Joshua Benton

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Brain Dead

Brain Dead

Oct 17, 2007
Une ville portuaire de pêche endormie est dévorée de terreur lorsqu'un petit cratère s'écrase à proximité et libère un agent parasite visqueux qui transforme les habitants en zombies mangeurs de cerveau. Acculés dans un pavillon de pêche abandonné, six étrangers sont obligés de se regrouper pour conjurer les monstres suceurs de sang qui griffent les murs extérieurs.
No Solicitors

No Solicitors

Apr 11, 2015
Lewis Cutterman is a well respected brain surgeon and happily married with two beautiful children who run the family business. They are model citizens within the community. A simple visit to their home by a solicitor is greeted by an invitation to dinner; except dinner takes a macabre turn when the solicitor finds himself drugged by the family. Waking up, the solicitor soon discovers they will be slowly eaten piece by piece and that the kid's family business is to farm out their internal organs to needy patients.