Jean-Louis Vattier

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Mar 02, 1977
Marlène, a young woman who has just arrived in Paris, meets a boy with homosexual tendencies, who during their first night of love behaves in a sadistic way. At first shocked by this attitude, she took a liking to it very quickly. From then on, in all of her adventures, she will always go further into masochism, forcing her partners to endlessly mortify her, alone or in a group. A real madness has seized her, which will lead her to the most extreme perversions.
Amours collectives

Amours collectives

Oct 13, 1976
Amours Collectives starts out as libertarian porn, but ends up more like direct cinema, in which the film itself functions as its own making-of! Witty, salacious scenes follow one after another, with the director more or less becoming the central character.


Jan 01, 1975
An evil count lures beautiful women to his castle, there to imprison them in his torture chamber for his amusement.
Les grandes jouisseuses
Pierre has sexual fantasies about his next door neighbor Marianne leading his wife to get him an appointment with a sex therapist. Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more.
La Nymphomane Lubrique
Monique Bruno plays a blonde nymphomaniac married to straight-laced Thierry de Brem. She goes out at night dressed in a fur coat over nothing but stockings and seduces strange men
Le Bouche-trou

Le Bouche-trou

Nov 10, 1976
Joëlle & François forment un couple pas vraiment classique. Joëlle finit par se lasser de son conjoint trop fantaisiste. Elle décide de partir en vacances librement, ouverte au sexe avec les hommes et les femmes qu'elle rencontre. Ayant finalement envie de retrouver François, elle le découvre avec un autre homme, et une nouvelle relation débute...
Les Hôtesses du sexe

Les Hôtesses du sexe

Feb 02, 1977
Trois Suédoises ont été engagées comme hôtesses de l'air par une compagnie très particulière. En effet, la Sex Airlines propose, outre le traditionnel plateau-repas, des services en sus à tous ses passagers...
Érotiques passions

Érotiques passions

Jan 03, 1979
In the future, gender roles will be reversed, men will be whores and women will buy their services. Super Jeanne buys the services of a gigolo in the woods and she is so satisfied of his performance that she decides to offer him as a gift to her friend for her birthday. Super Jeanne’s husband is not happy to be treated as a “man as a sex object” and tired of washing up, his friend will find him another girl less dominating.
Caresses Infernales

Caresses Infernales

Feb 01, 1978
In a pub, 3 friends tell sex stories, one with a guy having a special way to hire secretaries, one with a woman who has sex three times a day with 5 guys each time, one with a girl falling in love with a dildo, one with a young girl testing different sex games with her aged husband and a black guy, one where the husband plays a transvestite to seduce his wife, one where a gay couple abuses a housewife, one with a girl making love to one of her boots, and finally one with an orgy where everybody comes together.
Love Inferno

Love Inferno

Jan 01, 1977
Love Inferno is the story of a smouldering family conflict which ends in disaster.
Perversions Pornographiques
Marie-Ange ('Baby Blue' - Danièle Troeger) is a student who comes to stay with Jean-Louis Vattier and his wife to do some research. It turns out that this research involves investigating the sex lives of her hosts and their friends. Disappointed with what she discovers, she takes a hand to improve them, taking the husband to visit prostitutes (one of these is Samantha) and making a loan of her boyfriend to the wife. Her 'students' get very enthusiastic - the husband has sex with his secretary (Gwenda Farnel) and the wife seduces her husband's employee. It ends with a wife-swapping foursome with Richard Lemieuvre and Jenny Feeling whose offer of such a party had been turned down at the start of the film.
Perversités suédoises
Barbara Moose and Carole Gire, hitch hiking to the south of France, seduce the motorist who picks them up (being scolded by a gendarme) and then stop off at a small hotel and create havoc among the staff, the guests and the villagers, especially the baker’s boy. They seduce everyone in sight - the maid, the owner/chef (Alban Ceray), a lone female guest (XNK2367), a guest couple (Charlie Schreiner and Myriam Watteau), but not (yet) the baker’s boy, and turn them all into sex maniacs, including the frustrated baker’s boy. This 'lad' (Vattier is a bit old for the part) spies an orgy going on inside the hotel and is driven to draw a female outline in the gravel of the drive and then make love to it. The hole he creates eventually becomes a fertility symbol site of scientific interest, attracting a couple of researchers to investigate it (Nadine Scant and a Charlie Schreiner near look-alike).
Fais-moi tout

Fais-moi tout

Feb 02, 1977
The mayor of some provincial village calls the detective agency which employs Dany and Martine because a local woman (Therese) is spreading gossip about how several local establishment figures of his party have scandalously taken advantage of her. Dany and Martine come to investigate and hear first Therese's story about how Luc, Paul and Jacques coerced her into indecent acts, such as pharmacist Luc talking her into giving him a blow-job as a means to relieve her migraine. Dany and Martine soon conjecture that this is all wishful thinking and that Therese merely wants to get hitched and get laid. So they validate the hypothesis by trying out the men for themselves. In the end, Therese is happy too, because our heroines arrange a hot date with Jacques - with a predictable outcome.
Les zizis en folie

Les zizis en folie

Mar 21, 1978
A Bitenbois, la chatelaine Bérénice de Touffenlair doit prouver sa moralité afin de touche run héritage, elle doit donc cacher sa liaison avec l'"adjoint au maire. Parallèlement trois jejune filles délurées viennent camper sur sa propriété. Quant au nouveau pharmacien il confond les aphrodisiaques et avec un adoucissant musical de sa composition.
La vitrine du plaisir

La vitrine du plaisir

Aug 30, 1978
Une journaliste est invitée sur le plateau d'un film pornographique pour en découvrir les coulisses du tournage. Bientôt, la jeune femme se rapproche des acteurs, des actrices et des techniciens du film.


May 10, 1978
Une infirmière est engagée par la famille d’un milliardaire pour assassiner celui-ci en le faisant… mourir de plaisir. Mais elle s’éprend de sa victime et ne remplit pas son contrat. Ce film brillamment mis en scène et aux dialogues savamment ciselés constitue une des œuvres maîtresses du hard français. Ses deux scénaristes ont puisé leur inspiration dans des références prestigieuses, à commencer par "Théorème" de Pasolini qui met également en scène l’intrusion d’un étranger (ici une infirmière prénommée "Ange") dans une famille dont il séduit chaque membre. Le pitch de la nurse provoquant le décès de ses "patients" en leur procurant un ultime orgasme rappelle "L’Ange rouge" de Masamura. A travers l’amour synonyme de mort et l’ambivalence entre Eros et Thanatos, "Entrechattes" évoque aussi l’œuvre transgressive de George Bataille.
La grande enfilade

La grande enfilade

May 16, 1979
Un couple débauché organise une "fête galante" et attend ses invités. Se présente une innocente et ravissante jeune fille. Le couple prend un plaisir pervers à abuser d'elle puis l'enferme dans une malle d'où elle pourra suivre le déroulement de la soirée. La "fête" commence. L'un des participant découvre la présence de la jeune fille. Au grand étonnement de tous, elle avoue avoir pris goût au spectacle et demande que la "fête" continue, avec elle...
Blue Ecstasy

Blue Ecstasy

Sep 22, 1976
Un jeune marié abandonne son épouse le soir de leurs noces et lui recommande de s'offrir tout ce qui lui fait plaisir en l'attendant. L'épouse délaissée le prend au mot.


Sep 01, 1976
It's Saturday and Alex and Isabelle are preparing for their very "spicy" weekly session. In a moment of excitement, the President presses the red button and the groans of pleasure mingle with the explosions of World War III.
Eva et l'amour

Eva et l'amour

May 26, 1976
Eva is a young innocent Dutch girl who is in love with Antoine, brother of her best friend Martine. When she accidentally see her and her husband Henri having sex, they invite her to join a threesome. But Antoine comes unexpectedly and sees her betrayal. He punishes both her and his sister. To try on lovers, friends have a masquerade party.


Jul 05, 1978
L'un des plus grands films de Gérard Kikoïne et paradoxalement le plus méconnu. Un transfert de personnalité transforme une sage et ravissante jeune femme de 25 ans en une nymphomane dépravée dévoreuse d'hommes et de femmes. Un chef d'oeuvre du Cinéma X Français applaudi par une foule de spectateurs fascinés lors de sa sortie le 5 Juillet 1978 dans les salles ALPHA-FRANCE.
Punishment in the Nursing School 2
Fraulein Dupont has finally passed her test. The director is very pleased, and so he appraises her on his writing. According to the old tradition, the physician's staff can start the day with the celebration. In the nursing rooms, they take care of their patients. As a special reward, the horny sluts in their department offer "discipline and punishment" to their perverse desires. Here humility and lust are demanded and all menial desires get satisfied.
Les Obsedees

Les Obsedees

Apr 06, 1977
Alain vient retrouver sa femme Lisa à Deauville. A son arrivée il la surprend dans les bras d’un amant. Il ne fait pas d’esclandre, refuse toute explication et reprend la route. Rapidement, il prend la décision de pardonner cette incartade et fait demi-tour. Il retrouve la villa déserte. Lisa est partie sans laisser d’adresse. Sur la route qui le ramène à Paris, il prend en auto-stop un jeune couple a qui il fait le récit de ses déboires sentimentaux. Jacques et Fabienne l’invitent à rejoindre leur communauté. Alain fait la découverte d’une sexualité libérée et partagée. Mais reste le souvenir de Lisa. N’y tenant plus, Alain repart à la recherche de sa bien-aimée…
La sucette magique

La sucette magique

Feb 11, 1976
Jacques Marbeuf plays a fortune teller who seduces women with the help of his assistant and manipulated lollipops. One girl reports him to the police; so he decides to run a marriage bureau. Some of his 'female victims' have already changed sides and work for him to lure male clients whom they feed with their 'sucettes magiques'. Even the investigating policemen can't resist them. In the end oil is found on Marbeuf's property in the Camargue and he gets rich.