Carol Gillies

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From a Far Country

From a Far Country

Sep 15, 1981
This heroic story follows the life of Karol Wojtyla, a Polish Roman catholic who ascends the throne of St. Peter as Pope John Paul II. As a young boy, Karol is a bright and talented student. Archbishop Sapieha recognizes the very special, moving qualities Karol possesses and encourages him to consider the priesthood. Although determined to study Polish literature, Karol turns to the church; he is ordained and studies in Italy, France, and Belgium. Torn by fear and repression in post-Stalin Eastern Europe, Karol becomes a poisonous thorn in the communists' side. His deer reverence and commitment return him to Poland as Pope John Paul II.
Baby Boom

Baby Boom

Oct 07, 1987
J.C. Wyatt est une femme moderne et dynamique, dont la vie professionnelle est pleine de succès. Jusqu'au jour où elle hérite d'un… bébé. Entre couches et petits pots, sa vie va être sérieusement chamboulée, à commencer par un avancement qui lui passe sous le nez. Mais J.C. a plus d'une corde à son arc : son bébé sur les bras, elle va prouver au monde que la vie professionnelle et la vie privée sont deux univers impitoyables qui ne lui font pas peur.


May 12, 1983
An enjoyable story of a 13-year-old girl, Louise, who lives alone with her widowed mother. Louise is sent off to a boarding school, but not before she discovers some secret documents kept hidden by her father. A curious look reveals that her father was a member of the secret order of Freemasons. When she finally gets to school, she tries to explain to her friends what the Freemasons are. Later, Louise's mother discovers a box of condoms in her daughter's room and wrongly presumes that the girl is sexually active.


Sep 24, 1982
Deux filles s'échappent d'une maison de correction et se retrouvent ensemble dans une autre. Mais Annetta soupçonne Carol d'être la cause de son nouvel enfermement et entreprend de se venger.


Nov 01, 1986
England, mid-1980s: Bill embarks on a dream-like odyssey around rural England, breaking into country houses, taking photos of anything that interests him, until he meets a mysterious woman in a van, who seems to be on the run from the authorities.


Nov 07, 1986
Canton 1839: Dirk Struan, vieux pirate, s'est converti à une profession toute aussi dangereuse mais plus lucrative: la contrebande d'opium. Il est Tai-Pan, le chef suprême de la Noble Maison, la plus puissante société commerciale d'Extrême-Orient. Mais la Chine réprime sévèrement le trafic de drogue. Dirk Struan s'établit alors à Hong-Kong où quelques années plus tard arrive son plus puissant ennemi, le capitaine Brock qui s'est jure de lui ravir son titre.
Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

Jan 01, 1982
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.


Mar 16, 1990
Campion is a television show made by the BBC, adapting the Albert Campion mystery novels written by Margery Allingham. Two series were made, in 1989 and 1990, starring Peter Davison as Campion, Brian Glover as his manservant Magersfontein Lugg and Andrew Burt as his policeman friend Stanislaus Oates. A total of eight novels were adapted, four in each series, each of which was originally broadcast as two separate hour-long episodes. Peter Davison sang the title music for the first series himself; in the second series, it was replaced with an instrumental version.
Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

Dec 18, 1983
Après une enfance triste au pensionnat de Lowood, la jeune orpheline Jane Eyre est engagée à sa majorité comme gouvernante de la petite Adèle chez le riche Mr Rochester. Edward Rochester, homme ombrageux errant dans son immense demeure, ne tarde pas à être sensible aux charmes de Jane qui, à son tour, se sent attirée par ce personnage énigmatique. C'est bientôt une folle passion, jusqu'au moment où un lourd secret empêche ce mariage...


May 08, 1985
Three armed robbers--Harry Rawlins, Terry Miller, and Joe Pirelli--die when the security van that they are robbing catches fire in the Kingsway Tunnel in London. Their widows--Dolly Rawlins, Shirley Miller, and Linda Pirelli--find their husbands' plans for the robbery and decide to stage it themselves.