Gertrude Musgrove

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A Window in London

A Window in London

Jun 15, 1940
A man witnesses a murder that isn't a murder, only to get involved with the magician and his wife who created the illusion. The insanely jealous magician husband eventually kills his wife, making for complications in life of unhappily married man who is now involved more than he ever thought he would be.
Le divorce de Lady X

Le divorce de Lady X

Jan 15, 1938
En raison d’un fort brouillard sur Londres, Everard Logan, jeune avocat spécialisé dans les affaires de divorce, est contraint de se réfugier dans une suite du luxueux Royal Park hotel. Leslie Steele, jeune femme célibataire et respectable, qui participe dans le même hôtel à un bal costumé, cherche désespérément un lit où passer la nuit. Elle va user d’astuces pour partager la suite du jeune homme. Le lendemain, elle disparaît en laissant au jeune avocat le message : « Au revoir, lady X ». Par une suite de quiproquos, Everard Logan va croire que Leslie est l'épouse de Lord Mere...
Break the News

Break the News

Jan 02, 1938
Two small-time song-and-dance men come up with what they believe is a surefire publicity stunt, guaranteed to keep their names in the public eye--one of them will "disappear" in what looks like a murder, and the other will be convicted of the crime. Then the "dead man" will suddenly show up at his partner's murder trial. Unfortunately, things don't quite go as planned. For one thing, no one seems to much care that the "dead man" is missing, and for another thing he's mistaken for the leader of a Balkan revolutionary group and is kidnapped by the other side.
Armes secrètes

Armes secrètes

Feb 21, 1939
Quand des prototypes d'avions de guerre disparaissent mystérieusement, Scotland Yard envoie le Major Hammond mener l'enquête. Il peut compter sur le soutien du meilleur pilote de la base : Tony McVane (Laurence Olivier) et de la journaliste infiltrée Kay (Valerie Hobson). Le mystère est toujours entier quand l'aviateur est envoyé à son tour en mission d'essai, qui tourne à la catastrophe lorsque son appareil est descendu par un navire en plein océan Atlantique. Mais cette attaque donnera peut-être la clef de l'énigme.
Farewell Again

Farewell Again

Jan 05, 1937
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
Blind Folly

Blind Folly

Nov 10, 1939
A man inherits a nightclub that belonged to his brother but soon discovers that it is the headquarters for a dangerous criminal gang.
All Hands

All Hands

May 31, 1940
From a series of propaganda films made to raise awareness of the risks of idle gossip providing vital information to enemy spies and collaborators. This Ealing Studios production features well-known 1940s actor John Mills, playing a sailor whose girlfriend thoughtlessly blunders away vital wartime secrets. The consequences prove disastrous when his boat next leaves to cross the English Channel.
You Will Remember

You Will Remember

Feb 08, 1941
Biography of popular English composer Leslie Stuart (Robert Morley), who rose to fame through performances of his songs by the tenor Ellaline Terriss (Dorothy Hyson). The peak of Stuart's success in the early 1900s is followed by poverty and obscurity with the arriving Jazz Age. In debtor's prison, Stuart is rescued by friends from happier times, and achieves a comeback in British music halls shortly before his death.
Le Mouron rouge

Le Mouron rouge

Dec 20, 1934
En France, sous la Terreur, des membres de l'aristocratie sont sauvés de la guillotine par les coups de main audacieux d'un individu qui se fait appeler le Mouron rouge. Agissant sous divers déguisements, il leur permet de trouver refuge sur le sol anglais. Exaspéré, Robespierre confie à l'ambassadeur Chauvelin la tâche primordiale de le démasquer. Celui-ci fait pression sur madame Blakeney, une connaissance française, mariée à un intime du Prince de Galles, afin qu'elle obtienne les renseignements décisifs...


Nov 06, 1936
Le film, comme le titre l'indique, est une biographie du peintre hollandais du XVIIe siècle, qualifié de « plus grand peintre de tous les temps » dans le texte qui défile à l'écran en guise de préambule.