Филипп Рейнхардт

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The Last Fortress : La dernière bataille
XVIII-ème siècle, l'Empereur de Russie Pierre le Grand doit lever des fonds pour mener une guerre contre les Suédois et mettre fin aux conflits sanglants qui ravagent son empire. Le jeune officier Russe Ivan Demarin est envoyé dans la lointaine forteresse de Tobolsk, au cœur de la Sibérie sauvage, avec pour mission de collecter et de ramener de l’or. Mais entre complot et trahison, plusieurs destins vont se croiser dans ce lieu damné, où le froid glacial est impitoyable. Ivan se retrouve à combattre un officier suédois expérimenté dans l'art de la guerre que les terribles mongols Dzungars ont capturé et obligé à se battre à leur côtés. Le sort d'Ivan semble scellé lorsque sa forteresse est assiégée et qu'aucune aide n'est attendue face à la cruauté et la détermination de ces ennemis...


May 01, 2012
Based on the true story of the "death match" where the Soviet team "Start" scored its second victory over the German team «Flakelf» on August 9, 1942


Oct 09, 2013
Stalingrad est devenue un enfer et un paradis pour ceux qui méritaient une récompense, mais la seule qu'ils aient réussi à obtenir était l'amour. Comment ont-ils gagné, comment ont-ils vaincu, qui ils étaient et qui était de l'autre côté de la rue, quels secrets ont-ils emporté avec eux... Le film raconte cette histoire...


Feb 09, 2023
Growing up without parents, young rapper Ilya is desperate to reach the top of the charts. He is ready to do anything for the sake of success, but fate magically sends him from 2023 to the harsh 1993, where he meets his young parents and gets into the dashing adventures of that time. Ilya has only three days to change the fate of his family. To be in the future or not to be, now depends only on him.
Science Fiction


Sep 22, 2012
“Luxury, luxury, luxury… and not to be so alone.” Vanessa wants to spend her holiday at a comfortable resort. However, due to a booking error at the travel agents, Vanessa ends up on a barren desert island. The next ship doesn’t arrive for another week, so until then she has to cope with oddball lighthouse keeper Stanislav, and the highly unconventional and nonchalant Sebastian, who also has a right to the only shabby guest room. There’s no escape from this island – and the three gradually get to know each other over schnapps and pie. When a further guest arrives in the form of dubious businessman Felix and a body turns up in Stanislav’s cellar, the insular resort becomes the backdrop for a grotesque fight for life. In his debut feature, Matthias J. Michel cleverly repels various genre and character clichés to create an exceptional black comedy.
Tauriņš Seniors

Tauriņš Seniors

Dec 05, 2023
Gunars Taurins has become a dad-sitter in Latvia. He wants to return to France as soon as possible once he has found a caregiver for his father. But it's not that easy and Gunars has to stay in Riga whether he likes it or not.
The Perfect Husband

The Perfect Husband

Dec 04, 2014
Un couple décide de passer un week-end dans une cabane isolée. Le voyage romantique tourne au cauchemar quand un simple soupçon devient folie pure.
260 Days

260 Days

Jan 01, 1970
The carefree and somewhat idyllic life of a ten year old boy named Marijan is violently interrupted when war ravages his small town of Dalj and his families closest friends and neighbors turn on them purely because they are Croatian. Marijan is forced to witness and experience things an adult would have an incredibly difficult time dealing with. He is nevertheless faced with the inexplicably horrid events war brings out in people. The story centers on a present day Marijan- now the very successful owner of a wood manufacturing business. On one random day a man walks into his store and all of the memories he wishes he could long forget come flooding back, forcing him to relive them. Despite his immense hardships, Marijan lives on in forgiveness, always seeking the positives that lay in the future rather than rehashing and remaining in the past.


Sep 15, 2016
On 9 May a German comes to Russia to marry the Russian beauty Alena, whom he had met in Berlin. The happy couple goes to the village to meet the bride’s relatives. However, Alena’s former husband Tolya is also on the way there: he has unexpectedly decided to get his wife back. Everything turns out as a romantic rivalry, which involves – apart from Tolya and Helmut – their friends, relatives, and the other inhabitants of the village: the businessman Yerofeev who has bought a house in the neighbourhood; a lost tank-man; and even a kite – they all meddle in the events.


May 03, 2018
1943, Opération Reinhard, Gouvernement Général de Pologne, Sobibor. Au coeur de l’enfer, un groupe de prisonniers tente l’impensable : s’évader de leur camp… Sobibor relate l’histoire vraie de l’une des trois opérations commando d’évasion des camps de la mort, portées par des hommes et des femmes au courage inébranlable.
Simplify Your Soul

Simplify Your Soul

Oct 23, 2014
A city, a man, a woman. This time it's glittering Zurich. The protagonists: Karl and Lisa. They fall in love. The usual. But Karl is a so-called 'loser'. Does drugs, borrows money and is in debt everywhere. Responsibility is alien to him. He lives day to day, detests relationships and he's heading straight for the abyss. Finally, when he loses Lisa, too, he has a major breakdown and finally begins to fight for both her and himself. Lisa is disappointed by Karl's way of life, even though she isn't a shining example of responsibility herself. Both are running from reality. And what was that about 'devotion', 'freedom' and 'trust'? This is a film about love. Not the conquering-all kind but real love. With all its weaknesses, its volatility, and its egoism.
Facteur 8 : Alerte en plein ciel
Sur le vol Phuket-Munich, la panique s'installe lorsque des passagers manifestent une insuffisance respiratoire et un autre, hémophile, est victime d'une hémorragie. La psychiatre Anne Hecker, seule médecin à bord, préconise un atterrissage d'urgence, mais la Turquie refuse l'autorisation. L'avion se posera en Allemagne où une cellule d'hygiène est mise en place par le docteur Heike et la Ministre de la santé. Les passagers sont aussitôt placés en quarantaine car une épidémie d'origine encore inconnue s'est déclarée en Thaïlande.
TV Movie
Я – учитель

Я – учитель

Jun 23, 2017
This war drama is dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It revolves around Pavel Zubov, a school teacher whose village was occupied by the fascists. Being a teacher is his calling in life. He believes in such basic human values as love and family. However, a certain chain of events changes the way he perceives life and leads him to a darker view of reality. In this time of war, as the enemy shows its true face, he must make an uneasy choice to either survive and adapt to the new regime or fight for his family, love, homeland, ideals, and beliefs.


Jun 02, 2016
The relationship of Alex and Teresa has hit hard times. After 15 years of marriage, the passionate football coach and the sensitive psychoanalyst do not respect each other's needs anymore, and thus they are arguing constantly. Even a divorce seems possible, but then something unbelievable happens: After another ugly fight during a big thunderstorm, they switch bodies. Trapped, they have to play each other's roles, and chaos is bound to follow.


Dec 10, 2015
An apparently halfway normal family of three generations to live with: father, mother, their mother, and two quite grown-up children share a well-equipped and structured apartment. The living room has a dining table, sitting area and sofa, built a little further into the depths of the squat. There is also a cellar.
Жених 2: На Берлин!
Continuation of the 2016 folk comedy about the adventures of the well-bred German Helmut in the outback of Russia. Having lost the battle for the heart of a local beauty, Helmut finds a new love and half a year later gets ready for the wedding. It's time for his Russian friends to pay him a return visit - to Berlin!


May 21, 2021
Following his failed retaliation against a racist murderer, the protagonist offers his girlfriend up as a pledge in exchange for one more day to live and struggles to surrender himself to his own execution thereafter.
The Match

The Match

Sep 01, 2020
Inspired by true events from the spring of 1944 when the Nazis organized a football match between a team of camp inmates and an elite Nazi team on Adolf Hitler's birthday. A match the prisoners are determined to win, no matter what happens.
Go West!

Go West!

Jan 01, 1970
1976: In order to leave the Soviet Union, the Mishkins undergo a "marriage of convenience" with their Jewish neighbors. But the trick only works at the beginning.
Ever After

Ever After

Jan 01, 1970
A group of girlfriends arrive at a forest lodge to celebrate, but things take a horrific turn as they realize that the forest is home to bloodthirsty lunatics who perceive themselves to be characters from classic fairy tales.
Le Croque-mort

Le Croque-mort

Feb 12, 2019
Quand un ex-policier reprend l'entreprise de pompes funèbres de son père, le flic en lui reprend le dessus, et il ne peut s'empêcher d'enquêter sur les décès suspects.
Через прицел
1942, Great Patriotic War. Returning from a mission, experienced snipers brothers Alexey and Yegor Broshin encounter the German high-class sniper Wengler. As a result of the duel, Yegor dies, and Alexey is seriously wounded and ends up in the hospital. Having barely recovered, he rushes to the front, but the medical board declares him unfit. Instead of returning to the front line, the command entrusts Alexey with an unusual task - to teach young female cadets how to be a sniper. Alexey undertakes to train his players harshly, sometimes even cruelly.
Теория больших денег
The genius of mathematics Mikhail Nefedov teaches probability theory and mathematical statistics at the university. He remembers everything he has ever heard, seen or read. Mikhail learns that his teenage son has a dangerous genetic disease, the treatment of which will require a multimillion-dollar sum. After selling the apartment, Nefedov makes a perfectly calculated bet on a local football league match, but loses. He couldn't have made a mistake, which means there is an unaccounted variable in the equation. And this is an underground betting business where the results of games are rigged to extract illegal income. Mikhail calculates the organizers of the shadow business and demands his winnings from them. This is how the university teacher's war with the betting mafia begins.
Дед Морозов

Дед Морозов

May 31, 2020
Nikolay Morozov has been both a revolutionary and a terrorist in his long life. Sentenced to a lifetime of hard labour, he spent 30 years in a tsarist prison. His hair had long turned grey by the time the Second World War broke out, but when he realised his country needed him he volunteered for the army. Nikolay was 87 at the time.
War & Politics
Дед Морозов

Дед Морозов

Nov 04, 2024
Infrarouge, c'est le rendez-vous hebdomadaire des documentaires de France 2. Ces films sont diffusés le mardi en deuxième et troisième parties de soirée. Nos documentaires vous regardent, ces films sont sans concessions. Des histoires qui sont aussi les vôtres, qui parlent de la vie d'aujourd'hui, qui sont fortes, émouvantes, révoltantes, parfois choquantes et acides.