Dennis Coard

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The Turning

The Turning

Sep 25, 2013
Seventeen talented Australian directors from diverse artistic disciplines each create a chapter of the hauntingly beautiful novel by multi award-winning author Tim Winton. The linking and overlapping stories explore the extraordinary turning points in ordinary people’s lives in a stunning portrait of a small coastal community. As characters face second thoughts and regret, relationships irretrievably alter, resolves are made or broken, and lives change direction forever.
Return Home

Return Home

Aug 02, 1990
A man and his wife are partners in a small business, a service station, that is struggling to survive financially. They are visited by his brother, a divorced middle-aged man, who has taken a break from his stressful career in a big business corporation.


Aug 27, 1998


Une petite fille de huit ans est devenue sourde et muette le jour ou elle a assiste a la mort de son pere, un musicien de rock electrocute pendant un concert. Pourtant, un jour, il devient evident qu'elle n'est pas insensible aux chansons qu'elle entend. Sa mere doit se rendre a l'evidence: la musique est un moyen de communication qui va permettre de la sortir de sa nuit.
Blowing Hot and Cold

Blowing Hot and Cold

Aug 01, 1989
The story of two men from opposite backgrounds and social structures who become friends. Jack Phillips is a laid-back, wry service station proprietor in a small Australian country town. His world is disrupted when a fast talking, gesticulating, vocal Italian, Nino Patrovita bursts upon the scene.
La Victoire à tout prix
Michelle, la plus jeune d'une fraterie de 10 enfants est élevée par son père célibataire. Elle quitte l'école à 15 ans pour devenir jockey. Cependant avec une tragédie familiale et une mauvaise chutte lui ayant presque couté la vie, elle voit son rêve s'évanouir.
The Jammed

The Jammed

Mar 20, 2007
A young Australian woman reluctantly agrees to help a Chinese mother search for her missing daughter and becomes involved in human trafficking and the sex slave trade.


May 03, 2007
Deux crimes atroces ont laissé une ville de banlieue chancelante. La police manque désespérément de témoins, la population locale étant partagée entre peur et méfiance. Un jeune policier, Graham Mc Gahan qui souffre d'un problème auditif chronique est chargé de tenir la caravane de la police stationnée près du la scène du crime. Il se lie avec plusieurs des habitants traumatisés par ces meurtres et apprend à embrasser son rôle de policier et d'homme.


Aug 28, 2014
Pour sa dernière mission d’Agent Temporel, ce voyageur dans le temps doit capturer le seul criminel qui lui a toujours échappé.
Science Fiction
Strange Creatures

Strange Creatures

Aug 29, 2024
Pansexual Nate hasn't spoken a word to his heterosexual brother Ged in over four years after an argument involving sexual drama. But when their mother dies, the brothers must put aside their differences to fulfill their mother's last wish: to have her ashes scattered across the country. As they traverse half of Australia, the men soon realize that the journey will be anything but smooth. Their intense dislike for each other and a series of unfortunate events threaten to keep them from reaching their goal.
San Andreas

San Andreas

May 27, 2015
Lorsque la tristement célèbre Faille de San Andreas finit par s'ouvrir, et par provoquer un séisme de magnitude 9 en Californie, un pilote d'hélicoptère de secours en montagne et la femme dont il s'est séparé quittent Los Angeles pour San Francisco dans l'espoir de sauver leur fille unique. Alors qu'ils s'engagent dans ce dangereux périple vers le nord de l'État, pensant que le pire est bientôt derrière eux, ils ne tardent pas à comprendre que la réalité est bien plus effroyable encore…
Menzies and Churchill at War
The true story of the dark days of 1941 when Menzies battled with Winston Churchill over the strategic direction of the Second World War with the fate of Australia hanging in the balance.
Five Bedrooms

Five Bedrooms

Jun 18, 2023
Five different people at different times of their lives bond at a wedding after being seated together at the singles table. After a few too many drinks, the solution to all of their problems seems to be buying a five-bedroom house together.


Sep 22, 2021
Daniel et Emma, deux amis proches, retournent dans leur Tasmanie natale pour prêter main forte au business de la famille de Daniel.
The Doctor Blake Mysteries
Le Dr Lucien Blake a quitté Ballarat dans sa jeunesse. Mais maintenant, il se retrouve à reprendre non seulement la pratique médicale de son père décédé, mais aussi son rôle de garde en tant que chirurgien de la police de la ville, seulement pour découvrir que le changement est en cours, que rien n'est sacré et que personne n'est en sécurité.
The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors

Oct 06, 1992
The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.
Very Small Business

Very Small Business

Oct 08, 2008
Don Angel is a small businessman – the backbone of this great country’s economy. But if that's true, it's no thanks to him. After numerous unsuccessful ventures, Don's Worldwide Business Group is now hurtling towards liquidation. His debts are mounting, his stomach's killing him, his wife has left him and he's just hired Ray Leonard as his sole employee. It's a marriage made in heaven – at least until the Tax Office gets there.


Apr 11, 2012
Woodley is the chaotic and accident prone, yet devoted father of seven-year-old Ollie. Recently divorced, his ex-wife Em couldn’t live amongst the chaos but Woodley secretly hopes that one day he’ll win her back and they’ll be a family again. But with Em’s new boyfriend Greg on the scene, it’s not going to be easy.
Nowhere Boys : entre deux mondes
Lors d'une sortie découverte avec le lycée, quatre lycéens se perdent en forêt et passent la nuit dans les bois. Lorsqu'ils rentrent enfin chez eux, le lendemain, leur famille ne les reconnaît plus. Que s'est-il passé dans cette forêt, cette nuit-là ? Entre incompréhension et stupeur, les quatre adolescents décident de mener leur propre enquête.
Action & Adventure
Miss Fisher enquête

Miss Fisher enquête

Jun 26, 2015
Dans les années 1920, Phryne Fisher s'improvise enquêtrice pour palier à l'injustice qu'elle a subi après la disparition de sa petite soeur. La jeune femme infiltre cabarets et clubs de jazz de Melbourne armée d'un pistolet mais peut également compter sur Dot, sa femme de chambre, son chauffeur Bert ainsi que son majordome Butler.
City Homicide : L'Enfer du crime
Cette série suit les jeunes inspecteurs criminels Simon Joyner, Duncan Freeman, Jennifer Mapplethorpe et Matt Ryan dans leur relation à leur travail et leur vie personnelle et professionnelle. Avec l'aide du superintendant Bernice Waverley et du sergent Stanley Wolfe, ils essayent de résoudre les homicides les plus brutaux de la ville de Melbourne.