Vidas Petkevičius

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Mar 03, 2023
Miglė, who married when she was very young, has for 26 years been divorced from her ex-husband who one day calls her and asks for a favour. He has found that it would be a good time to get married again after the death of his mother. But there is a small problem: their divorce is valid only in the eyes of the law, because a Catholic marriage cannot be divorced. It can, however, be annulled. All that needs to be done is to complete an application and give the “Catholic court” a good reason. But she does not know in what kind of absurd situations she is about to find herself in.


Nov 17, 2022
A newly appointed teacher arrives at a remote village school in 1947. The famous journalist and distinguished poet was downgraded for illegal publications and forbidden anti-Soviet verses. Suspicious locals still prefer to test his loyalties, while children wilingly recite his verses from 'To My Soviet Motherland', written under pressure to prase Uncle Lenin. Eventually, an unforgotten friend shows him a secret wintery path to the Dainava resistance platoon's underground bunker.


Mar 22, 2019
Migle’s grandfather has been living in an apartment that is too big for him. Two sibling families decided to move him out. In order to please Migle, Eimantas comes to grandfather’s home to help family move all the furniture. But not everyone in the family is happy about his presence.
Les Enfants-loups

Les Enfants-loups

Aug 28, 2013
Printemps 1947. Les campagnes de Prusse-Orientale, perdues par l'Allemagne, sont ravagées. A l'issue d'un hiver particulièrement rigoureux, Hans, 14 ans, et son petit frère Fritz voient leur mère s'éteindre à petit feu, d'épuisement et de faim. Les deux orphelins, qui ont également perdu leur père pendant le conflit, se retrouvent livrés à eux-mêmes. A l'agonie, leur mère leur ordonne de partir pour la Lituanie voisine, où un ami paysan pourra les héberger. Alors qu'ils viennent de rencontrer la petite Christel, orpheline de guerre comme eux, ils sont pris pour cibles par des soldats soviétiques, et Fritz disparaît, emporté par le courant. Aidé de Christel, puis de deux autres «enfants-loups», Hans n'aura de cesse de retrouver son frère...
Fireheart : La Légende de Tadas Blinda
Au 19ème siècle, Tadas Blinda se rebelle contre la brutalité de l'armée russe en Lituanie. Issu d'un milieu modeste, il devient héros grâce à son courage et au mouvement qu'il a réussi à créer. Mais pendant cette révolte, le paysan s'éprend d'une femme de la noblesse...
Amžinoji šviesa

Amžinoji šviesa

Jan 16, 1989
Lithuanian countryside in the 1950s. People live with mixed memories of an independent Lithuania, no one believes in the myths of a future Soviet Lithuania, but everyone clings tenaciously, out of inner inertia, to the opportunities offered by even the smallest personal farm. This is a film that subtly tells the story of love and the beginnings of a peaceful life in the countryside: the surveyor is tormented by Pranė, who has fallen in love with him unrequitedly, Amilia, who has fallen in love with Zigmas, but is married to the surveyor, Anicetas, the village philosopher, Bernasius, knows it all: if there is an eternal darkness, there is also an eternal light...
Edeno sodas

Edeno sodas

Sep 04, 2015
Lithuania in the near future. The land is full of rich immigrants. Rich Lithuanians that were scattered throughout the world return to Lithuania to spend their golden years in luxurious nursing homes; and the laws that govern life and death provide a feeling of security... The residents of the Garden of Eden look upon this "global theatre of life" with tearful smiles and great wisdom.
Kelionė į rojų

Kelionė į rojų

Jan 01, 1970
The rich widow Marta Anker, owner of a renowned trading company, loves the poor fisherman Ansą Balčiai. The locals keep the ongoings under close watch.
Mėnulio Lietuva

Mėnulio Lietuva

Jan 01, 1997
Lunar Lithuania is a 1998 drama film written by Saulius Saltenis and directed by Gytis Luksas.
Fritsud ja blondiinid

Fritsud ja blondiinid

May 09, 2008
Veteran actors from the 3 Baltic countries - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - gather at a castle in Latvia to receive awards for their roles as Nazi villains in propagandist Soviet war films. They reminisce about the films that made them famous throughout the USSR, but also stigmatized the Baltic countries as Nazi sympathizers in the eyes of many Russians - a misconception that is nowadays exploited by the Russian media, desperate to label the Baltic countries as a fascist haven.
Vilko dantų karoliai

Vilko dantų karoliai

Jun 06, 1997
Algimantas Puipa directed this 1997 drama about a painter wrestling with childhood memories of his father being exiled to Siberia.
Электронная бабушка
Agata is badly ill and nobody knows how to cure her. No doctor can help. Friends of Agata learn, that she is ill, because all children have Grannies but Agata does not. They go to the shop "Electronic Granny" and beg the dealer to sell them one Electronic Granny. The dealer warns them, that her electronic circuits are very sensitive - and this Granny will only work if loved. Agata get healthy and plays with her new Granny and other friends. Granny can invite new games and even fly with all children to the Moon. But later due to the jealousy and bad heabits children forget that they must love Granny, they begin to treat her just as a robot that "must do what they ask". As a result Granny dies. To resurect her Agata and friends must get off their ambitions, rudeness, jealousy and again become loving, cheerful and kind.


Oct 02, 2009
Two men meet in a run-down Vilnius restaurant - an old man and a young thug named Vytas. After a couple of drinks, the old man suggests that Vytas, who is emigrating to Bergen the following day, can save the restaurant's singer from hardship if he were to take her away with him.
Žemė maitintoja

Žemė maitintoja

Jul 14, 1977
The peasant Juras Tarutis takes part in the struggle for independent Lithuania and in the election campaign for the Sejm, painfully experiencing the fascist coup in 1926. At first, he firmly believes in land reform and only after difficult trials, he become disillusioned with the reform and with the bourgeois system itself.
Heda Gabler

Heda Gabler

Oct 23, 1988
Life of a femme fatale; a picture of a strong-willed woman is created, capable of becoming the queen of fate, killed by the urban environment and the fear of living her own life...
Les Insurgés

Les Insurgés

Dec 31, 2008
En 1941, les armées d'Hitler envahissent l'Europe. Leur implacable progression coûte la vie à des millions de juifs. Pour trois hommes, cette tragédie marque le début d'une guerre dans la guerre. Lorsque leur petit village d'Europe de l'Est est envahi, les frères Bielski se réfugient dans une profonde forêt qu'ils connaissent depuis leur enfance. Ils se contentent d'abord de survivre mais la rumeur de leur exploit se répand et d'autres les rejoignent, hommes et femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes, prêts à tout risquer pour rester vivants et libres. Peu à peu, les trois frères vont recueillir des centaines de pourchassés et contrecarrer les plans de leurs redoutables attaquants. Face à l'adversité, au nom de ceux qu'ils ont perdu, ils vont sauver plus d'un millier de vies...
Karalių pamaina

Karalių pamaina

Oct 21, 2016
A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose suspect of World War II crimes. His shift is long over, yet nobody comes to replace him. However, the youngster is determined not to leave his post until he gets permission from his authorities to do so. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time bomb at the very wrong time. He must decide how far he can go guarding this suspect who is hated to death by everyone.
Valentinas už 2rų

Valentinas už 2rų

Feb 07, 2014
This adventurous romantic comedy with a light hint of eroticism tells the story of Valentine’s night miracles – it is a night, when everyone should stop lying to themselves – and to others.
Purpurinis rūkas

Purpurinis rūkas

Feb 06, 2019
'Purple Smoke' tells the complex story of Lithuanian Jew Jozef, partisan commander Vlad and their two beloved Janes.
Velnio sėkla

Velnio sėkla

Dec 05, 1979
In the Lithuanian village of Lietuvos, a farmer brings his sheltered nephew, Joni, to the rich Bani. By biting the prospective host's hand, the teenager gains the nickname of "the devil's seed."


Sep 05, 1980
A little boy and a story teller look into the microscope to find out that the world in a drop of a water looks like a real world, so they dive into it and meet different personalities, miracles and events.
Une si ravissante voleuse
Un avocat est en voyage d'affaires à Saint-Pétersbourg. Lorsqu'une belle femme en fuite le croise et lui demande de l'aide, il est projeté dans un monde dangereux de voleurs de bijoux et de gangsters.
TV Movie
Laiškai Sofijai

Laiškai Sofijai

Aug 28, 2013
Based on a true story, this is the love affair between a Lithuanian genius and the woman and the country he adored. Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis was born into a Lithuanian peasant family in 1875. Despite his lowly origins he soon revealed himself to be a child prodigy able to both paint and compose music of startling and often frightening intensity. Soon after he was struck down by a mysterious mental illness, which would plague him for the rest of his life. During his short lifetime, Ciurlionis produced over 300 paintings and 300 musical compositions. Supporting him throughout his short and painful life was his beloved wife, Sofija Kymantaite, a journalist and political activist.
Matrioshki : Le trafic de la honte
Chaque année, des centaines de femmes sont enlevées et forcées à se prostituer. Matrioshki est l'histoire de dix d'entre elles. De jeunes lituaniennes rêvent de quitter leur pays pour rejoindre les pays prospères de l'Ouest. Ayant lu une annonce, elles décident de se rendre à une audition organisée par des producteurs cherchant des danseuses pour une tournée dans toute l'Europe. Séduites par les promesses de richesse, les filles retenues signent les yeux fermés. Débute alors une lente descente dans l'enfer de la prostitution et de l'esclavage.
Rimti Reikalai

Rimti Reikalai

Jan 09, 2025
An abundance of stories, an energetic storytelling style and an ironic approach to situations - this is the new LNK series "Rimti Reikalai". Released after five years in prison, the criminal Hard finds himself at the epicenter of bloody events. The criminal gang to which he belonged breaks up, and a fierce battle begins for the chair of the mafia boss.