Guia Jelo

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Raul - Diritto di uccidere
In a fascist Rome anxiously awaiting Hitler's visit, Raul is a young man not aligned with the regime and beset by debts. In May 1938, Raul kills an old usurer and her sister: not out of necessity, but to investigate the concept of the "right to kill" ... who can motivate it and assume the right?
Un mondo d'amore

Un mondo d'amore

Jun 05, 2003
The film deals with the true events which happened in 1949 in Italy, when then-schoolteacher Pier Paolo Pasolini was accused of soliciting three underage boys.
Il delitto Mattarella

Il delitto Mattarella

Jul 02, 2020
January 6, 1980. President of the Sicily Piersanti Mattarella is going to Mass with his family when a young man approaches his car and shoots him in cold blood, killing him. The young Deputy Prosecutor on duty that day is Pietro Grasso, future General Anti-Mafia Prosecutor and President of the Italian Senate. His investigations are continued by Giovanni Falcone, who uncovers dangerous connections between the Mafia, the ruling Christian Democratic Party, neo-fascist terrorists, and secret services.
La Sorcière de Noël 2 : Les origines
Au XVIIIe siècle, Paola est une jeune délinquante. Elle se retrouve - par hasard - à contrecarrer les plans du terrible baron De Michelis qui nourrit une soif de pouvoir sans limite associée à une haine incommensurable des sorcières. La douce mais incroyablement puissante Dolores - une bonne sorcière qui consacre sa vie aux enfants - intervient et sauve Paola du bûcher.
Le jour du chien

Le jour du chien

Feb 23, 1996
En Italie l'usure représente un chiffre d'affaires de douze mille milliard de lires. 800.000 personnes la pratiquent, 65% des commerçants la subissent. "Le Jour du chien" raconte l'histoire d'un usurier, Sergio, qui fait son travail implacablement jusqu'au jour ou il rencontre un ancien ami, homme d'affaires en difficulté. Les spéculations de son beau-père ont amené l'entreprise a la faillite. Sergio décide le l'aider, a sa façon.


Sep 20, 2023
Dépressif et désorienté, Mark, cinéaste, tente, à travers un projet de film en Sicile, de faire renaître l'histoire d'amour et la femme qu'il a perdue dans un accident. Son assistante, une journaliste chinoise, une touriste allumeuse prennent tour à tour, dans son imaginaire, la place de la disparue.


Jul 08, 2011
Dopo la morte del padre, Bruno, medico milanese, prende possesso di una vecchia villa immersa nella natura selvaggia degli Appennini. Non sarà un’eredità facile. La conoscenza dei vicini lo farà precipitare in una spirale di sospetti che cambieranno per sempre la sua esistenza...
Stare fuori

Stare fuori

Dec 12, 2008
Giulio, a young man from Sicily, arrives in Rome to trace back Aurora, his ex-girlfriend whom he cannot forget. He stays with a couple of family friends, Rosalia and Eugenio, who have lost their only son, Nello, of the same age as Giulio. The presence of Giulio in their house forces Rosalia and Eugenio to come out of their long period of mourning, but at the same time Giulio, realizing that he will probably never find Aurora, starts sinking into a depressive state fueled by drinks and drugs. Rosalia and Eugenio's efforts to get Giulio out of it are in vain and when Giulio finally meets Aurora by accident, things can only get worse.


Nov 03, 2022
Italie 1609. Accusé de meurtre, Le Caravage a fui Rome et s’est réfugié à Naples. Soutenu par la puissante famille Colonna, Le Caravage tente d’obtenir la grâce de l’Église pour revenir à Rome. Le Pape décide alors de faire mener par un inquisiteur, l’Ombre, une enquête sur le peintre dont l’art est jugé subversif et contraire à la morale de l’Église.


Jan 25, 2002
Maria, a 7-year-old girl who lives on the island of Ustica, has forgotten her mothers birthday, and only remembers it when she sees her brothers presenting her with two bunches of wild flowers. To make amends, she immediately sets off to buy some irises she had spotted in the market down at the port that morning. Luckily the flower seller still has some left, but Maria only has enough money for one Iris.
L'educazione sentimentale di Eugénie
The clever and passionate Madame De Saint-Ange has taken into consideration the education of the young and illiterate Eugenie and at the same time wants to seduce Marquis Dolmance, a famous homosexual philosopher. In two days, with the help of her brother, the Cavalier de Mirvel and the young servant Augustin, Madame will bring the company to completion with more or less mischievous geniuses, put in place through a combination of sensuality, eroticism and feeling.
Se sarà luce sarà bellissimo - Moro: Un'altra storia
The film is the result of a planned trilogy about the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades first announced by director Grimaldi in 2003: shot in the UK on a low budget, the project was never completed because of lack of funding and other issues, and the existing footage from the first two planned installments was condensed into a single movie and released on DVD in 2009.
La vie volée

La vie volée

Mar 10, 2008
Ce téléfilm a été diffusé pour la première fois sur Rai Uno le 10 mars 2008. Le sujet est lié au meurtre par la mafia de Graziella Campagna, une jeune fille de 17 ans employée dans une blanchisserie, tuée en 1985 parce qu’elle avait découvert que la blanchisserie n’était en fait qu’une couverture pour des activités criminelles. Les enquêtes menées malgré les nombreux obstacles de son frère Pietro Campagna ont conduit en 2004 à la condamnation des assassins de sa sœur et au démantèlement de l’organisation mafieuse.[ Ce film devait être diffusé le mardi 27 novembre 2007, mais le ministre de la Justice de l’époque, Clemente Mastella, a bloqué la diffusion en raison de la condamnation en appel des tueurs à gages pour le 13 décembre 2007.
Mon nom est Thomas

Mon nom est Thomas

Apr 19, 2018
Thomas part d'Italie pour rejoindre le désert dans la région d'Almeria où il peut méditer sur les pages d'un livre qu'il aime d'une manière particulière. Peu de temps après le départ de sa Harley Davidson, il aide une fille, Lucia, à échapper à deux types indésirables auxquels elle a volé de l'argent.


Jan 10, 1997
During a summer weekend in the island of Panarea, a series of stories of love between the vacationers are intertwined.
La sposa era bellissima
The teenage boy, Giuseppe, lives with his mother in Cammarata, a Sicilian mountain village. His father left the family years ago, and has since then settled down as a guest worker in West-Germany and established a family. Under local moral rules, Maria is a so-called "white widow", who must stay faithful to her husband even if he never returns to her again. Maria and the newly arrived young doctor fall in love with each other. Their happiness is frowned upon not only by Giuseppe, but the entire village as well as the distant husband.
Bello di mamma

Bello di mamma

Jan 15, 1981
Domenico, known as Mimì, must prove to his parents that he is not impotent and homosexual, only this way will he be able to unlock himself and receive the rich family heritage.
E adesso sesso

E adesso sesso

Mar 02, 2001
Eight episodes vaguely inspired to real events. The "fil rouge" is the relationship between the Italians and sex in the first years of 2000s. From prostitution to virtual sex all the categories are represented in a funny way that anyway tries to investigate this kind of reality.


Apr 15, 1993
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
Le buttane

Le buttane

Aug 01, 1994
Orlanda, Liuccia, Milù, Blu Blu and Veronica are five women in Palermo, Sicily, each different from the other. But, along with transvestite Kim and young man Maurizio, they all share something: they're "buttane", hookers, who spend the day between the streets and home; some got children, some got problems with the pimps, some with the clients...


Nov 10, 1978
Two friends grow up together in the Sicily of the '50s. Two different destiny, two different way of life. Could their friendship survive to the mafia shadow?
Les Destins du cœur

Les Destins du cœur

Oct 08, 2010
Cette série pleine d’imprévus est centrée autour de plusieurs personnages travaillant pour la clinique Life de Rome, dont celui de Giovanna Medici (Paola Pitagora), directrice de l'établissement, ou celui de Tilly Nardi (Delia Boccardo). D'autres personnages apparaissent au fil des saisons comme celui de Barbara Nardi (Agnese Nano), dans les deux premières, une jeune femme qui pratique la chirurgie esthétique et reconstructive, qui tente de réussir une carrière médicale sans renoncer à sa vie amoureuse et à sa famille, ou celui de l'avocat de la clinique, Michele Massa, interprété par Giorgio Borghetti (it), dans les saisons suivantes. L’histoire, sur le ton léger d'un feuilleton dans de superbes décors, et sans pesanteur condescendante, aborde de nombreux sujets tels que les ravages de la toxicomanie.
La Mafia

La Mafia

Jan 17, 2001
Dans ce feuilleton, on suit d'abord le commissaire Corrado Cattani qui commence une lutte contre la mafia, puis on suit le commissaire Davide Licata. C'est le juge Conti qui termine l'histoire.
Un sacré détective

Un sacré détective

Jun 02, 2022
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.
I Cesaroni

I Cesaroni

Nov 19, 2014
I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series "Los Serrano". In Italy, the series is now in its fifth season and has been renewed for a sixth season.
Pupetta - Il Coraggio e la passione
Pupetta, encore une jeune fille, est témoin du meurtre d'un marchand de légumes aux mains de la Camorra. Cela devient la cause de ses maux, ce qui pousse Pupetta à se battre contre Don Vitiello, un patron qui décide de l'enfermer dans un pensionnat pour femmes semblable à une prison pour lui fermer la gueule.