Ty Randolph

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Les Amazones

Les Amazones

Oct 26, 1986
Un roi-sorcier maléfique, Kalongo, a des projets de domination mondiale et à des vues sur « la Terre d’Emeraude »… Deux amazones, Dyala et Tashi se lancent dans une quête épique afin de retrouver une relique, l’épée d’Azundati, seule capable de vaincre le Mal à tout jamais…
Deadly Embrace

Deadly Embrace

Apr 05, 1989
A beautiful but horny and neglected Beverly Hills wife hires a hot young stud as a gardener. It eventually gets through to her husband that some hanky-panky may possibly be going on, and he begins to spy on her.
Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground

Mar 11, 1983
SACRED GROUND tells the fact-based story of a mountain man and his Indian wife who happen upon a partially built cabin and finish it for their own home, not realizing that they occupy a sacred burial ground. A Paiute burial party clashes with the couple and in the ensuing skirmish, the wife is critically wounded while in the middle of childbirth. Bitter over her loss and needing a wetnurse for his baby, he steals one of the Paiute woman who had just lost a baby. In this modern version of Helen of Troy, the battle is on, as he takes on the whole band in a desperate attempt to survive. Written by Dale Roloff
The Big Turnaround

The Big Turnaround

Jan 01, 1988
Two trained men, one angry local woman and the local priest take on the local crime lord and his crew of narcotic smugglers and human traffickers in a small town next to the US-Mexico border.


Jan 01, 1987
Although the beguiling Paulette appears as a well-to-do grande dame, her sumptuous establishment holds stiff surprises....


Apr 11, 1985
Lorelei (Kay Parker) is a beautiful and talented designer of sophisticated ladies lingerie, and the owner of Lorelei fashions. Her young assistant, Margo (Rikki Blake), just cant wait long enough to climb the ladder of success no matter what it takes. But Margo has a slight problem. She just cant keep her hands out of pantshers or anyone elses. Greg (Dan T. Mann) is also striving for fame and fortune, but in a different way. His chose route leads directly through Loreleis bedroom.Kristen (Lois Ayres) and Tina (Debra Lynn) are just two of the beautiful models who are rehearsing for the fashion show of the year. Along with them are Lucinda (Terri Morgan), Chanel (Yolanda Green) and Marguerite (Scarlet) all appearing in their first X-rated feature.Meanwhile Lance LeFleur (R Bolla), frustrated in his attempts to compete with Lorelei, enlists the aid of his friend Dirk (Billy Dee), to steal Loreleis designs.You wont believe how hot it can get behind the closed doors of Lorelei Fashions!


Aug 15, 1973
Un parc d'attractions peuplé de robots propose aux visiteurs de se replonger dans plusieurs époques. Lancés dans l'Ouest sauvage, deux amis se retrouvent plongés en plein cauchemar quand l'un des androïdes se détraque et les prend en chasse...
Caged Fury

Caged Fury

Mar 01, 1990
Kat arrives in Los Angeles to audition for movies. However, after meeting a sleazy producer, she and her new friend find themselves in a women's prison run by sadistic guards and a lesbian warden.
Nudity Required

Nudity Required

Dec 04, 1990
Two friends use the casting couch to seduce women while pretending to be movie producers.
Hollywood Boulevard II
Un studio se retrouve au milieu d'un mystère de meurtre bizarre lorsqu'un ours en peluche qui explose tue la dernière star. Bientôt, d'autres actrices sont violemment éliminées alors que la recherche désespérée du tueur commence.
Return Fire: Jungle Wolf II
Steve Parrish returns home to the San Francisco area after his many travails fighting in Central America and all he wants to do is see his young son Zak. However, gang boss Petroli has it out for Parrish and he sends all the baldest, fattest, oldest goons after Parrish to exterminate him. But Parrish is one...clever...man. Somehow they manage to kidnap Zak, so Parrish teams up with his love interest Teri to fight the baddies and save Zak. Also, corrupt government agent Carruthers has his own stake in both the fates of Petroli and Parrish.
Dark Vengeance

Dark Vengeance

Aug 18, 1993
Situé dans un futur post-apocalyptique lointain où l'environnement a été soufflé dans un désert empoisonné et la société a dégénéré à se prononcer par des hordes concurrents de gangs de pillards. Il est un guerrier, cependant, qui se bat pour apporter un semblant de paix et l'ordre dans le pays. Lorsque sa famille est sauvagement assassiné, cependant, il devient obsédé par la recherche de leur agresseur et de prendre sa revanche.
Penitentiary III

Penitentiary III

Sep 04, 1987
Un homme accusé de meurtre est envoyé en prison. Sur place, il est contraint de se battre contre d'autres détenus.
Hell Up In Harlem

Hell Up In Harlem

Dec 01, 1973
Parce qu'il possède une liste de noms compromettante pour des fonctionnaires corrompus, un procureur, Di Angelo, essaie de faire tuer le gangster noir de Harlem Tommy Gibbs. Il échappe à la mort grâce à l'intervention de son père qui a réussi à l'emmener à l'hôpital à temps tout en cachant les précieux documents. Ensemble, Tommy et son père font le ménage chez leurs ennemis et font un arrangement avec Di Angelo pour être blanchis des accusations portées contre eux par la police.
Body Double

Body Double

Oct 25, 1984
Jack Scully, jeune acteur de séries Z en chômage souffrant de claustrophobie, est invité à garder pendant quelque temps un luxueux appartement à flanc de colline de Sam Bouchard, un ami. Profitant de la vue panoramique sur la chambre à coucher de sa charmante voisine, Gloria Revelle, qui exécute chaque soir une danse érotique. Lorsque Jake découvre qu'un autre homme espionne également Gloria, il commence à la surveiller de façon obsessionnelle. Bientôt, il assiste au meurtre Gloria, qui le conduit dans le monde du porno et fera la rencontre d'une des reines, Holly Body, qui s'avère être plus qu'elle n'y paraît…
Girl with the Million Dollar Legs
Johnny owns a bar in Paris and Shelly comes looking for a job as a waitress. She gets a job as a bartender and meets Ed who is running a competition for a fashion magazine to find "the girl with the million dollar legs". Ed has an eye for the ladies and wants Shelly to join the competition.
Little Girls Talking Dirty
Christina DeLongpre owns and operates Fingertalking, where she pulsatingly performs the fine art of telephone-sex to absolute perfection. But warm and wet word-of-mouth appears to have gotten out of hand. This has resulted in an increase in the volume of Christina's business to the point where she is forced to hire additional help. Rising to the oral occasion are an erotic trio of talented talkers named Lisa, Tina and Claire. During an in-depth interview, Christina advises the girls that their best routine is to picture themselves actually living out the sexual situation that they are describing. As the girls go deep dialing on their own, each of them ends up in a steamy situation that explicitly proves that the next best thing to one's fist is the telephone!
A Lacy Affair

A Lacy Affair

Mar 27, 1983
An electrifying mix of beautiful women, superb photography, and non-stop sex combine to make this one outstanding lesbian extravaganza! With foxy K.C. Valentine and Maria Tortuga as her orally adept guide, we are introduced to an exciting, enticing world of girl/girl gropefests that would make Sappho herself anxious to join in on the fun. Thirteen of the sexiest ladies in the biz -- including Becky Savage, Angel Cash and Cherry Adams -- devour each other's ripe, sensual bodies in every conceivable way. Filled with naturally alluring, naughtily nubile beauties, this all-girl erotic extravaganza is sure to please any fan of red-hot lesbian liaisons. 'A Lacy Affair' is definitely one to remember
V : La Série

V : La Série

May 24, 1985
Un an après que les Visiteurs aient été bannis de la Terre par la poussière rouge, La Terre célèbre le jour de la libération. Diana capturée dans son vaisseau mère un an plus tôt, est sur le point de répondre de ses crimes contre l'Humanité.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Apr 04, 1986
Les exploits d'un chevalier solitaire dans un monde dangereux. Le chevalier et sa monture. Un héros des temps modernes, dernier recours des innocents, des sans espoir, victimes d'un monde cruel et impitoyable. Michael Knight sillonne les routes américaines au volant de Kitt, sa voiture intelligente et indestructible, pour combattre les injustices et venir en aide aux innocents.
Action & Adventure