Charles Busch

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Psycho Beach Party

Psycho Beach Party

Aug 06, 2000
En 1962, durant ses vacances d'été à Malibu Beach, en Californie, la très complexée Florence "Nénette" Forest (Lauren Ambrose) découvre le cadavre d'une jeune spectatrice dans un drive-in. Celle-ci a été assassinée au terme d'un flirt poussé. Victime de trous de mémoire réguliers, Nénette ne se rappelle plus où elle était au moment du crime. Le capitaine de police Monika Stark (Charles Busch) a du mal à croire à son alibi et la soupçonne fortement.Pour se changer les idées, Florence va faire un tour sur la plage et sympathise avec une bande de surfers qui n'ont d'yeux que pour sa copine. Vexée, elle s'attire les faveurs de leur leader, le Grand Kanaka (Thomas Gibson), et devient rapidement la mascotte du groupe.Lorsque ses nouveaux amis sont retrouvés morts dans d'étranges circonstances, Florence remet en question son innocence et s'interroge sur son état mental.
A Very Serious Person

A Very Serious Person

Jan 01, 2006
Jan, an itinerant male nurse from Denmark, takes a new job with Mrs. A, a terminally ill Manhattan woman raising her parentless thirteen-year-old grandson, Gil. Spending the summer by the shore, the emotionally reserved Jan finds himself oddly cast as a mentor to Gil in having to prepare the sensitive boy for life with his cousins in Florida after his grandmother's death.
Die, Mommie, Die!

Die, Mommie, Die!

Oct 31, 2003
Angela Arden is a washed up, has-been singing star who is trapped in a hateful marriage to film producer Sol Sussman. In an attempt to escape her marriage so that she can be with a hunky layabout, she poisons her husband. However, Angela's manipulative daughter, gay son and alcoholic maid are not going to make it easy for her.
Trouble on the Corner

Trouble on the Corner

Oct 09, 1997
Jeff, a troubled therapist, suffers a breakdown when he spies on his sexy neighbor Ericca, a beautiful model that rollerblades around her apartment in red gloves and a kimono. When he confuses his erotically bizarre patients' most perverse neuroses with his own, the fine line between reality and fantasy erodes with lethal consequences. Darkly comedic, Trouble on the Corner takes you into the depths of one man's decent into madness and races toward the murderous conclusion of this tale of a modern urban nightmare.
Joan Crawford: The Ultimate Movie Star
In this documentary on the life of Joan Crawford, we learn why she should be remembered as the great actress she was, and not only as "mommie dearest." caricature she has become. Friends, fellow actors, directors, and others reminisce about their association with her, and numerous film clips show off her talent from her start in silents to bad science fiction/horror movies at the end of her career.


Oct 11, 1997
A film that revels in the sheer delightful fabulousness of drag! A joyful look into the lives of some of the most famous drag queens of today: Varla Jean Merman, Candis Cayne, Lady Bunny and Lypsinka. These frocked out femmes of fashion light up the screen!
Milliardaire malgré lui
New York. Charlie Lang n'a d'autre ambition dans la vie que d'être un bon flic et un chic type. Muriel, son épouse, est coiffeuse. Lasse de son existence étriquée, elle entretient des rêves de réussite sociale en jouant à la loterie. Un jour, dans une cafétéria, Charlie fait la connaissance d'une jolie serveuse, Yvonne, acculée à la ruine par les frasques de son mari. À court de monnaie, il lui propose en guise de pourboire de partager ses gains à la loterie si ses numéros sortent. Quand il apprend qu'il vient de gagner 4 millions de dollars, il entend tenir sa promesse. Mais c'est compter sans Muriel.
Les Valeurs de la famille Addams
Chose curieuse mais point trop inhabituelle au sein de la famille Addams : Morticia accouche aussi brusquement d’un bambin qu’elle s’est trouvée enceinte. L’heureux nouveau‐né porte la moustache et répond au doux nom de Puberté. Mercredi et Pugsley, ses deux aînés, fous de jalousie, multiplient les tentatives d’assassinat. Inquiets, les parents embauchent Debbie, une nurse venue du pays de la lumière – mais qui nourrit de noirs desseins – et expédient les deux monstres dans une colonie de vacances affreusement ensoleillée. Pendant ce temps, la baby‐sitter tente de se faire épouser par Fétide, le frère solitaire de Gomez, afin de mieux le trucider ensuite…
The Confession of Lily Dare
Played against the gaudy tapestry of turn of the century California’s notorious Barbary Coast, The Confession of Lily Dare tells the story of one woman’s tumultuous passage from convent girl to glittering cabaret chanteuse to infamous madame of a string of brothels. Behind her every move lies her greatest secret, her undying devotion to the child she was forced to abandon.
Rescued from the Closet
A collection of interviews recorded for the making of the 1995 documentary "The Celluloid Closet," on the subject of LGBT representation in film history.
The Sixth Reel

The Sixth Reel

Aug 19, 2021
When the death of a close friend unearths the long-thought lost final reel of a classic Tod Browning horror film, Jimmy and his cohorts each concoct underhanded schemes involving false romances, drag personas….and maybe vampires?…to cash in on a big sale of the film. But can the urge to bring the moviegoing community together with this lost classic prevail over the desire to get rich quick?
A Very Serious Person

A Very Serious Person

Jan 01, 2006
Jan, an itinerant male nurse from Denmark, takes a new job with Mrs. A, a terminally ill Manhattan woman raising her parentless thirteen-year-old grandson, Gil. Spending the summer by the shore, the emotionally reserved Jan finds himself oddly cast as a mentor to Gil in having to prepare the sensitive boy for life with his cousins in Florida after his grandmother's death.
A Very Serious Person

A Very Serious Person

Jan 01, 2006
Jan, an itinerant male nurse from Denmark, takes a new job with Mrs. A, a terminally ill Manhattan woman raising her parentless thirteen-year-old grandson, Gil. Spending the summer by the shore, the emotionally reserved Jan finds himself oddly cast as a mentor to Gil in having to prepare the sensitive boy for life with his cousins in Florida after his grandmother's death.
The Sixth Reel

The Sixth Reel

Aug 19, 2021
When the death of a close friend unearths the long-thought lost final reel of a classic Tod Browning horror film, Jimmy and his cohorts each concoct underhanded schemes involving false romances, drag personas….and maybe vampires?…to cash in on a big sale of the film. But can the urge to bring the moviegoing community together with this lost classic prevail over the desire to get rich quick?
The Sixth Reel

The Sixth Reel

Aug 19, 2021
When the death of a close friend unearths the long-thought lost final reel of a classic Tod Browning horror film, Jimmy and his cohorts each concoct underhanded schemes involving false romances, drag personas….and maybe vampires?…to cash in on a big sale of the film. But can the urge to bring the moviegoing community together with this lost classic prevail over the desire to get rich quick?
Die, Mommie, Die!

Die, Mommie, Die!

Oct 31, 2003
Angela Arden is a washed up, has-been singing star who is trapped in a hateful marriage to film producer Sol Sussman. In an attempt to escape her marriage so that she can be with a hunky layabout, she poisons her husband. However, Angela's manipulative daughter, gay son and alcoholic maid are not going to make it easy for her.
Die, Mommie, Die!

Die, Mommie, Die!

Oct 31, 2003
Angela Arden is a washed up, has-been singing star who is trapped in a hateful marriage to film producer Sol Sussman. In an attempt to escape her marriage so that she can be with a hunky layabout, she poisons her husband. However, Angela's manipulative daughter, gay son and alcoholic maid are not going to make it easy for her.
The Confession of Lily Dare
Played against the gaudy tapestry of turn of the century California’s notorious Barbary Coast, The Confession of Lily Dare tells the story of one woman’s tumultuous passage from convent girl to glittering cabaret chanteuse to infamous madame of a string of brothels. Behind her every move lies her greatest secret, her undying devotion to the child she was forced to abandon.
Psycho Beach Party

Psycho Beach Party

Aug 06, 2000
Played against the gaudy tapestry of turn of the century California’s notorious Barbary Coast, The Confession of Lily Dare tells the story of one woman’s tumultuous passage from convent girl to glittering cabaret chanteuse to infamous madame of a string of brothels. Behind her every move lies her greatest secret, her undying devotion to the child she was forced to abandon.
Psycho Beach Party

Psycho Beach Party

Aug 06, 2000
Played against the gaudy tapestry of turn of the century California’s notorious Barbary Coast, The Confession of Lily Dare tells the story of one woman’s tumultuous passage from convent girl to glittering cabaret chanteuse to infamous madame of a string of brothels. Behind her every move lies her greatest secret, her undying devotion to the child she was forced to abandon.
Les reines de Manhattan
Cette série suit la vie de trois femmes, amies, accomplies dans le domaine professionnel et qui cherchent toujours à en avoir plus. Nico, Wendy et Victory règnent sur New York ! Nico est rédactrice en chef d'un des plus grands magazines de mode et rêve d'en devenir la présidente. Wendy est une des pontes d'un studio de cinéma. Victory est une créatrice de mode à l'esprit très libéré, espérant un jour trouver l'homme idéal. Les trois amies font face ensemble aux grands défis de la vie, professionnels et personnels. Cependant, du côté personnel, la vie n'est pas toujours rose.


May 13, 2004
Psychiatre à la radio, Frasier Crane, voit ses petites habitudes bouleversées lorsqu’il accepte d’accueillir son père chez lui. Divorcé et maniaque, cet homme de quarante ans est habitué à vivre seul et n’aime pas que l’on dérange sa petite routine. Cependant il ne peut mettre à la porte son père handicapé (policier blessé en service) et les deux hommes sont obligés de cohabiter tant bien que mal. Mais la communication n’est pas bonne, père et fils ont du mal à extérioriser leurs sentiments et les discussions finissent bien souvent en disputes. Pour s’éloigner de cette ambiance tendue, Frasier aime retrouver son frère Niles autour d'un café, pour philosopher sur l'existence et critiquer son entourage. Niles est un personnage snob et intolérant, peu disposé à faire des sacrifices.
In the Life

In the Life

Jun 29, 2009
Produced by In The Life Media, In the Life is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender television newsmagazine that is broadcast on PBS. Premiering on June 9, 1992, it is the longest running LGBT television program in history. In September 2012, In The Life Media announced that the December 2012 broadcast would be the last. ITLM says it will work with other organizations to create a web-based archive of historical videos documenting the LGBT rights movement, enhancing the organization's online presence and hopefully broadening its reach.
Stars in the House

Stars in the House

Oct 25, 2021
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services.
Stars in the House

Stars in the House

Jun 29, 2009
Produced by In The Life Media, In the Life is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender television newsmagazine that is broadcast on PBS. Premiering on June 9, 1992, it is the longest running LGBT television program in history. In September 2012, In The Life Media announced that the December 2012 broadcast would be the last. ITLM says it will work with other organizations to create a web-based archive of historical videos documenting the LGBT rights movement, enhancing the organization's online presence and hopefully broadening its reach.