Brooke Theiss

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Le Cauchemar de Freddy
Bien décidé à exterminer les descendants des parents qui l'avaient brulé dans le passé, l'épouvantable Freddy, à nouveau ressuscité, s'apprêtent à revêtir les tenues les plus perverses pour pénétrer dans les rêves de ses prochaines victimes. Mais c'était sans compter sur Alice, elle aussi capable de s'introduire dans les rêves de ses amis pour faire face au redoutable croquemitaine...
Class Cruise

Class Cruise

Oct 22, 1989
A few pupils from County High are selected to be the first to go on a study cruise, a privilege that formerly was reserved for members of private schools. Sam, Boz, Staci and Kim struggle to fit in, but the snobs do everything to make them look badly.
Do Over

Do Over

Oct 11, 2016
Sean King moves his successful internet start-up back to L.A. to find a life he left behind. When the conversation with his brother and best friends, Ryan, Angela, and Anthony leads to remembering your ‘first time’, Angela suggests that the guys revisit the women they lost their virginity, saying they may have a different version of that historic night. A re-booty call! What could possibly go wrong?
Little Nikita

Little Nikita

Mar 17, 1988
Roy Parmenter est un agent du FBI dont le partenaire a été tué vingt ans auparavant par un espion soviétique. Lorsque leurs routes se croisent à nouveau, Roy n'a qu'une seule idée : venger la mort de son ami. Pour cela, il fait équipe avec le jeune Jeff Grant.


Jul 22, 2004
Patience Philips est une artiste douée, mais maladivement timide, qui se contente d'un modeste emploi de dessinatrice publicitaire au sein du conglomérat Hedare Beauty que dirigent le tyrannique George Hedare et sa femme, le légendaire top model Laurel. Cette société se prépare à lancer « LE » cosmétique miracle censé procurer aux femmes un visage et un corps à jamais immaculés. Patience découvre que le produit ne possède aucune de ces vertus, mais est froidement tuée par ses patrons avant d'avoir pu dénoncer l'imposture. Tout n'est pas perdu, cependant, car celle-ci ressuscite sous l'emprise d'une force mystérieuse. Elle se réincarne, magnifiée, en une femme féline, sensuelle, d'une agilité et d'une force surhumaines : Catwoman… Libérée de ses complexes, celle-ci commence par régler quelques comptes et s'offrir certains plaisirs trop longtemps négligés...


Mar 15, 2002
Randi Stewart is a sergeant on a marine base where her father is the commanding officer. She is being treated by the new base psychiatrist, Bill Turner. Her brother, Gordon Stewart is running for political office. General Stewart is murdered and Randi is the key suspect. Once Bill starts investigating the crime through his treatment of Randi, he begins to uncover an unusually large amount of suicides on the base. The intrigue grows and so does Bill's unprofessional feelings towards Randi. Is she the murderer? He doesn't really want to find out. He just keeps getting sucked deeper and deeper into the "Quicksand".
The Alternate

The Alternate

Apr 07, 2000
The President of the United States, in the midst of negative public opinion, is kidnapped while attending a charity function. However, this is all part of a plan to boost his ratings, the 'kidnappers' being a CIA black ops team. It seems like a great idea until the leader of the black ops decides he can make it away with the ransom money himself, but one of his team has other ideas.
The Making of 'Nightmare on Elm Street IV'
Witness the behind-the-scenes techniques and gruesome special effects that dominate this box office hit! See through the mysteries of the slasher saga by watching brilliant direction from concept to actual filming, special make-up techniques, and all the mechanical devices used to produce the inherently terrifying nightmares. Starring Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger!
Quoi de neuf docteur ?
Le psychiatre Jason Seaver décide d'installer son cabinet chez lui, tandis que son épouse, Maggie, reprend son métier de journaliste. Il lui faut donc s'occuper de leurs trois enfants...
Beverly Hills 90210

Beverly Hills 90210

May 17, 2000
Brandon et Brenda Walsh viennent de quitter leur Minnesota natal pour emménager dans un luxueux quartier résidentiel de Los Angeles, le célèbre quartier de Beverly Hills. Les premiers jours sont difficiles au lycée, où ils doivent d'intégrer parmi des lycéens avec lesquels ils ont a priori peu de choses en commun.... Mais Brenda fait la connaissance de Kelly et Donna, qui vont devenir ses meilleures amies, tandis que Brandon se rapproche de Dylan, Steve et Andrea.
Incorrigible Cory

Incorrigible Cory

May 05, 2000
Cory Matthews, en pleine adolescence, doit faire face à des problèmes avec ses amis, sa famille et son école.
Just the Ten of Us

Just the Ten of Us

May 04, 1990
Just the Ten of Us is an American sitcom starring stand-up comedian Bill Kirchenbauer as Coach Graham Lubbock, a teacher and the head of a large Catholic family with eight children living in Eureka, California. The series is a spin-off of Growing Pains, in which Kirchenbauer portrayed the same character on a recurring basis. As the series progressed, Coach Lubbock's four eldest daughters, the teenagers Marie, Cindy, Wendy, and Connie, became the primary focus of the show. Just the Ten of Us aired on ABC starting with a trial run on April 26, 1988 and ending on May 17, 1990. After the first four episodes in an abbreviated first season were aired, the show was renewed for two more seasons, eventually ending after 47 episodes on May 4, 1990. The show was most notably a part of what would become that network's TGIF programming block.
Mes plus belles années
Retour à Philadelphie, dans l'Amérique des années 1960 à travers la vie de la famille Pryor. Parents de quatre enfants, Jack et Helen voient leurs aînés se rebeller comme les autres jeunes de cette époque. JJ, le fils ainé, refuse d'accomplir le rêve de son père de le voir devenir champion de football, quant à Meg, sa cadette de 2 ans, elle s'inscrit avec son amie Roxanne, contre l'avis de ses parents, pour participer à une émission télévisée locale où les participants sont invités à danser. L'intérêt principal de la série est le portrait historique et socioculturel des États-Unis de l'époque qu'elle nous présente. La série s'est également distinguée par les nombreux guest stars, en général un par épisode, et la musique des années 1960.


May 25, 1999
CLUELESS is a television series spun off from the 1995 teen film of the same name. The series originally premiered on ABC on September 20, 1996 as a part of the TGIF lineup during its first season. The show then spent its last two seasons on UPN ending on May 25, 1999.
The Golden Palace

The Golden Palace

May 14, 1993
The Golden Palace begins where The Golden Girls had ended, in the quartet's now-sold Miami house. With Dorothy Zbornak having married and left in the previous series finale, the three remaining cast members (Dorothy's mother, Sophia Petrillo, Rose Nylund, and Blanche Devereaux) decide to invest in a Miami hotel that is up for sale. The hotel, however, is revealed to have been stripped of all of its personnel in an effort to appear more profitable, leaving only two employees: Roland Wilson, the hotel's manager, and Chuy Castillos, the hotel's chef. This requires the women to perform all the tasks of the hotel's staff.


May 22, 1995
Blossom Russo is a highly intelligent and spunky teenager. The youngest of three, she lives with her divorced musician father, Nick, eldest brother and recovering substance abuser Anthony, and decidedly not-so-bright middle brother Joey. Along for the ride is Blossom's ditzy best friend, Six, who sometimes shows flashes of great perception.
Good & Evil

Good & Evil

Oct 30, 1991
Good & Evil is a situation comedy which was broadcast in the United States by ABC from September 25, 1991 until October 30, 1991. The series was created by Susan Harris, and produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in association with Touchstone Television.
Home Free

Home Free

Jul 02, 1993
Freelance journalist Matt Bailey's carefree life in his mother's home ends when his recently divorced sister Vanessa and her two children move in.
Quoi de neuf docteur ?
Le psychiatre Jason Seaver décide d'installer son cabinet chez lui, tandis que son épouse, Maggie, reprend son métier de journaliste. Il lui faut donc s'occuper de leurs trois enfants...