Yvon Chouinard

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180° South

180° South

Feb 10, 2010
The film follows adventurer Jeff Johnson as he retraces the epic 1968 journey of his heroes Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia.
Valley Uprising

Valley Uprising

Sep 01, 2014
Valley Uprising est un film culte, passeur de traditions, à (re)découvrir de toute urgence. Sorti en 2014, ce documentaire incontournable, produit par l’excellente boîte de production Sender Films, nous plonge dans l’histoire de l’escalade au Yosemite – épicentre de la culture grimpe américaine. Plus d’un demi-siècle d’exploits défiant les lois de la gravité et celles du pays racontés par de superbes images d’archives et des interviews de pionniers tels qu’Yvon Chouinard, Royal Robbins, Dean Potter ou encore Alex Honnold – tous animés par cette même « Rebel Culture ». Un documentaire de 1h43 absolument incontournable.
Sentinel: The West Face
1967 : deux des meilleurs grimpeurs du monde, Yvon Chouinard et Royal Robbins s'attaquent à la face ouest de Sentinel Rock, pic granitique de la vallée du Yosemite. Récit poétique de deux jours de peines et de joies.
A la recherche de la liberté
«The search for freedom» ou «A la recherche de la liberté» en français, est l'histoire d'une révolution culturelle qui prend sa source dans le désir de l'Homme de vivre l'instant présent et faire ce qui lui permet de se sentir vraiment vivant ! Découvrez comment un nouveau monde des plus grisants est né grâce à l'énergie pure, l'imagination et les possibilités infinies de s'exprimer à travers le sport. Ce documentaire, écrit et réalisé par Jon Long, est une expérience viscérale qui vous met dans la peau des visionnaires, pionniers, légendes et champions de surf, snowboard, ski, skateboard, mountain bike etc.. On peut y voir des maîtres des sports extrêmes comme Robby Naish, Nyjah Huston, Tony Hawk, Bob Mcknight, Robbie Madison, Chris Burkard, Warren Miller, Kelly Slater et bien d'autres.


Mar 10, 2014
This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our rivers.
Final Ascent: The Legend of Hamish MacInnes
The legend of Hamish MacInnes began early. At 16 he climbed the Matterhorn. At 17 he built his first motor car – from scratch. He attempted Everest in 1953 with his friend Johnny Cunningham, and almost stole the peak before Hillary and Tenzing. As an explorer, expedition leader and engineer he achieved world fame. As inventor of the all metal ice axe, author of the International Mountain Rescue Handbook and founder of Glencoe Mountain Rescue he has been responsible for saving hundreds of lives, if not thousands. But at the age of 84, his accomplishments could not save him from being institutionalised against his will, suffering from delirium. After a spell in psychogeriatric detainment in a hospital in the Highlands of Scotland, during which he made many escape attempts – he emerged to find his memory gone. This film tells the story of his life by mirroring his greatest challenge: to recover his memories and rescue himself.
Mountain of Storms

Mountain of Storms

Oct 09, 2018
They called themselves Fun Hogs. In 1968, five friends took a road trip to climb Cerro Fitz Roy, and documented the whole thing on a 16mm Bolex. Along the way they surfed undiscovered breaks, skied on sand and snow, spent 31-days in a snow cave and made a first ascent on the mountain. Fifty years later this film, which defined a lifestyle and became an underground classic, is in its first wide release.
Unbroken Ground

Unbroken Ground

Jun 22, 2016
The story of four groups that are pioneers in the fields of regenerative agriculture, regenerative grazing, diversified crop development and restorative fishing, explaining the critical role that food will play in the next frontier of humanity's mission to solve the environmental crisis.
The Wild

The Wild

May 19, 2019
Newly into addiction recovery, an urgent threat emerges to spur filmmaker, Mark Titus back to the Alaskan wilderness - where the people of Bristol Bay and the world's last intact wild salmon runs face devastation if a massive copper mine is constructed.
Public Trust

Public Trust

Feb 17, 2020
There are 640 million acres of public land in the United States. But there are powerful forces, both in government and in corporate America, eager to plunder this bounty. David Garrett Byars’s eye-opening documentary travels to Alaska, into the red rock canyons of southern Utah, and to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, and exposes a land war going on under our very noses.