Christian J. Frank

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The Ancient Highway

The Ancient Highway

Nov 08, 1925
When not cutting down trees and shouting "TIMMMM-BERRRRR!", Jack Holt has to deal with someone who's sabotaging the camp. The miscreant turns out to be the odious Montagu Love, whom Holt dispenses with in a climactic fisticuffs session. Billie Dove provides the toothsome romantic interest.
Sherlock Sleuth

Sherlock Sleuth

Jul 12, 1925
House detective of the Hotel Omigosh, Cyril Fromage and his hotel switchboard operator sweetheart attempt to thwart a dastardly thief, "The Weasel," who is on the loose in the hotel, assisted by a sultry vamp. Plenty of hilarious gags along the way; including the operator taking a call from an irate lodger, so hot that it makes the switchboard steam. Taking advantage of the situation, she pulls out the offending plug and curls her bangs. The MGM lion even puts in a guest appearance.
Easy Come, Easy Go

Easy Come, Easy Go

Apr 20, 1928
Dix plays radio announcer Robert Parker, working at a station run by his girlfriend's father. Becoming a bit overexcited on the air, our hero lets slip a few (fortuitously unheard) profanities. Fired from his job, Parker enters into an amusing series of misadventures with veteran bank robber Jim Bailey (Charles Sellon).
Wild Honey

Wild Honey

Mar 06, 1922
Lady Vivienne is implicated in a murder as a result of refusing the romantic suit of Henry Porthen. Years later, in South Africa, she encounters the man she suspects of the murder.
The Lady of the Harem

The Lady of the Harem

Nov 01, 1926
Rafi arrives in the city in search of Pervaneh who was taken by the Sultan. He is joined by Hassan the confectioner. Rafi is captured by the Sultan, but Hassan leads a surprise attack on the palace and the lovers are united.
La Course de Broadway Bill
Dan Brooks est marié à une riche héritière et travaille pour son beau-père. Sa femme ne comprend ni sa répugnance à la vie de parasite dans laquelle il s'abime, ni sa passion pour les chevaux auxquels il consacre de plus en plus de temps. Un soir, lors d'un dîner de famille, il plaque tout et part avec Whitey pour présenter son cheval dans une grande compétition aidé par le colonel Pettigrew et par sa jeune belle-sœur Alice.


Aug 01, 1927
A once notorious gunfighter takes a respectable job on a ranch. "Nevada" is charged with protecting the ranch owner's pretty daughter, arousing the enmity of ranch foreman Clan Dillon, who is in love with the girl. The villainous foreman leaks a rumor of his rival's dark past to the sheriff, and the former outlaw is soon on the run again.
The Hard Hombre

The Hard Hombre

Sep 20, 1931
Lorsque Peaceful Patton va travailler au ranch Martini, il est confondu avec le célèbre hors-la-loi le Hard Hombre. Cela lui permet de forcer les éleveurs à se partager les droits d'eau. Mais il a des ennuis lorsque sa mère arrive et expose le canular.
Among the Living

Among the Living

Dec 12, 1941
A mentally unstable man, who has been kept in isolation for years, escapes and causes trouble for his identical twin brother.
The Sea Squawk

The Sea Squawk

Jan 04, 1925
A Scottish immigrant on board ship becomes a pawn in a jewel heist aboard the S.S. Cognac, a three-star liner. Blackie Dawson, the uncrowned king of jewel thieves, and his accomplice Pearl Blackstone, have stolen a huge ruby. A detective is searching every cabin, so Blackie forces our young Scot to swallow the gem and, under threat of being shot, to stay mum. The detective is assisted by Flora Danube, a blue-eyed Bulgarian daisy who keeps those eyes open. To escape death, the young Scot disguises himself as a woman, but that draws a lot of attention; when his disguise is discovered, he must climb for his life. Is a European union in the offing?
Les Poupées du diable
Une nuit sans lune, deux hommes s'évadent du bagne de Devil's Island. L'un d'eux est banquier et s'appelle Paul Lavond ; l'autre est un savant-fou nommé Marcel. Les deux hommes parviennent à se réfugier chez le savant qui ne tarde pas à dévoiler son invention révolutionnaire : une technique pour rétrécir les êtres vivants. Malheureusement, le processus de rapetissement endommage le cerveau des victimes mais permet ainsi de les contrôler par la pensée, comme des poupées. Lorsque Marcel décède subitement, Lavond s'empare de l'invention et, dissimulé à Paris sous les traits d'une vieille femme, fomente un plan diabolique : se venger des gens qui l'ont envoyé au bagne...
Sunset Pass

Sunset Pass

May 26, 1933
A US marshal goes undercover to bust up a bunch of rustlers.
My Pal, the King

My Pal, the King

Apr 03, 1932
The king of a European country, who is a child, meets the cowboy star of a traveling circus.
Navy Blues

Navy Blues

Dec 20, 1929
On shore leave, a young sailor meets and falls in love with a pretty young blonde. He goes home with her to meet her parents, but they don't approve of him at all. Their daughter takes offense at this, and in the ensuing argument she storms out of the house determined to live on her own.
Under Montana Skies

Under Montana Skies

Sep 09, 1930
Clay gets a musical troop out af jail and helps raise money so they can put on their show. During the performance Blake and his men rob the box office. The townsmen give chase and Clay goes after Blake.
Madame X

Madame X

Oct 01, 1937
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
They Made Her a Spy

They Made Her a Spy

Apr 14, 1939
When her brother is killed by sabotage, Irene Eaton (Sally Eilers) joins the secret service and goes undercover to unroot the culprits.
Espionage Agent

Espionage Agent

Sep 30, 1939
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
Le Roi des vagabonds

Le Roi des vagabonds

Feb 17, 1930
Le film se déroule dans la France médiévale. Le poète François Villon, condamné à être pendu par le roi Louis XI pour avoir écrit des vers désobligeants à son sujet, se voit offrir un sursis temporaire. Sa pendaison sera reportée de 24 heures et, pendant ce temps, il devra vaincre les envahisseurs bourguignons et gagner l'amour de la belle Catherine.
Arsène Lupin Returns

Arsène Lupin Returns

Feb 25, 1938
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?


Feb 26, 1937
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.


May 25, 1934
Convaincue de la culpabilité de son père dans une affaire de meurtre, Dorothy Wynant s'accuse elle-même auprès du détective amateur Nick Charles. Excitée par ce meurtre mystérieux, l'épouse de Nick, la fantasque Nora, le pousse à accepter l'affaire. D'abord réticent, Nick finit par se lancer dans l'enquête quand il se rend compte que la police fait fausse route...
The Secret Hour

The Secret Hour

Feb 04, 1928
An Elderly fruit grower sends a photo of his foreman, not himself, to a waitress he wishes to marry. She falls in love with the foreman.
Le cargo maudit

Le cargo maudit

Mar 01, 1940
Au bagne de l'île du Diable, en Guyane, Verne, une forte tête, apprend que quelques prisonniers préparent le soir même une évasion à travers les marais. Il se mêle immédiatement à eux de même que le mystérieux Cambreau. À l'heure de l'évasion, Verne est assommé par un fugitif pendant que les autres disparaissent dans la nature. Mais il retrouve bien rapidement leur trace et part à leur trousse en compagnie de Julie, une fille légère rencontrée quelques heures plus tôt en ville.
Nouvelle lune

Nouvelle lune

Jun 28, 1940
Un leader révolutionnaire est amoureux d'un aristocrate français en Louisiane.
Love and Glory

Love and Glory

Dec 07, 1924
During an uprising in Algeria in 1869, two Frenchmen--Anatole, the brother of Gabrielle, and Pierre, her sweetheart--join the colors and are later reported dead. Gabrielle is kidnaped and taken to Paris, and the soldiers return.
La Veuve joyeuse

La Veuve joyeuse

Nov 02, 1934
Surpris par le roi dans le boudoir de la reine, le prince Danilo est contraint pour se racheter d’aller séduire une jeune et jolie veuve émigrée à Paris, dont l’immense fortune est nécessaire au rétablissement des finances du royaume. Évidemment, rien ne se passera comme prévu…
Chicago After Midnight
Gangster Jim Boyd serves a 15-year prison term when Hardy, a rival crook, doublecrosses him. On his release from prison, Boyd seeks out Hardy in Chicago, where he runs a cafe and bootleg operation. He makes the acquaintance of Mona Gale, a dancer in Hardy's cafe who is engaged to marry Jack Waring, the orchestra leader. Unaware that Mona is his daughter, Boyd shoots Hardy in a brawl and leaves behind evidence implicating Waring as the murderer. After Hardy's death, Mona joins Boyd's gang to gather evidence proving her fiancé's innocence. The gang members discover that Mona has dealings with the police, and they begin to torture her. Having learned of Mona's relationship to him at the last minute, Boyd arrives at the gang's hideout in time to save her. He confesses to killing Hardy before he dies from a wound inflicted by one of his own gang, thus freeing Waring to marry Mona.
Sunset Pass

Sunset Pass

Feb 09, 1929
This Zane Grey adaptation stars square-jawed Jack Holt as a lawman going undercover to ferret out a notorious cattle rustler.
Arsène Lupin

Arsène Lupin

Feb 26, 1932
A charming and very daring thief known as Arsene Lupin is terrorizing the wealthy of Paris. He even goes so far as to threaten the Mona Lisa. But the police, led by the great Guerchard, think they know Arsene Lupin's identity, and they have a secret weapon to catch him.
Du Barry was a Lady

Du Barry was a Lady

Aug 13, 1943
May Daly, une danseuse est aimée par deux hommes: Louis Blore et Alec Howe. Par rivalité, Louis verse une drogue dans le verre d'Alec, mais par erreur il boit lui-même le verre. Louis rêve alors qu'il est Louis XV et retrouve May en Madame du Barry.
Black Cyclone

Black Cyclone

Sep 26, 1925
A cowboy and a wild horse find they have some things in common: both have enemies out to get them and both must save their mates from danger.
Double assassinat dans la rue Morgue
Pierre Dupin, jeune étudiant en médecine, apprend que, dans la même semaine, trois femmes ont été retrouvées dans la Seine. Toutes semblent s'être suicidées. En examinant les corps, il remarque des petites entailles sur le bras des victimes et découvre finalement que la série de crimes est perpétrée par le Dr Mirakle, un savant cherchant à démontrer le lien de parenté entre l'homme et le singe.
Les mains d'Orlac

Les mains d'Orlac

Jul 12, 1935
Le docteur Gogol est fou d’admiration pour l’actrice Yvonne Orlac, qu’il vient voir chaque soir sur scène, au théâtre. Celle-ci, mariée au grand pianiste Stephen Orlac, repousse ses avances. Une nuit, le train de Stephen déraille. Le pianiste doit être amputé des deux mains. Yvonne décide d’appeler le docteur Gogol pour réaliser l’impossible : lui seul peut sauver les mains de son mari. Devant l’impossibilité de la chose, Gogol va alors amputer les deux mains de Stephen pour les remplacer par celles d’un grand criminel venant d’être exécuté. L’opération est un succès, mais le jeune couple ignore tout des procédés utilisés par le médecin. Les mois s’écoulent, Gogol est de plus en plus attiré par Yvonne, dont il possède une reproduction en cire dans son appartement, tandis que les mains de Stephen commencent à agir curieusement, comme guidées par l’instinct de meurtre…
Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing Moments

Sep 01, 1934
Jerry Randolph is an inveterate and obnoxious practical joker. Things take a serious turn when it looks as though Jerry's latest prank has resulted in the death of his best friend.
Forlorn River

Forlorn River

Sep 27, 1926
A wanted-fugitive, called "Nevada," is wounded by a pursuing posse of lawmen, and is left to die on the desert by his companion, Bill Hall. He is rescued by a young rancher, Ben Ide, who is in love with Ina Blaine, daughter of a neighboring rancher. While "Nevada" is recovering, he and Ina fall in love but, through his loyalty to Ben, he sends her away. Going home, Ina falls into the clutches of Bill Hall, now heading a gang of rustlers, but the real leader is Les Setter who is posing as an honest rancher, and he has designs on Ina himself.
Arizona Bound

Arizona Bound

Apr 09, 1927
Dave Saulter, a rambling young cowboy drifts into a small western town the day a big gold shipment is leaving by stagecoach. Two different people plan to rob the stagecoach...Buck O'Hara, the driver who is very trusted, and a stranger, Texas Jack. Dave gets involved and is accused of being one of the robbers.
The Cavalier

The Cavalier

Nov 01, 1928
In old Mexico a masked rider (Talmadge) and an impoverished girl (Bedford) fall in love, against her father's wishes. When she leaves with him, her father sends his gang in a chase after the two lovers. Drama ensues!
Les Misérables

Les Misérables

Apr 20, 1935
Jean Valjean est un bagnard emprisonné pour un simple vol de pain parce qu'il était affamé. Il parvient à s'échapper et sur sa route, il rencontre un homme d'église qui changera sa vie. Il devient peu à peu un homme en vue de la ville où il s'est installé sous un faux nom pour échapper à son passé. La jeune Cosette que les vils Thénardiers exploitent à leur service, est recueillie par Valjean qui en prendra soin quant à son éducation. Mais l'inspecteur Javert, Policier obtus et convaincu que l'âme humaine ne peut changer, reconnaît en Valjean l'ancien détenu et veut à tout prix le compromettre...
The Ragged Edge

The Ragged Edge

May 14, 1923
Howard Spurlock, wrongfully accused of theft, believes police are seeking his arrest. On "the ragged edge," he takes refuge in China, where he meets and is nursed back to health by Ruth Endicott, daughter of a missionary. They marry and go to an island in the South Seas where, later, his innocence is proved.
She Married Her Boss

She Married Her Boss

Sep 19, 1935
A super-efficient secretary at a department store falls for and marries her boss, but finds out that taking care of him at home (and especially his spoiled-brat daughter) is a lot different than taking care of him at work.