Mitko Apostolovski

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Бог да ги убие шпионите
Five centuries of persecution and the struggle of the Macedonian people for freedom and an independent Macedonian state in which freedom will reign equally for all, have created their own myth and tradition for themselves. The struggles, sufferings, betrayals and self-sacrifice were later translated and woven through Macedonian songs, stories, tales and plays. Starting from there, this TV movie approaches the events of that time.
TV Movie
Медена ноќ

Медена ноќ

Apr 17, 2015
The story of this political thriller takes place in the 90s and follows one night of the life of the Deputy Minister Nikola and his wife Ana.
Остани исправен!!
A clerical worker endures another tedious afternoon with quiet desperation. But a trip to the bank where he encounters a surly teller pushes the mild-mannered clerk over the edge—his quiet desperation becomes the violent despair of a raging beast!


Jan 16, 2016
The film Obozenie is in the form of a triptych and consists of the parts Catharsis, Wingless and Ascension. The film follows the stories of characters who while fighting to survive, revive the lost spirituality in them and in the people around them.
Последниот Македонец - Патот до истребување
This is a documentary film about the land and people which will never restore their power of the past. A story about negations and many historical moments are enveloped in the veil of secret. Through the modern personalities and archives "The Last Macedonian from Macedonia" approaches to the truth revealing the never spoken moments and linking the past, present, but also the future. The film was shot on locations in Bitola and its surroundings.
Igla ispod praga

Igla ispod praga

Sep 10, 2016
Father Peter fears that the universe has become indifferent. God no longer intervenes in earthly affairs. Peter's wife abandoned him, his son disobeys him and his mother suffers from Alzheimer's and hardly ever recognizes him. When Peter becomes an obstacle to a large property sale in his small island parish, a group of interesting, but vengeful villagers decides to force him to leave. Using very creative methods, they convince the entire superstitious village that Peter is the cause of all the troubles on their island.
The Witness

The Witness

Jan 17, 2019
Au Tribunal international de La Haye, le colonel Pantic est accusé et inculpé de crimes contre l’humanité, mais personne n’ose témoigner contre lui. Vince Harrington, jeune auxiliaire de justice, décide de partir en ex-Yougaslavie à la recherche du seul homme capable d’affronter le colonel, l’ex général Nikola Radin. Contrairement à ses attentes, le voyage se transformera en une chasse à l’homme acharnée dans les montagnes des Balkans.
Je suis de Titov Veles
Que vous reste-t-il quand vous avez passé votre vie à vivre pour les autres, et qu'ils partent ? L'histoire de trois sœurs : Sapho, la plus jeune, atteinte de la maladie des temps modernes, qui la pousse à changer de mec dans l'espoir de changer de vie ; Afrodita, la jumelle de Sapho, qui ne parle pas en raison d'un problème physique ; et Slavica, 35 ans, l'aînée, qui travaille dans une usine.
The Third Half

The Third Half

Sep 27, 2012
1941, Après l’invasion de la Yougoslavie par l’Allemagne et ses alliés, l’équipe de football de Macédoine est intégrée au championnat de Bulgarie. Or, l’entraîneur de l’équipe est un juif allemand. Et le joueur vedette, Kosta, est amoureux de Rebecca, la fille d’un juif sépharade. Les premières lois anti-juives voient le jour, les premières rafles sont organisées. Pendant ce temps, l’équipe doit participer au championnat organisé par les nazis.