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Nov 03, 1990
At an all-girls school, a group of girls prepare for a stage performance of Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".
Greatful Dead

Greatful Dead

Dec 31, 2013
Nami, une Japonaise de 20 ans, hérite d'une petite fortune. Largement abandonnée par ses parents lorsqu'elle était enfant, [2] Elle passe son temps à dépenser son argent, à commander de nouveaux appareils et à acheter des vêtements. Cependant, s'ennuyant de cela, elle commence à développer une gamme d'activités anormales. Nami elle-même, malgré sa richesse indépendante, est solitaire et vit une existence isolée. Elle commence à développer l'habitude d'observer les gens, et de manière voyeuriste , elle commence à observer d'autres personnes dans un état de même isolement (et parfois fou). [3] Elle appelle ces gens des "Solitaires". Elle se concentre en particulier sur les personnes âgées et vulnérables et en particulier les hommes. De son appartement en ville, avec de puissantes jumelles, elle observe ces hommes, et les regarde parfois sombrer dans la folie et la mort, prenant même des selfies avec leurs cadavres.
GTO Revival

GTO Revival

Apr 01, 2024
Onizuka, un ancien membre d'un gang de motards devenu professeur de lycée, est affecté à une académie privée remplie d'élèves en difficulté. Le problème de ce lycée tourne autour d'un influenceur qui a près de 2 millions de followers et qui se spécialise dans l'exposition et la propagation de rumeurs, provoquant des controverses et des remous, que les personnes impliquées soient des célébrités ou des gens ordinaires. Plusieurs professeurs et élèves de l'académie ont été exposés jusqu'à présent, et du fait d'être pris pour cible si fréquemment, des rumeurs circulent au sein de l'école selon lesquelles il pourrait y avoir un coupable se faisant passer pour l'influenceur. En conséquence, les élèves vivent leur vie scolaire en observant constamment les expressions des uns et des autres, devenant de plus en plus méfiants et paranoïaques.


Feb 28, 2002
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman with internal scars.
苺の破片 イチゴノカケラ
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.


Nov 27, 2004
A mysterious street-painter, Jouji, wanders aimlessly, homeless. Together with his homeless pals, he makes his living by selling his paintings on the street. His paintings, dynamically exploding on pieces of cardboard, catch the eyes of Kyoko, an art dealer. He can feel alive only if he keeps painting, but unable to find something to fill his void inside, he tries to drown himself in alcohol. Drawn to Jouji, Kyoko commissions him to paint for her. The two travel to a secluded mountain-side, and there Jouji becomes inspired both by the natural surroundings and Kyoko herself.


Nov 18, 2000
Two former teammates on a college relay team, find themselves pitted against each other in track competition and in love when they enter rival companies and fall for the same woman.
内田康夫サスペンス 信濃のコロンボ ~死者の木霊~
The first in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective Columbo, based on a series of novels by popular mystery author Yasuo Uchida. One day, Detective Takemura Iwao, also known as Shinano's Columbo, becomes the first person to discover a dismembered murder case. At first glance, the case appears to be a simple murder caused by a financial dispute between an uncle and nephew, but Takemura, who is suspicious of this view, pursues the culprit with a dogged investigation in order to unravel the criminal's meticulous plan!


Jan 09, 2025
Saho Takahashi, capable but a disillusioned nurse, has lost all motivation for her job working at Sumidaku Sakuraoka General Hospital. She seeks solace in the company of her bed-ridden patient, former Honorary Head Nurse, Sae Yukino. As she opens up about her despair, a sudden earthquake sends Saho into the depths of a strange, unfamiliar jungle.
苺の破片 イチゴノカケラ
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.


Dec 10, 2021
Yū Wada is 37 years old. He has worked for a company the past 15 years, but the COVID-19 outbreak caused the company to go bankrupt. He now makes a living as a deliveryman. One day, while he is doing his job, he meets his grandfather, Kan Wada, and stepfather, Shūhei Wada, for the first time in many years. When Yū was 10 years old, his mother married Shūhei Wada, but his mother later died. After the death of his mother, Yū continued to live with his stepfather. He eventually moved out after he graduated from a university and got a job. Since Yū moved out, his relationship with Shūhei has become estranged. Now, Yū begins to live with his stepfather Shūhei and grandfather Kan. By a friend's recommendation, Yū begins to work as a reporter for an online news site. Meanwhile, Shūhei works as a general producer at a broadcasting station and Kan works as an editorial writer for a newspaper.


Sep 29, 2023
"Married at 26" "First child at 27" "Second child at 29"... She always just assumed that's the way things would go... 28-year-old Kawai Yoshiko is still single. She has a broken heart a few days before her 29th birthday. On the way home, she runs into her colleague, Yuuki-san. Yoshiko cannnot help telling him about what happened just before. Then Yuuki-san suddenly offers Yoshiko to get married with him a year later only if...


Jun 05, 2014
Ango Ishikawa est un détective intelligent et doté d'un sens aigu de l'observation. Il ne se concentre que sur son travail et sa vie personnelle est pratiquement inexistante. Sur une scène de crime, il se fait tirer une balle dans la tête par le tueur qui est resté dans les environs. Ango oscille entre la vie et la mort. A ce moment-là, il se demande "où vont les gens après leur mort ?" et puis "je ne veux pas mourir." Un miracle se produit alors. Anglo survit avec la balle encore logée dans sa tête. Il retourne au travail. Une nouvelle affaire de meurtre a lieu. Quand Ango se rend sur les lieux du crime, il remarque un garçon qui semble sur le point de pleurer, mais seul Ango est capable de voir le garçon. C'est le garçon qui a été tué. Depuis qu'Ango a été abattu, il peut voir et parler avec les morts.
“Who is the last person you would like to see?” When junior high school teacher Sakuraba Ayako wakes up, she sees a man standing there. Calling himself a guide of this mysterious place that extends in front of them, he tells her that this is “goodbye’s other side”. As his words sink in, Ayako recalls that she has died. She lets slip that she had never thought she would die in this manner. Visitors to this other side can meet people of this world one last time within a 24-hour time period. Ayako immediately thinks of her son Yuta and husband Hirotaka. However, the guide says the ones she can meet are only those who still do not know about her death. Ayako goes to the house of her former teacher Ishibashi Nobuyoshi. She is greeted by his daughter Megumi, but Nobuyoshi passed away about two years ago…
30-year-old Kakioka Tetsuro returns home for the first time in 10 years to save his family’s traditional inn Niji no Ya after he hears that his father has been hospitalized. But he is lost for words when he sees that it has completely changed. The dignity and service of the inn, which boasts a 100-year heritage, has totally vanished. It has transformed into a haunt where employees who are not easy to deal with linger around. There is Terakado Lucy Kazuko, a flamenco dancer who says a stream of offensive things; Kageshima Shunsaku, a germaphobe manager who hates hot springs; Asatsuki Momoyo, the head waitress who is a single mother devoted to her son Ringoro; Ringoro, a boyish employee who loves his mother and unicycle; Uno Kanata, a chef who has a UNO addiction; and Umekoshi Hifuji, an old-timer who has clung on to the inn for 40 years.
Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji

Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji

Sep 10, 2013
Yosuke Eguchi, jeune médecin urgentiste, et Nanako Matsushima, son assistante travaille au service des urgences. Cette série dépeint les membres du personnel de la salle d'urgence, affrontant la vie et donnant de l'espoir et du courage aux gens.