Roger Moride

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Le viol d'une jeune fille douce
Une jeune fille de l'est de Montréal déménage dans un milieu très libre de l'ouest. Sa famille n'accepte pas cette rupture d'avec ses origines. «J'ai essayé de montrer, à travers la vie d'une jeune fille normale, dans une société anormale par son contenu de violence latente et de mépris calculé, comment la vie peut se dégrader imperceptiblement
Les deux pieds dans la même bottine
Have you ever had "one of those days" when nothing seems to go right? Well, imagine how Claude feels-his entire life has been one screwy day after another. Some people attract attention, others attract the opposite sex, all poor Claude can attract is chaos-and plenty of it! Discouraged by his ill luck, Claude is on his way to see his girlfriend when he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a bank robbery. In the wink of an eye Claude becomes public enemy number one with both cops AND robbers hot on his trail!
Golden Apples of the Sun
Behind these bars lies an unbridled fury. Caged Terror-a tale of madness, infidelity and revenge. Everyone needs to get away from it all, and the country is the most tranquil place to escape life's everyday battles. Or is it? Richard and Janet, a city couple, find that just the opposite is true as their weekend getaway is transformed into a frightening and primitive wilderness. Camping for the night in a seemingly abandoned farmhouse, the two are suddenly joined by strangers who have been secretly watching them all afternoon. Strangers who will soon cage Richard like a trapped animal and ravage his wife. Strangers who will drive Richard berserk in the cold and inhuman isolation of Caged Terror.
Angkor - The Lost City
A look at the ruins of the ancient city of Angkor. The largest collection of sculptures the world has ever seen - an entire metropolis of palaces and temples recovered from the jungle.
Playgirl Killer

Playgirl Killer

Aug 28, 1967
A rich, lonely woman hires a drifter as a live-in handyman. The drifter turns out to be a psycho artist who has beautiful women model for him.