François, un père de famille qui lutte contre sa propre identité sexuelle, devient obsédé par Christian (Keegan), le fils d'un de ses amis et se retrouve enfermé dans son environnement...
Jimmy in Pienk is a quirky comedy about Jimmy Bester, a rugged seventh generation "mielie" farmer. Jimmy’s father suddenly dies in a freak accident, he is confronted by two loan sharks who come to collect what his father owes. Jimmy gathers the courage to leave his home and travel to Cape Town to seek help from his uncle, and he is not prepared for what awaits him.
A claymation adaptation of "The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In". The Chimes was a short novel by Charles Dickens which was written and published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol. It is the second in his series of "Christmas books": five short books with strong social and moral messages that he published during the 1840s.
Using vivid clay animation, this adaptation of the classic children's book is a feast for the eyes. Although the velveteen rabbit is the favorite plaything of a young boy, the more modern, mechanical toys hold the stuffed bunny in contempt … except the rabbit's single friend, the skin horse, who has become real. As the horse explains the mystery of how to become real, a fable about the transforming power of love and imagination unfolds.
Kevin and Mike are young men trying to get ahead in the competitive world of tennis. When one of them discovers a dangerous key that can unlock their potential, things get out of hand. Their worlds become intertwined and spiral out of control. A small series of seemingly insignificant moments weave together with devastating consequences.
A family man, struggling to maintain his status as patriarch, finds himself infected by the insecurities of his wife leading to devastating consequences and tragedy.
La jeune Kirra quitte l’Australie pour passer l’été en compagnie de son grand père en Afrique du Sud. Aussitôt arrivée, elle découvre un bébé épaulard échoué dans le lagon adjacent au parc d’attraction désuet de son grand-père. Elle nomme son nouvel ami “Willy” et entreprend une grande aventure afin d’aider l'orque à retrouver son groupe avant que l’avide rival de son grand-père ne parvienne à le capturer pour en faire un spectacle lucratif dans son nouveau parc thématique tape-à-l’oeil.