Leonard Knight

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Plagues and Pleasures on the Salton Sea
The Salton Sea: An inland ocean of massive fish kills, rotting resorts, and 120 degree nights located just minutes from urban Southern California. This film details the rise and fall of the Salton Sea, from its heyday as the "California Riviera" where boaters and Beach Boys mingled in paradise to its present state of decaying, forgotten ecological disaster.
Into the Wild

Into the Wild

Sep 21, 2007
Tout juste diplômé de l'université, Christopher McCandless, 22 ans, est promis à un brillant avenir. Pourtant, tournant le dos à l'existence confortable et sans surprise qui l'attend, le jeune homme décide de prendre la route en laissant tout derrière lui. Des champs de blé du Dakota aux flots tumultueux du Colorado, en passant par les communautés hippies de Californie, Christopher va rencontrer des personnages hauts en couleur. Chacun, à sa manière, va façonner sa vision de la vie et des autres. Au bout de son voyage, Christopher atteindra son but ultime en s'aventurant seul dans les étendues sauvages de l'Alaska pour vivre en totale communion avec la nature.
Leonard Knight: A Man & His Mountain
If you had something to say to the world, how would you do it? 'A Man & His Mountain' is the story of Leonard Knight. A man whose conviction and dedication led him on a thirty year journey to spread the message burned on his heart. Here is a look at the creator of Salvation Mountain.