Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.
Gare de Santamaria, nuit. Ossorio, un homme d'une quarantaine d'années, descend d'un train au milieu d'une foule de réfugiés et de soldats épuisés. C'est dans une ville assiégée que ce héros d'une résistance en débâcle tente de retrouver ses anciens alliés et celle qu'il aime. Mais la situation a bien changé, et les amis d'hier n'ont plus le même discours. Tandis qu'une milice déchaînée terrorise la ville, chacun cherche désormais à sauver sa peau.
Madalena is 30 years old and is abandoned by the love of her life a mysterious Spaniard named Ricardo. With the support of her best friends she tries to forget him, and find true love.
João is a freelance television journalist. When he begins a new story about an old pigeon breeder in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Lisbon, João meets Ana, his teenage granddaughter, a mysterious character who is beginning to exercise an irresistible fascination for him.
With the time João starts to lose the interest in the pigeon breeder and begins to take an interest in Ana and her world, which she only shares with another abandoned kid, until she realizes that her life is full of dark stories.
Two brothers, as different as chalk and cheese, find their lives intertwined when one puts himself in danger via a `get rich quick' scheme and the other finds there is a price on his head.
Dans un dispensaire brésilien, Joachim, un père médecin, découvre Soeur Sarah, une jeune carmélite, dans un état de souffrance extrême. Il l'examine mais ne trouve rien. Intrigué, il décide de suivre ce cas jusqu'en France où elle est rapatriée en secret. La menace rôde, le père Joachim ignore que la vérité va bouleverser à jamais sa vie.
Leonor and Pedro, are young, in love and from different social classes. She is the daughter of a wealthy man. He is from a modest working class family. They experience an intense but dramatically short love affair. When Pedro discovers Leonor’s father’s secret – that he sexually abused a maid – he is the victim of a hit and run accident, leaving him in a deep coma for 5 years. He later awakens to find out that his girlfriend, who was told he had died in the accident, moved on with her life and married someone else, after several years of grieving.