Ryan Harper Gray

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Sep 27, 2011
Nature is an erotic suspense drama about a young couple on a quest to rediscover their sexual fervor. After a failed experiment with role-playing games, they decide to take a week long, sex centered camping trip deep into the woods. Gradually they become aware that an individual follows their every step, voyeuristically observing their most intimate moments. With the stalker in the picture, everything they set out to do takes on a new meaning and they must decide how far they are willing to go to get what they want.


Jun 25, 2022
After the death of his partner, Eli turns to the recently deceased’s artist friends for a hand with his immigration, but some of them have ulterior motives.
Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms

Nov 24, 2013
One day, father makes a shocking decision in a family gathering. The family disagrees with it and against him in the very beginning. However, they make up their mind to support him at the end. A portrait of family disorganization casting the master of experimental film, James Benning.
Somewhere Between New York and LA
Since he was 18 years old, Blake Eckard has written and directed six feature length films in his hometown of Stanberry, Missouri (population 1186). Aside from a short distribution deal in Canada and a few festival screenings, his movies have largely gone unseen.


Sep 09, 2004
Newport, Oregon. In a coastal town, Jeff and his wife Mattie work together facing the economic shifts. One son Chris, is unemployed; the other, Steve, is away on military service. Chris is lackadaisical and shiftless, Mattie perhaps drinks on the sly and tried to help her son, Jeff keeps his nose to the grind-wheel. Chris is dumped by his girlfriend, Jamie. Jeff scrambles to stay afloat. During a therapy session it is revealed that Chris is Jeff's step-son. Steve returns, but in a "transfer tube". Following his funeral, the family meet; an argument erupts, revealing the depths of the division between Jeff and Chris. In a counseling session Chris breaks down and is comforted by the counselor. Mattie and Jeff, lost in their grief, each lose their way.


Jan 01, 1970
Ex-con is released from jail, goes through release procedure, buys a gun, tries to pick up girl in bar, tries to sleep, meets up with ex-prison buddy, goes to take revenge on drug deal gone sour. A minimalist drama of dire simplicity, using avant-garde methods.
White Creek

White Creek

Jul 27, 2014
White Creek is a place from another universe. A place where feudalism remains intact and people struggle to break free from debt. One family must escape the dangers of this decaying society, as the power in their valley changes hands. In the end they are left to decide how to move forward in this universe and the next.
No Way to Live

No Way to Live

Sep 01, 2016
A teenage interracial couple in the 1950’s rob and steal to escape the bigotry of the American South. But when things turn violent, they are forced to confront the dark secrets of their own.
Go Back to China

Go Back to China

Mar 09, 2019
When party girl Sasha Li blows through most of her trust fund, she is cut off by her father and forced to go back to China and work for the family toy business.


Mar 11, 2011
A murdering swimming pool cleaning machine.


Jul 25, 2018
Dans un futur proche, les extraterrestes ont colonisé la Terre. Et pourtant, la plupart des humains ne savent pas à quoi ces aliens ressemblent, les personnes chargées de faire régner l'ordre étant des collaborateurs. À Los Angeles, les Bowman vivent comme beaucoup d'autres sous une menace constante. Lorsque le passé de Will, le père de la tribu, remonte à la surface, le gouverneur du secteur offre à cet ancien du FBI de mettre ses compétences à profit pour étouffer la progression de la résistance. Alléchés par la possibilité de retrouver leur fils cadet disparu depuis le jour de l'occupation, Will et son épouse Katie vont devoir prendre la plus difficile décision de leur existence. Choisiront-ils de collaborer... ou de résister ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Aug 14, 2022
À Westworld, un parc d'attractions dernier cri, les visiteurs paient des fortunes pour revivre le frisson de la conquête de l'Ouest. Dolores, Teddy et bien d'autres sont des androïdes à apparence humaine créés pour donner l'illusion et offrir du dépaysement aux clients. Pour ces derniers, Westworld est l'occasion de laisser libre-cours à ses fantasmes. Cet univers bien huilé est mis en péril lorsqu'à la suite d'une mise à jour, quelques robots commencent à adopter des comportements imprévisibles, voire erratiques. En coulisses, l'équipe, qui tire les ficelles de ce monde alternatif, s'inquiète de ces incidents de plus en plus nombreux. Les enjeux du programme Westworld étant énormes, la Direction ne peut se permettre une mauvaise publicité qui ferait fuir ses clients. Que se passe-t-il réellement avec les androïdes ré-encodés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy