Archie Twitchell

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Sophie Lang Goes West

Sophie Lang Goes West

Sep 10, 1937
Reformed jewel-thief Sophie Lang, tired of being questioned by the New York City police every time a jewel disappears, decides to head for California only to get into more trouble.
Le Quatrième Homme

Le Quatrième Homme

Nov 11, 1952
Quatre gangsters braquent un fourgon blindé transportant plus d'un million de dollars. Joe Rolfe, un chauffeur-livreur, est accusé d'être impliqué dans ce braquage et est interrogé avec brutalité par la police locale. Relâché faute de preuves, Rolfe remonte la piste des criminels jusqu'au Mexique afin de se disculper définitivement. Mais un ancien policier est également impliqué dans le braquage.
L'assassin sans visage
Un policier obsessionnel, Harry Grant, et une journaliste obstinée, Ann Gorman, tentent de retrouver la trace d'un assassin surnommé "Le Juge", qui opère par temps de pluie.
Revenue Agent

Revenue Agent

Dec 12, 1950
Accountant Augustis King discovers that his wife, Marfhe, is having an affair with his boss Sam Bellows. He telephones Internal Revenue Bureau that he can give evidence of a large tax-evasion racket. Before IRS-agent Steve Daniels arrives, King is murdered by a henchman of Bellows and his partner, Ernie Medford. Daniels discovers that Bellows and Medford are smuggling gold bullion from their mine in Mexico, and sell and bank the money under assumed names. they hide the bullion in a compartment welded to the bottom of a car.
The French Key

The French Key

May 18, 1946
Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme.
Charlie Chan au Musée de cire
Un musée de cire dirigé par un médecin démente contient des statues de ces figures du crime comme Jack l'Eventreur et Barbe-Bleue. En plus de faire des statues de cire le médecin effectue la chirurgie plastique. Il est ici qu'un démon arc se réfugie. Le musée abrite également une statue de Charlie. fils numéro deux Frustré statue donne le coup à l'arrière; oups, fils numéro deux faux dans son hypothèse


Sep 29, 1946
A private detective and his assistant are hired to find a missing husband. The seemingly easy case is complicated by a dead body.
Flight at Midnight

Flight at Midnight

Aug 28, 1939
Spinner McGee, devil-may-care mail pilot volunteers his courage and skill for the task of raising $100,000 to save the small airport owned by Pop Hussey from being condemned.
A Tragedy at Midnight

A Tragedy at Midnight

Feb 02, 1942
The host of a whodunit radio show finds himself involved in his own mystery when he awakens to find a woman with a knife in her back in his bedroom.
The Saxon Charm

The Saxon Charm

Sep 28, 1948
In order to get his way, New York producer Matt Saxon manipulates and controls everyone around him but his latest protégé, novelist Eric Busch, finally stands-up to him.
In Old Amarillo

In Old Amarillo

May 15, 1951
A drought is about to end the cattle business. The owner of a canning factory wants to buy all the remaining cattle cheap. He plans to ruin the cattlemen's plans to ship water by train and to seed the clouds for rain. Roy is sent by a packing house to investigate.
Terreur À l'Ouest

Terreur À l'Ouest

Sep 25, 1954
A year after a violent train robbery the Pinkerton detective agency hires a bounty hunter to find the three remaining killers. He tracks them to Twin Forks but has no clue to their identity. Tensions surface as just his presence in town acts as a catalyst.
Le Fils du pendu

Le Fils du pendu

Oct 01, 1948
Danny est marqué par la mort de son père, pendu pour un crime alors qu'il n'était qu'un enfant. Les villageois mettent à l'écart ce « fils du pendu ». Marqué par la fatalité, ce dernier tue accidentellement un homme qui, depuis son enfance, le martyrisait.
Her Jungle Love

Her Jungle Love

Apr 15, 1938
While searching the South Pacific for a missing aviator, Bob Mitchell and Jimmy Wallace are caught in a typhoon and crack up on an island, escaping unharmed with the aid of Tura, a beautiful jungle girl who is the only inhabitant of the island and is believed a goddess by the natives of the adjoining islands. The three are about to leave the island on a make-shift raft when a gang of savage tribesman land, headed by Kuasa, a half-mad potentate who informs them that all whites are his mortal enemies because an Englishwoman once spurned his love and he got his revenge by stealing her daughter, who is Tura.
Tip-Off Girls

Tip-Off Girls

Apr 01, 1938
A federal agent goes after a hijacking ring that uses beautiful women to help it hijack the rigs of unsuspecting truckers.
Among the Living

Among the Living

Dec 12, 1941
A mentally unstable man, who has been kept in isolation for years, escapes and causes trouble for his identical twin brother.
King of Chinatown

King of Chinatown

Mar 17, 1939
A Chinese-American surgeon faces a moral dilemma after operating on the mob boss in charge of vice and protection rackets in her city's Chinatown.
Illegal Traffic

Illegal Traffic

Nov 02, 1938
G-Man Charles Bent Martin is sent out to break up a nationwide racket. A transport company is aiding fugitives making a getaway in exchange for the lion's share of their loot. Through an old friend, whom he once barnstormed in an air circus, Martin joins the gang as a pilot. He becomes interested in Carol Butler, a beautiful girl involved with the gang through the activities of her ne'er-do-well father.
Television Spy

Television Spy

Oct 20, 1939
A scientist invents a television device called the Iconoscope. Foreign agents hear about it and try to steal it.
Science Fiction
Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo

Dec 31, 1937
In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.
Men with Wings

Men with Wings

Jul 16, 1938
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
Pacific Express

Pacific Express

May 05, 1939
Deux compagnies rivales ne ménagent pas leurs forces pour la construction, peu avant 1870, de la ligne de chemin de fer qui reliera New York a la cote Ouest.
The Arizona Kid

The Arizona Kid

Sep 28, 1939
Roy is a Confederate officer stationed in Missouri during the Civil War. He must put an end to outlaw gangs working under the pretense of service to the Confederacy.
Big Town Scandal

Big Town Scandal

May 27, 1948
A crusading editor and his star reporter aid underprivileged youths and crack down on racketeers out to fix basketball.
Thundering Hoofs

Thundering Hoofs

Jul 24, 1942
Le père de Bill Underwood veut qu'il lui succède à la tête de la ligne familiale de diligences, mais Bill préfère le travail de ranch. Il prends la route, déterminé à trouver un emploi et se retrouve sur la piste de Durango à défendre une petite ligne locale de transports en butte à des vols et des sabotages. Les propriétaires sont persuadés que c'est le père de Bill qui est à l'origine de leurs ennuis.
Prairie Stranger

Prairie Stranger

Sep 17, 1941
Le docteur Steven Monroe et son assistant et ami Bones Mallory, s'installent dans une ville nouvelle et se trouve immédiatement impliqués dans une affaire d'empoisonnement de bétail et dans le meurtre d'un éleveur. Accusé du meurtre, Monroe s'évade de prison.
Kentucky Jubilee

Kentucky Jubilee

May 18, 1951
A film director travels to Kentucky to seek out local talent for a hillbilly musical film. There, he gets kidnapped.
Le Massacre de Fort Apache
Le lieutenant colonel Thursday prend le commandement de Fort Apache, et dirige ses hommes avec autorité. Le Fort est perpétuellement attaqué par les Indiens et Thursday décide de se servir de York l'ami des Apaches, afin de se venger de cette tribu et l'éliminer…
Cinquième Colonne

Cinquième Colonne

Apr 24, 1942
Un terrible incendie se déclare dans une fabrique de munitions, provoquant la mort d'un ouvrier. Accusé à tort d'avoir saboté toutes les installations, Barry Kane décide de ne pas attendre la police, mais de fuir et de mener une enquête pour retrouver lui-même le vrai responsable du désastre, qu'il pense connaître.
La Griffe du passé

La Griffe du passé

Nov 25, 1947
Jeff Bailey, ancien détective privé, tente de vivre une vie paisible, mais son passé revient le hanter. Il fut jadis embauché par un joueur de casino pour retrouver sa petite amie en fugue, Kathy. Jeff l'avait retrouvée au Mexique et en était tombé amoureux. Elle l'avait ensuite incité à doubler le joueur, mais c'est bien Jeff qui a fini par se faire doubler. Des années plus tard, la vie tranquille de Jeff est de nouveau bouleversée lorsque ses anciens associés criminels le retrouvent. Il court un grand danger : quelqu'un tente de lui mettre un meurtre sur le dos.
La Cible humaine

La Cible humaine

Jun 23, 1950
Jimmie Ringo, qui tire plus vite que son ombre, mène une vie d'enfer. Les provocations incessantes lui interdisent de reprendre la vie commune avec sa femme Peggy. Et ils sont nombreux à vouloir sa peau.
Young Bill Hickok

Young Bill Hickok

Oct 21, 1940
Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close.
Buck Benny Rides Again
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Les Tuniques écarlates
Au Canada, en 1885. Dan Duroc et Jacques Corbeau, deux métis, tentent de pousser leur peuple à une nouvelle rébellion, plusieurs années après l'écrasement d'une première révolte conduite par Louis Riel. La police montée canadienne, dont les hommes sont surnommés 'Les tuniques rouges' à cause de leur uniforme, tente de maintenir l'ordre. Dusty Rivers arrive du Texas dans le but d'arrêter Jacques Corbeau pour meurtre, et s'associe alors aux tuniques rouges.
Boulevard du crépuscule
Norma Desmond, grande actrice du muet, vit recluse dans sa luxueuse villa de Berverly Hills en compagnie de Max von Meyerling, son majordome qui fut aussi son metteur en scène et mari. Joe Gillis, un scénariste sans le sou, pénètre par hasard dans la propriété et Norma lui propose de travailler au scénario du film qui marquera son retour à l'écran, Salomé. Joe accepte, s'installe chez elle, à la fois fasciné et effrayé par ses extravagances et son délire, et devient bientôt son amant. Quand son délire se transforme en paranoïa et qu'elle débarque au milieu des studios Paramount pour convaincre Cecil B. DeMille de tourner à nouveau avec elle, Gillis commence à prendre ses distances...
Prison Farm

Prison Farm

Jun 17, 1938
Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)
Behind the News

Behind the News

Dec 20, 1940
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
Wolf of New York

Wolf of New York

Jan 23, 1940
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
The Thundering Trail

The Thundering Trail

Jul 02, 1951
Lash and Fuzzy have been sent to escort the new Governor to the Capitol City. West and his outlaw gang are out to stop them. When Lash's first attempt is foiled, he realizes the Governor's supposedly deaf and dumb servant is the informant and sets a trap for the gang.


Nov 26, 1939
L'effort de l'armée pour capturer le chef Apache Geronimo, qui dirige une bande de guerriers sur un saccage de raids et de meurtres, est entravée par une querelle entre deux officiers - qui sont père et fils.
Robin Hood Of Texas

Robin Hood Of Texas

Jul 15, 1947
Duke Mantel et ses hors-la-loi pillent une banque et s'enfuient, mais Mantel double ses complices en prenant le large avec le butin, et se dirige, par hasard, vers le ranch de Gene Autry, qui, ne sachant rien de ce qui s'est passé, l'accueille cordialement. Mais le reste de la bande retrouve la trace de son chef et attaque le ranch.
Web of Danger

Web of Danger

Jun 10, 1947
Ernie Reardon, the superintendent, and Bill O'Hara, the foreman, of a construction company crew working on a bridge to a remote valley, are constantly quarreling over small and minor matter, especially when it comes to Peg Mallory, whom both men are romancing and Peg enjoys the attention. Thed work is suspended when a worker is killed, but a flood is approaching and the valley citizens are in dire straits unless the bridge is completed - in a hurry.
The Vanishing Outpost

The Vanishing Outpost

Nov 01, 1951
Walker is an undercover Pinkerton Agent and gets Lash and Fuzzy involved in cleaning up the Taggert. A mash up of old Lash films and other movies and released as an original film.
USS VD: Ship of Shame

USS VD: Ship of Shame

Jan 02, 1942
This film was made by the U.S. government during World War II to show its young servicemen the results of "fooling around" with "loose women" overseas. Actual victims of such sexually transmitted diseases as syphilis and gonorrhoea are shown, along with the physical deterioration that accompanies those diseases.
The Fleet's In

The Fleet's In

Jan 24, 1942
Shy sailor Casey Kirby suddenly becomes known as a sea wolf when his picture is taken with a famous actress. Things get complicated when bets are placed on his prowess with the ladies.
Say It in French

Say It in French

Nov 25, 1938
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Pacific Blackout

Pacific Blackout

Dec 31, 1941
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Yes Sir, Mr. Bones

Yes Sir, Mr. Bones

Jul 13, 1951
A young boy finds himself in a home for retired minstrel acts. He's anxious to find out as much as he can about them, and flashbacks show what it was like back in the days of the minstrel shows.
West Point Widow

West Point Widow

Jun 20, 1941
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
L'évadé de l'enfer

L'évadé de l'enfer

Sep 20, 1946
Tué à sa sortie de prison par son ancien complice Smiley Williams, le gangster Eddie Kagle se retrouve en enfer. Là, il accepte la proposition de Nick, un agent du diable, de retourner sur terre dans la peau du juge Fredrick Parker, son sosie. Mais alors qu'il est initialement déterminé à se venger de Smiley et à suivre les instructions de Nick, Eddie se transforme sous l'aspect du juge, tombant au passage amoureux de Barbara Foster, la fiancée de celui-ci...
Uniformes et Jupons courts
Susan Applegate, dégoûtée par la vie new-yorkaise, décide de retourner dans l’Iowa. Cependant ses économies ne lui permettent pas de payer la totalité de son voyage. Aussi se déguise-t-elle en fillette pour bénéficier d'un billet demi-tarif.
La Femme déshonorée

La Femme déshonorée

May 16, 1947
Madeleine Damian, éditrice d'art, multiplie les aventures sans lendemain. Après l'échec de sa relation avec le publicitaire Felix Courtland, Madeleine, de plus en plus déprimée, tente de se suicider. Lorsque Jack Garet, son secrétaire et ancien amant, tente de la faire chanter, Madeleine démissionne et cherche à se couper du monde. Le voisin David Cousins se lie d'amitié avec Madeleine, mais Courtland et Garet découvrent bientôt où elle se trouve et perturbent sa nouvelle vie.
I Shot Billy the Kid

I Shot Billy the Kid

Jul 27, 1950
Although the Lincoln County War has come to a conclusion, Billy the Kid turns his back on a gubernatorial pardon and continues his lawless career.


Jan 20, 1939
Four bandits swoop down on a California bank and flee with $98,000, leaving a truck as the only clue to their identity. Jane Hartman, bank secretary, recognizes the truck as one on which her brother Charles worked. Fleeing to her brother, she is trapped by the gang, composed of its master-mind, Gibbs, Sidney, a gunman, and Randall, a blackballed airplane pilot. Under threat of bodily harm to her brother, she lures truck-driver Tony Andrews to the hideout, and he is forced to help them in their escape attempt.
Mickey the Kid

Mickey the Kid

Jul 03, 1939
A bank robber and his boy make a run for it during winter in a bus full of children.
L'escadrille des jeunes
En 1940, Jeff Young, Al Ludlow et Tom Cassidy, trois jeunes hommes aux profils et aux parcours très différents, sont recrutés dans l'armée de l'air américaine. Le premier est un riche séducteur, le deuxième un étudiant et le dernier, un mécanicien. Sally, l'ex-petite amie de Al, s'entiche de Jeff. Mais celui-ci rencontre Carolyn, une photographe chargée de prendre des photos pour promouvoir l'aviation. L'entraînement difficile qu'ils suivent à Randolph Field, au Texas, se déroule sous le commandement du capitaine Mercer, un homme dur qui peut les renvoyer à tout instant. Un seul des trois sera finalement autorisé à piloter...
L'Ange noir

L'Ange noir

Aug 02, 1946
Marty Blair, musicien célèbre, idole de Los Angelès sombre dans l’alcool, et la déchéance en quelques mois. Mavis Marlow chanteuse de cabaret, dont Marty avait fait la réputation et la fortune l’avait épousée jusqu’au jour où la chanteuse ambitieuse, avide et cruelle l’avait abandonnée. Mavis est retrouvée morte dans son appartement par Kirk Bennett qui est immédiatement soupçonné par le capitaine Flood, traduit devant les tribunaux et condamné à mort. Sa femme Catherine Bennett convaincue de son innocence demande à Marty de l’aider. Après une longue enquête et intrigue autour de Marko tenancier d’un cabaret, d’un clip en forme de cœur serti de rubis offert à Mavis par Marty, et le tout mêlé d’amour platonique entre Marty et Catherine, Marty réussira in extremis à sauver Kirk, le mari de Catherine, en retrouvant après une soirée trop arrosée, une partie de sa mémoire.
The Missing Corpse

The Missing Corpse

Jun 01, 1945
A feud between rival newspapermen Kruger (Bromberg) and McDonald (Guilfoyle) goes deadly when blackmailing McDonald ends up murdered and his corpse planted in the trunk of Kruger's car. Good guy Kruger attempts to hide McDonald's body, with the help of chauffeur Hogan (Jenks), to keep from being charged with murder. However, zany scenarios occur as the body just won't stay hidden, and keeps on popping up in multiple places where Kruger is located, leading to him hiding the body again and again while Kruger tries to find the real killer.
Monsieur Joe

Monsieur Joe

Jul 27, 1949
La relation entre une jeune fille et un petit singe adopté qui devient, quelques années plus tard, gorille de foire.
Témoin à abattre

Témoin à abattre

Oct 09, 1955
Le Procureur Victor Scott a jadis fait condamner un innocent. Depuis, il est devenu avocat et noie ses remords dans l'alcool. Il se met au service d'un gangster et paiera de sa vie pour le faire condamner, sauvant du même coup une innocente.