Valentin Plessy

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Le Garçon avec le soleil dans les yeux
John (Tim Swain) agrees to be Italian horror actress and singer Solange's (Mahogany Reynolds) assistant, and he's thrilled to be swept into her glamorous, arty European world. But when the sex and drug lifestyle gives way to murder, John begins to question Solange's motives. Based on the novel by James Derek Dwyer and filmed on location in Europe, this offbeat comedy pays homage to the cinema of the 1980s and features a hip soundtrack.
Available Light

Available Light

Jun 11, 2015
An experimental feature film about people in different cities who are trying to escape their loneliness through love, lust or a combination of both. The film was shot in real locations using only available light. The viewer is both a voyeur - watching the characters in intimate situations that are not meant to be seen - and an active participant - imagining what the characters are going through and making connections between them that may or may not be real.
Otto; or, Up with Dead People
Un jeune zombie prénommé Otto erre sur une route isolée, sans savoir ce qu'il fait là, d'où il vient, ni où il va. Il y a quelque chose d'étrange avec Otto. Il semble être sans-abri, se réfugie dans un parc d'attractions abandonné et ne dort jamais. Il a aussi un trouble de l'alimentation : il a une aversion pour la consommation de chair humaine. C'est un zombie avec une crise d'identité. Après avoir fait du stop jusqu'à Berlin, il rencontre une cinéaste underground, Medea Yarn, qui décide de réaliser un documentaire sur lui. Parallèlement à ce projet, Medea tente de terminer un long-métrage intitulé Up with Dead People, film zombie épique, politique et porno sur lequel elle travaille depuis des années. Elle convainc la star du film, Fritz Fritze, d'héberger chez lui le fragile Otto. Lorsque Otto découvre dans sa poche un portefeuille contenant des informations sur son passé d'avant sa mort, des souvenirs de sa vie commencent à remonter à la surface.


Aug 12, 2021
In the Brandenburg province Markus Hawemann is torn between his love for his grandmothers in need of care - one of them suffering from dementia - and his longing for urban self- determination in Berlin. Most of the time Markus is pretty alone with his worries. In his daydreams a crowd of dazzling demons are visiting him more and more often. They are harbingers of an urban elective family. When Duc enters his life, things become more complicated, as packed boxes in his apartment are already waiting for move to the big city.