et où on a pour seul nom un numéro. N° 6 n'a que deux solutions pour quitter "le Village" : avouer le motif de sa démission, ou trouver un moyen de s'échapper...

Dec 29, 2011

Modeste villageois, Pip semble voué à une existence sans fortune. Quand la promesse d'un avenir plus radieux se fait jour, il se met à rêver d'une vie dorée susceptible de l'aider à conquérir l'élue de son cœur. Orphelin, le jeune Pip a été recueilli par sa soeur aînée, une matrone au coeur dur, acariâtre et bougonne, qui rudoie sans cesse son entourage, et le mari forgeron de celle-ci, Joe, un homme aimant et généreux, qui tente de le protéger des accès de mauvaise humeur de sa redoutable moitié. Pip grandit dans l'espoir de succéder un jour à son beau-père et de reprendre bravement la forge du village. Mais, un jour de Noël, une terrifiante rencontre avec un bagnard évadé et une invitation mystérieuse chez une dame qui vit hors du monde, miss Havisham, vont changer à jamais la vie sans joie du petit garçon... Grâce à un mystérieux bienfaiteur, Pip découvre la vie de gentleman à Londres. Son goût pour le luxe lui vaut bientôt d'accumuler les dettes. De plus en plus amoureux d'Estella, il se fait son chevalier servant dans le monde. Et alors que son 21e anniversaire approche, il attend avec impatience que lui soient révélées l'identité et les intentions de son protecteur... Horrifié par les offres de Magwitch, Pip se précipite à Satis House pour obtenir des explications de miss Havisham. Il y apprend qu'Estella est promise à un autre. De retour à Londres, il découvre que Magwitch risque la pendaison s'il remet les pieds en Angleterre. Il doit l'aider à s'échapper...

Oct 10, 2024

Les espoirs et les rêves de quatre générations d’une famille d’immigrés Coréens, alors qu’ils quittent leur pays et cherchent inlassablement à survivre et s’épanouir. Racontée du point de vue de Sunja, l’histoire est un pont entre la vie de Sunja, qui commence dans la Corée du Sud du début du XXème siècle, et celle de Solomon, son petit fils, dans les années 1980.

Feb 18, 2024

Série d'anthologie dans laquelle les enquêtes policières mettent au jour les secrets personnels et professionnels des personnes impliquées, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de la loi.

Jan 01, 1970

Dans "une ambiance à la True Detective", deux Green Lantern mèneront une enquête sur Terre.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy