Margie Gay

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Alice's Tin Pony

Alice's Tin Pony

Aug 15, 1925
Alice and Julius are driving a train, which is carrying a large payroll. Pete the Bear and his gang find out about it and devise a plan to rob the train.
Alice Loses Out

Alice Loses Out

Jun 15, 1925
A rich garbage magnate Ima Hawg is being driven by his chauffeur to a hotel run by Alice and her cat Julius. The hotel has seen better times, and so the two are thrilled when they see the limousine roll up. Hawg demands a barber and a manicurist, and Julius feels he's up to the job. He does his best to please the grouch, with mixed results.
Alice on the Farm

Alice on the Farm

Jan 01, 1926
While Julius is milking his cow, Pete kidnaps Alice. Julius gives chase, and winds up in a duel with Pete.
Alice chef des pompiers
Lorsque l'on découvre que l'hôtel local est en feu, les pompiers (tous ressemblant au chat Julius), dirigés par la chef des pompiers Alice, sont appelés. Les résidents sont occupés à échapper à l'incendie pendant que les chats se mettent au travail pour les aider à sortir du bâtiment et à éteindre les flammes. Lorsqu'une locataire féline se retrouve coincée au dernier étage, l'un des pompiers la sauve courageusement en chevauchant un nuage de fumée pour l'atteindre, mais lorsqu'ils reviennent au sol, il la trouve en train d'expirer à cause de l'inhalation de fumée. Il sauve la situation en faisant sortir la fumée d'elle avec un rouleau à pâtisserie, et lorsqu'elle se réveille, les deux tombent instantanément amoureux.
Alice's Orphan

Alice's Orphan

Jan 15, 1926
Julius the cat is skating on a pond when he espies a young lady break through the ice. He saves her, only to realize she's not particularly attractive, and so throws her back. Meanwhile, a kitten orphan is left in a basket by the side of the pond; Julius discovers it and takes it skating with him, afterward taking it home to Alice. They name him Oscar, and Julius tries to give the brat a bath. He then feeds Oscar and teaches him some table manners.
Alice Chops the Suey

Alice Chops the Suey

Aug 30, 1925
Alice is kidnapped by Chinese Gangsters and brought to Chinatown. Her cat tries (successfully) to rescue her, but then they're hunted by a bunch of angry Chinese Triad members.
Alice Rattled by Rats

Alice Rattled by Rats

Nov 15, 1925
While Alice is away, her cat is guarding the house. He chases one pesky rat inside the house, and shoots a hole in the floor, which he falls through, into a vat of home-brew. With the cat thus away, the rats play, at first dancing and singing, and later playing in the bathtub. The cat eventually sobers up (after he lands in a cactus), and tries to blow up the rats (and house!) with a bomb, but the rats plant the bomb on the cat, who blows up himself, Alice, and several nearby trees.
Alice the Jail Bird

Alice the Jail Bird

Sep 15, 1925
Alice and Julius are riding along on a turtle until they notice someone has left a pie to cool on their third-storey window sill. They swipe it with the aid of the turtle and his elongated neck, but are pursued by a police officer. They try to paddle away across a pond and up a river, but the officer's determined to catch them. He tricks them into his paddy wagon and they end up in prison, where the hijinks continue with a daring jail break.
Micky En Guerre

Micky En Guerre

Feb 01, 1926
Julius traverse la ville en déclarant la guerre et les villageois s'arment et se préparent rapidement. Tandis qu'Alice inspecte les troupes, l'armée adverse (composée de souris) tire avec ses canons. Julius est touché et complètement détruit ; il est récupéré et amené à l'hôpital où il est reconstitué avec une bonne dose de pièces de rechange. Le chat vaillant revient sur le terrain et, à l'aide d'un éventail et d'un morceau de fromage à forte odeur, attire les souris hors de leur tranchée, les frappant à la tête à leur arrivée avec sa queue multifonctionnelle.
Alice's Mysterious Mystery
A mouse and his boss pose as dogcatchers and grab a schoolhouse full of dogs; they use several other ruses to round up dogs for, as we discover, a sausage factory. Alice and Julius are on the trail soon after the first caper, but it takes them a while to catch up with the bad guys. They do, and Julius tricks the big boss into getting clobbered by the sausage guy, then turns the dogs loose on him.
Alice Solves the Puzzle
Alice and Julius are playing on the seashore when Pete comes around, gets Julius drunk and tries to steal a crossword puzzle from Alice. Julius has to sober up to come to the rescue.
Alice in the Alps

Alice in the Alps

Mar 21, 1927
Alice and Julius go ice-skating in the Swiss Alps, and later go on a mountain-climbing expedition with Pete.
Alice Wins the Derby

Alice Wins the Derby

Jul 12, 1925
Alice, Julius, and one other character are in a combined auto/horse race. Julius gets off to a bad start when his car takes off, without him, in the wrong direction; it takes him a while to get it straightened out. Alice and the bad guy battle a bit for the lead, which Alice takes; they pass a detour, which the bad guy changes the sign for. Julius, taking the bad road, eventually drives up a cliff and, after a mighty struggle at the top, makes it, in third place, to the changeover. Alice and the bad guy ride off on horses; Julius has a wind-up wooden horse. Julius' horse keeps breaking down, eventually losing the back legs (Julius uses an empty thought balloon to hold up the rear). Alice's horse jumps a fence, and won't continue. The bad guy looks like he'll win, but Alice makes a mighty leap and knocks him off to win the race
Sacré Cupidon

Sacré Cupidon

Oct 15, 1925
Julius est maître-nageur sur la plage, où il rencontre et tombe amoureux d'une belle chatte. Alice décide de l'aider en conduisant la voiture lorsque les deux décident de s'enfuir.
Alice's Brown Derby

Alice's Brown Derby

Dec 13, 1926
Une autre course de chevaux avec Julius chevauchant un cheval mécanique et Pete essayant sans succès de tricher pour gagner.
Alice at the Rodeo

Alice at the Rodeo

Feb 21, 1927
Julius wins a bronc-riding contest at the rodeo. However, Pete steals his prize money, so Julius must go after him to get it back.
Alice's Auto Race

Alice's Auto Race

Apr 04, 1927
Alice, Julius and Peter enter a road race. Pete, of course, tries to cheat by pulling such stunts as switching road signs, but Julius is on to Pete's tricks.
Alice Gets Stage Struck
While Alice and her gang are performing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" she is knocked unconscious and dreams she is being chased by Pete across ice floes.
L'Ouest Moutonneux

L'Ouest Moutonneux

Oct 04, 1926
Alors que Julius parcourt la prairie à cheval, jouant avec son lasso, une bande d'ours dévalisent un chariot dont un des passagers est Alice. Julius parvient à sauver les passagers mais Alice est prise en otage par un bandit. Une course-poursuite s'engage puis une bataille dans les rochers. Julius utilise une ruse, en enlevant sa fourrure, pour assommer par derrière le bandit avec un club de golf. Alice, veux remercier son sauveur mais sa nudité la perturbe. Ce n'est qu'après s'être "revêtu" derrière un rocher que Julius reçoit les remerciements d'Alice.