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Esperando a Dalí

Esperando a Dalí

Jun 15, 2023
Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the birth of a new culinary genius.
23-F: la película

23-F: la película

Feb 23, 2011
Une reconstitution du coup d'Etat manqué du lieutenant-colonel de la Garde civile Antonio Tejero du 23 février 1981 qui visait à instaurer une junte militaire en Espagne à la place du régime constitutionnel mis en place en 1978.
Somos gente honrada

Somos gente honrada

Jun 14, 2013
Suso and Manuel, two-parent family and lifelong friends, met fifty years, they become unemployed. When the situation is no longer tenable, an unusual fact: one day, while fishing, find a package with ten kilos of cocaine.
L'Amour au pied du mur
Elle est une jeune pianiste qui prépare une audition. Lui est un concepteur de jeux qui ne peut travailler que dans le silence le plus complet. Dans leurs appartements mitoyens séparés par un mur épais comme du papier, sauront-ils vivre en harmonie l'un avec l'autre... et plus si affinités ?


Mar 05, 1999
Maria, whose parents live in the country, cannot stand her father's authoritarian ways and moves to the city. She finds a job as a cleaner and tries to survive in a wretched apartment in the shabby part of a big city. She is pregnant, and the fact that her boyfriend has abandoned her does not help matters. When her father goes to the hospital for an operation, her mother comes to stay with her. Her neighbor, an old recluse whose only friend is his dog, begins to come out of his shell and these three lost souls try to give each other the strength to start over.
La puerta abierta

La puerta abierta

Feb 05, 2016
Rosa, is a prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, who thinks she is Sara Montiel and turns her daily life in a hell. Rosa does not know how to be happy. She just can not. But the unexpected arrival of a new member to her particular (and absurd) family will give her a unique opportunity to achieve happiness
En la otra camilla

En la otra camilla

Jan 01, 2008
The quiet day-to-day existence of two kidnappers, Alfonso and Marta, comes to an abrupt end when the elderly businessman they are holding in captivity tries to commit suicide.


Jan 06, 2017
Adrián Doria, homme d'affaires à la réussite insolente, se réveille dans une chambre d'hôtel, fermée de l'intérieur, aux côtés de sa maîtresse… morte. Tout l'accuse. Contre toute attente, il clame son innocence. La prestigieuse avocate Virginia Goodman assure sa défense. À la veille du procès, un mystérieux témoin à charge entre en jeu. Que s'est-il réellement passé dans la chambre d'hôtel ?
Señor, dame paciencia
Gregorio est un banquier très conservateur, fan du Real de Madrid et très grincheux. Lorsque sa femme meurt subitement, il doit respecter son dernier souhait : répandre ses cendres dans le fleuve Guadalquivir. Pour mener à bien cette tâche, Gregorio doit passer un week-end à Sanlucar de Barrameda avec ses enfants, deux filles et un garçon. Le problème est qu'ils seront tous les trois accompagnés de leurs partenaires qui ne le supportent pas.
Le Gardien invisible

Le Gardien invisible

Mar 03, 2017
L'inspectrice Amaïa Salazar dirige une enquête qui la ramène à Élizondo, le village pluvieux du cœur de la Navarre où elle est née et dans lequel elle espérait bien ne jamais remettre les pieds. Déchirée entre la part rationnelle de son métier et les mythes et superstitions locaux, Amaïa doit combattre les démons de son passé pour affronter un tueur en série.
El intercambio

El intercambio

Dec 31, 2017
They are on their way and Eva is still insecure. Her deep love and devotion for Jaime has led her to accept a special offer: swinging in order to arouse their marriage after fifteen years. Jaime seems doubly confident: a curvy 19-year-old Brazilian is waiting for him, while Eva has to resign herself to an uninspiring and unattractive partner. What looked like a night of playing, liberation and revitalization for this husband and wife becomes a mess inside four walls when Jaime discovers that their partners for the evening are not who they said they were.


Nov 01, 2007
Martes de Carnaval

Martes de Carnaval

Jan 05, 2008
Mr.Manolito and Mr.Estrafalario– characters of Valle-Inclán’s plays– spend the last days of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship chasing the plays written by their admired Valle-Inclán whose works are banned by a Government Law. One day, they find a piece of The Daughter of the Captain, a portrait of the crazy soldiers who returned home after losing the Spanish Colonies. In other occasion, they attend one of the limited performances of Valle-Inclán’s:The deceiving Mr. Friolera. They are just longing for the best premiere ever: the Second Spanish Republic, a drama on for a very short time. It was a beautiful dream thought, like the Esperpentos (strange-looking characters) of Valle-Inclán. Movie Soulmates' ratings Register so you can access movie re
Lo nunca visto

Lo nunca visto

Jul 12, 2019
Une histoire amusante d'intégration pleine de musique, de danse et d'humour, qui parle sans préjugés des préjugés...
Gun City

Gun City

Oct 11, 2018
Dans les bas fonds de Barcelone en 1921, la mafia locale sévit et les syndicats commencent à se mobiliser. Une enquête policière est déclenchée à la suite de l'attaque d'un train, pillé par des hommes armés.
Operación Camarón

Operación Camarón

Jun 24, 2021
Geeky-looking Sebas is a surprisingly good classical musician. He’s also a complete unknown in the criminal underworld, and as a new newbie on the police force, that makes him the perfect man for a dangerous mission: to go undercover as a keyboard player for “Los Lolos”, a cheesy flamenco-trap band, who have been hired to play at the wedding of a local mafia boss’ daughter that a major drug trafficker will be attending. Sebas is keen to take on the mission, blissfully unaware that he will turn out to be even cheesier than Lolo, the band’s lead singer, and fall in love with his sister, Luci. Now Sebas will face a tough choice: remain loyal to his new friends or complete his police mission.
La lista de los deseos
Eva and Carmen are two women who meet in the worst place: the doctor’s office, waiting to hear the results of their cancer screenings. So Carmen has an idea: why don’t she and Eva rent an RV with her best pal, Mar, make a list of things they’ve always wanted to do… and do them.
Une offrande à la tempête
L'inspecteur Amaia Salazar confronte les origines de ses cauchemars alors qu'elle dévoile les secrets les plus sombres de la vallée de Baztan. Partie 3 de la trilogie Baztan.
De chair et d'os

De chair et d'os

Dec 05, 2019
Un an après les événements du "Gardien invisible" où l’inspectrice Amaia Salazar avait réussi à résoudre la vague de crimes qui terrorisait la vallée de Baztán, nous la retrouvons enceinte de plusieurs mois et bien décidée à laisser derrière elle ce qu’elle a vécu à Elizondo. Sa vie sera cependant à nouveau bouleversée par le suicide de plusieurs prisonniers qui ont tous laissé le mot Tartallo avant de mourir. Quatre mois après son accouchement elle va reprendre du service pour enquêter sur la profanation d’une petite église. Un mystère qui va faire resurgir les dangers dont la policière pensait ne plus avoir à faire face.
Hombre muerto no sabe vivir
Tano works for Manuel, a businessman who’s made his fortune in the construction sector and who has a tight network of friends in local government who help him carry out his business safely, in exchange for making sure that the drugs enter and leave the city without causing any violence or making any noise. Tano knows that the golden era is long gone. Now, he’s 54 and struggling to make ends meet. His mission is to keep the drug-trafficking business from Morocco under control and to make sure the money keeps flowing, but someone has brought some samples of a new drug into the city and its effects are devastating, causing the local junkies to go completely crazy. Angel, Manuel’s son and heir to his business empire, is convinced that if they start dealing this new drug, they could go back to making the millions they were before the economic crash.
Pídeme lo que quieras
After his father's death, Eric Zimmerman travels to Spain to oversee his company's branches. In Madrid, he falls for Judith and engage in an intense, erotic relationship full of exploration. However, Eric fears his secret may end their affair.
30 Coins

30 Coins

Dec 11, 2023
Le père Vergara est un exorciste. Il est envoyé par l'Église dans une ville reculée d'Espagne. Bientôt, Paco, le maire naïf du village et Elena, la vétérinaire, souhaitent lever le voile sur le passé du religieux. Ils vont se retrouver au sein d'une conspiration mondiale touchant le Vatican.
Tú también lo harías
After an armed robbery on a bus near Barcelona results in the deaths of three robbers, detectives and former lovers are on a mission to uncover the truth behind the six witnesses' inconsistent timelines before time runs out.
Con el culo al aire

Con el culo al aire

Jul 16, 2014
A white-collar crook, an itinerant carnival vendor and other colorful characters keep on chugging through life while residing in a campground. They are down on their luck. They live in a campground. But these eccentrics still embrace their own joie de vivre.


Jan 25, 2024
Diego de la Vega revient en Californie pour venger le meurtre de son père. Après avoir pris le titre de Zorro, il affronte le gouverneur, le chef malveillant de la communauté chinoise et une société secrète, en plaçant le bien commun au-dessus de tout.
Action & Adventure


Mar 26, 2018
Dans cette série inspirée du roman de Miguel Sáez Carral, un jeune journaliste se voit obligé d'embrasser une vie criminelle pour sauver son père et sa famille.
El Marqués

El Marqués

Jun 26, 2024
Summer of 1975, five people die on a farm in Paradas, Seville. Two years later, Onofre returns to his hometown to investigate the event, which has caused great division among the neighbors. His investigation takes him to different environments and characters, among them the Marquis of Bahia. Always as a fiction, we will reveal how this crime was conceived.


Apr 02, 2024
The Academy is the training center of Apolo FC, one of the best soccer clubs in the world, where boys and girls fight for a shared dream: to succeed in the first team. Adrian, captain of the boys' youth team and son of a former club legend, sees his position in the team threatened when his coach Willy discovers Jairo, recently landed from Colombia, with an innate talent. Rivals on the team and roommates, their coexistence becomes hell... and the fact that Adrian is a closeted gay won't make things any easier....
La casa de papel

La casa de papel

Dec 03, 2021
Huit voleurs font une prise d'otages dans la Maison royale de la Monnaie d'Espagne, tandis qu'un génie du crime manipule la police pour mettre son plan à exécution.


May 24, 2020
Une professeure de littérature réclame justice contre un chirurgien qu'elle accuse de l'avoir violée. Mais l'homme nie catégoriquement ses accusations.
El hormiguero

El hormiguero

Jul 01, 2024
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 120-minute show to a daily 40-minute show in its third season, which began on September 17, 2007. The show won the Entertainment prize at the 2009 Rose d'Or ceremony.