Robert Parks-Valletta

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Frat Party

Frat Party

Dec 01, 2009
Duffy, the big man on campus, is marrying Adriana, a debutante heiress to a global wine fortune, right after they both graduate from the same prestigious university. Unfortunately, the final frat party of his college career is the night before his wedding, and there are many obstacles in his way, including a soon to be father-in-law who is less than happy with his daughter's choice.
I Think My Babysitter is an Alien
A world-famous astronaut returns home from his latest mission, bringing home a small asteroid that hit his space station. When strange things start to happen, his nine-year-old daughter is convinced that aliens have moved in next door and em- barks on a mission to save the world from an inter-galactic invasion!
Sox: A Family's Best Friend
A new family is having difficulty adjusting, when an adorable dog comes into their life. Once his special powers are discovered, the local dog catcher and the (F.B.D.I) Federal Bureau of Dog Investigation will stop at nothing to get him.
Dutch Hollow

Dutch Hollow

Jan 01, 2015
When a murder suspect is found dead, homicide detective Doug Ellis is forced to close one case, only to open another. But his obsession with the truth places him squarely in the middle of the case he's supposed to be investigating.


Jul 07, 2012
What happens when the biggest stars in the world get too high on the Hollywood hog? When their bank accounts start swelling bigger than their heads? Master prankster Ashton Kutcher is there to punk 'em down to earth.
The Deleted

The Deleted

Dec 11, 2016
A Los Angeles, la disparition de trois personnes n'ayant, a priori, aucun lien entre elles, entraîne une vague de paranoïa chez un groupe de jeunes qui ont réussi à s’échapper d’une secte quelques années auparavant.
True Blood

True Blood

Aug 24, 2014
Ayant trouvé un substitut pour se nourrir sans tuer (du sang synthétique), les vampires vivent désormais parmi les humains. Sookie, une serveuse capable de lire dans les esprits, tombe sous le charme de Bill, un mystérieux vampire. Une rencontre qui bouleverse la vie de la jeune femme...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

Apr 03, 2020
Le détective Steve McGarrett se rend à Oahu pour enquêter sur l'assassinat de son père. Une fois sur place, le gouverneur le persuade de rester et rejoindre l'unité des forces spéciales, qui combat le crime à Hawaii...
Go On

Go On

Apr 11, 2013
Irrévérencieux mais néanmoins charmant commentateur sportif, Ryan King tente de surmonter tant bien que mal sa peine après le décès de son épouse. Son patron l'oblige à intégrer un groupe de soutien. Guère habitué à travailler en équipe, celui-ci, plus troublé que jamais, va devoir se surpasser et sortir de sa zone de confort. Trouvera-t-il une aide inattendue auprès des autres membres de la thérapie de groupe ?