Craig Bovia

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Johnny s'en va-t-en guerre
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, un jeune soldat est blessé par une mine : il a perdu ses bras, ses jambes et toute une partie de son visage. Il ne peut ni parler, ni entendre, ni sentir mais reste conscient. Dans la chambre d'un hopîtal, il tente de communiquer et se souvient de son histoire.
Dirty Little Billy

Dirty Little Billy

Nov 01, 1972
Clearly influenced by the darker, more sinister style of spaghetti westerns, Dirty Little Billy offers a unique insight into the beginnings of the notorious outlaw Billy The Kid.
Come Back Baby

Come Back Baby

Jun 13, 1968
Cal Thacker, a would-be artist, shares his slum living quarters with Mike Rubel, a pusher who exists in a private drug-centered world, and Richard Stoney Morgan, an embittered drifter who sponges from the other two. Cal's girl friend, Carrie, who has provided his only meaningful human contact, finds him in bed with another girl and breaks up with him. In despair, Cal tries unsuccessfully to obtain funds by selling his paintings. His motorcycle is wrecked in a crash, though Cal miraculously escapes injury. Later in the day, the three roommates meet at the apartment and attempt to obliterate their problems with cheap whiskey.