Erika Bodnár

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Sárika, drágám

Sárika, drágám

Mar 18, 1971
After his divorce, Bóna Péter, a beginner film director needs a bigger amount of money to settle his financial problems with his ex-wife. He travels to Pécs to see Sárika, an old veteran. He has not seen his aunt for a long time, and she receives him very friendly, but she flatly refuses to lend him any money.
Almanach d'automne

Almanach d'automne

Aug 15, 1984
Hédi, une dame âgée, vit de ses rentes dans un appartement spacieux avec son fils János qui ne vient la voir le plus souvent que pour lui soutirer de l’argent, et son infirmière-gouvernante-confidente, Anna. Le petit ami de celle-ci, Miklós, s’installe dans sa chambre et entreprend de devenir l’ami de la vieille dame. János amène un « locataire » à la maison, son ami Pál, professeur au chômage. Lui aussi va tenter de séduire Hédi. Dans ce huis clos empoisonné, des alliances se nouent et se dénouent. Il est bien difficile de démêler l’intérêt de l’affection véritable, car une seule chose est sûre : tout le monde semble cruellement à court d’argent, sauf Hédi.
Harminckét nevem volt
The film, paying a tribute to the memory of Endre Ságvári, a Communist hero, goes back to the summer of 1944. Through Colonel Gombos-Götz who has recognised that the Nazi-Germans will be ultimately defeated, Ságvári, the leader of the Young Communist Workers' Association asks Csiszár, the commander of the barracks in Andrássy street to provide him with guns to help release the Communist prisoners in Tata.
Tiszta Amerika

Tiszta Amerika

Jan 11, 1988
Frigyes, shortly after immigrating to New York City from Hungary, leaves his family for the pleasures and gratifications of being a street bum. But as time goes by, the appeal of this lifestyle wanes. A series of adventures with other drifters reaches a dramatic conclusion when some thugs murder one of them. This startling event forces Frigyes to come to terms with his current situation and decide whether to return to the family he abandoned.
Szikrázó lányok

Szikrázó lányok

Aug 13, 1974
A musical farce about women in the canning factory. The pretty Brigitta tries to commit suicide, because Laci left her, pregnant, but her mates save her.


Aug 22, 1978
Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.
Halál sekély vízben
1991, farewell in Budapest. Mária remembers the past in tears. Her husband, Tibor, a chemist and a target of the KGB, left their apartment one evening to fetch some cigarettes only to be found drowned in the shallow Lake Balaton the following day. Their son, Peter, a student in Western-Europe, was found dead on the Danube embankment.


Oct 17, 1986
It is a tragedy, set among low-lifes on the outskirts of Budapest. Dramatic Exchange describes it as "Widely considered to be the most important Hungarian play of the last 20 years". The odd title of the play refers in the first instance to the chicken heads that an old woman feeds to her cat. However, it can also be taken to refer more broadly to the obtuse behaviour of the main characters in the play. The play is an odd mixture of pathos and nihilism, written against the bleak background of Stalinist totalitarianism from which Hungary was emerging. As with much modern drama, there is no hero in the play. The only noble behaviour that one can find belongs to one of the characters in the past, when he was a child, but he is no longer as he was. The hint that what once existed might be achieved again is the only faint ray of hope in a very bleak view of the human condition.


Sep 18, 2008
Karcsi, a Roma policeman, lives with Eva, a Swede. One day he is called to the scene of the murder of a wealthy trafficker named Schulter. He begins to investigate the crime, interrogate neighbours and suspects, and untangle a complex situation - one that he, himself, complicates even further. For he is a gypsy, who despite being adopted and raised by "regular" Hungarians, has his nose rubbed in his minority status every day. The film, which is based on the novel by Ákos Kertész, is a shrewd genre work full of dusky humour and surreal situations. Tabló follows a vivid succession of strange images that eventually lead to the emergence of the central story about a charismatic police officer on a tireless quest for the truth, though he must fight against virtually everyone and is just as fallible as the next person. Tabló makes a statement on the issue of race and racism - or, indeed, relations between any minority and majority.
White God

White God

Jun 12, 2014
Pour favoriser les chiens de race, le gouvernement inflige à la population une lourde taxe sur les bâtards. Leurs propriétaires s’en débarrassent, les refuges sont surpeuplés. Lili, 13 ans, adore son chien Hagen, mais son père l’abandonne dans la rue. Tandis que Lili le cherche dans toute la ville, Hagen, livré à lui-même, découvre la cruauté des hommes. Il rejoint une bande de chiens errants prêts à fomenter une révolte contre les hommes. Leur vengeance sera sans pitié. Lili est peut-être la seule à pouvoir arrêter cette guerre.
Az idők kezdetén

Az idők kezdetén

Jan 01, 1975
The film takes place at the end of 1946. Rumours are spread that the food supply will not arrive for it has been robbed. Workers of the metal factory go on strike.


Sep 09, 1976
One day Novák Erzsébet kindergarten-teacher destroys her papers, cuts her hair and closes her mouth forever. She prepares for suicide namelessly, then somewhere around Normafa she accepts being taken into an asylum.
Talpra, Győző!

Talpra, Győző!

Jan 01, 1983
Győző is a 38-year-old insurance agent. At a playground, he gets acquainted with the 40 year old Gábor, left by his wife, and with a career as an opera singer in pieces.
Egy srác fehér lovon
"Don't give up your dream" - this is how Demjén Ferenc's song goes and Gyuri darts along the endless fields on a white horse. The young crane-operator lives in a small larder-room, where he has to hang his chair on the wall and the tap drips. He has to share his mornings with his two dream "man-hunters", his father and his brother, who feel that he does not belong to them because of his desires and ambitions.


Jan 01, 1977
The film takes place in Budapest in the 1920s. The teenage Rózsa Béla, the son of a washing-woman and a salesman born out of wedlock, gets employment as callboy in a luxurious hotel.