Saša Petrović

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Aug 29, 2016
ZG80 is a prequel of Metastaze. The movie brings back its characters to prewar Yugoslavia where they, as part of Bad Blue Boys, go on a football match in Belgrade to see Dinamo play against Crvena Zvezda. They encounter guest fans, their arch rivals Delije, in a series of events that lead to football fans war on the streets of Belgrade.
Papa est en voyage d'affaires
En Yougoslavie, en 1952, à l'heure où Tito divorce d'avec Staline, il n'est pas bon de laisser paraître des penchants staliniens. Mesa, le père de Malik, victime d'une vengeance de sa maîtresse, est envoyé en camp de travail — pour ses enfants, il est « en voyage d'affaires ». Alors que son frère passe son temps au cinéma, Malik, en réaction aux crises que traversent sa famille et son pays, se réfugie dans le somnambulisme… Lorsque la famille est à nouveau réunie, Malik redécouvre son père, et connaît ses premiers émois amoureux.
Brod plovi za Šangaj

Brod plovi za Šangaj

Jan 01, 1991
A young married couple does not share the bed. However, they try to hide all the obstacles and their problems in public, presenting their marriage to be an idyllic and exemplary one. Below their provincial mask, one can reveal the intolerance, strong emotions and passions of a spoiled Belgrade girl and an ambitious small-town lawyer.


Jun 04, 1985
A cult stage play from the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, which involves the professor and the gallery of grotesque candidates devoid of any talent who applied for entrance exams.
42 1/2

42 1/2

Mar 16, 2003
After the war, two friends are together again. Every year they buy one pair of new shoes.
La parade

La parade

Oct 31, 2011
En voulant sauver son pitbull chéri et contenter sa fiancée capricieuse, Lemon, parrain des gangsters de Belgrade, se voit obligé d’assurer la sécurité de la première GayPride de Serbie. Pour l’aider dans cette mission impossible, il part à la recherche d’anciens mercenaires. Serbes, musulmans, bosniaques, albanais du Kosovo et combattants croates se retrouvent aux côtés des militants homosexuels. Comment cet équipage hétéroclite qui n’aurait jamais dû se rencontrer va-t-il arriver à transcender les frontières et leurs différences ?
Teško je biti fin

Teško je biti fin

Oct 17, 2007
Story about a forty-something Sarajevo taxi driver named Fudo (Saša Petrović) who decides to take control of his own destiny. Fudo doesn't earn much, so he supplements his income by offering tips to the local criminal syndicate and turning a blind eye to their nefarious dealings. One day, after offering a particularly bad bit of advice to a violent gangster, Fudo is badly beaten. When Fudo's wife Azra (Daria Lorenci) discovers what has happened, she decides to take the couple's infant son and move out. Now determined to win his wife back and restore peace in the home, Fudo decides to go straight. But cleaning up his act isn't going to be easy, because after borrowing enough cash from black market dealer Sejo (Emir Hadžihafizbegović) to purchase a van and then refusing to aid him in any underhanded dealings, the only person willing to cut him any slack is the sympathetic Azra.
Au Feu !

Au Feu !

Aug 15, 2003
En Bosnie-Herzégovine, peu de temps après la guerre, les habitants essaient de reprendre une vie normale malgré les rancunes, les deuils et les difficultés. La nouvelle de l'arrivée de Bill Clinton à Tesanj, petite ville tout à fait "normale", fait l'effet d'une bombe. Un vent de folie s'y déchaîne.
Ovo malo duše

Ovo malo duše

Feb 16, 1987
A bitter coming-of-age story about boy who grows up in a remote Bosnian village shortly after World War II.


Jan 01, 1989
After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her daughter. However, his happiness is shattered by wife's infidelity. Driven mad by jealousy, he kills her and her lover and runs into mountains, thus escaping law for months. This film is based on the true story about Junuz Kečo, last Bosnian outlaw.
Hajde da se volimo 2

Hajde da se volimo 2

Sep 19, 1989
Lepa Brena goes to one of the islands of the Adriatic, on a working holiday, but due to the holidays and planning the next tour, false news that the notorious island Lepa Brena requested a special guest for the tour. The news will completely disrupt the thrill and to potential tour guests, tourists and members of the Sweet Sin and the whole island.
Miss 3000

Miss 3000

Jan 01, 2014
Four young girls, Leja, Sanja, Nina and Ines enter a beauty pageant in their local shopping mall. After an official pageant party Leja, Sanja and Nina come home, still drunk from the wild night and notice Ines did not come with them.
SA 204-272

SA 204-272

Jan 01, 1991
A high representative goes by the narrow macadam road to the grand opening of the facility in a mountain village, another new victory of his own. In the car with him was not his wife but his mistress, a young and rather attractive girl. The car stucks in the quite large and deep puddle in the middle of the country road...
Easy Money : La cité des égarés
A Stockholm, la cocaïne règne sur le milieu de la nuit. Johan, étudiant ambitieux mais fauché, a très vite été attiré par ce milieu de l’argent facile. En prison il décide de mettre à profit ses connaissances en finance pour développer un logiciel de trading pour de potentiels investisseurs. Mais à sa libération, Johan va se rendre compte que lorsque l’on est entré dans la peau d’un criminel, il est difficile d’en ressortir…
Sabina K.

Sabina K.

Sep 25, 2015
Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong.


Oct 20, 2006
Sarajevo, 1992. They are called Ahmed, Lana, Sado, Saba, Sahbey, Beba, Nemanja, Marx, Matan. They live in and between wartimes. They have "nafaka", the destiny which was bestowed on them by God Almighty. They have enough gallows humor and courage to believe in freedom and happiness.


Aug 29, 2012
The main protagonists of the film are members of the gypsy family Mirga. Lutvija Belmondo Mirga narrates a story about four generations. Belmondo is the central character of the film, a gypsy king, who decided to establish his own gypsy village. He names it Shanghai. Belmondo makes a living smuggling and his power and influence grow big. He even gets the local police and politics on his side and that helps him to become untouchable for law. But with the downfall of Yugoslavia, smuggling of goods is replaced by smuggling of the arms. Though lucrative the business starts to threaten Belmondo’s personal life and he finds himself at the crossroads. Will he protect his own family or is he going to sacrifice his personal happiness for business ambitions?
Prokleta je Amerika

Prokleta je Amerika

Jan 01, 1992
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2: A factory worker Pantic comes to Belgrade where he befriends a waiter. Having no overnight lodge, Pantic spends the night in the bar where his new acquaintance works, and becomes a victim of group of people who start picking on him. The initially protective waiter joins their harassment, and that's when Pantic pulls out a knife. Story 3: A female reporter gets back from the province without getting job done. On her way back, she meets an abused woman who lives with her husband in a trailer, making grill. The two will run away together, facing many hazards and trials.
Život radnika

Život radnika

Jun 17, 1987
An acknowledged and proven factory worker gets fired after workers' strike.
Easy Money : Le dernier souffle
JW, l'étudiant fauché qui s'est laissé piéger par le monde du crime organisé, vit désormais en exil. Il est plus déterminé que jamais à retrouver sa soeur disparue, Camilla. Toutes les pistes le ramènent invariablement dans l'enfer de Stockholm. Jorge, toujours en cavale, est sur le point d'accomplir son dernier coup : le plus grand braquage de l'histoire de la Suède. Mais, pendant les travaux de préparation, il retrouve une femme de son passé, Nadja. De son côté, Martin Hägerström est choisi pour infiltrer la mafia serbe et faire tomber son boss, Radovan Krajnic. Mais avant qu'il ait pu mener sa mission à son terme, Radovan est victime d'une tentative d'assassinat...
Easy money

Easy money

Jan 15, 2010
Stockholm la noire où la Blanche règne en maître...JW est un étudiant en École de Commerce brillant, ambitieux et fauché qui s'aventure dans le milieu du crime organisé.Jorge, dealer en cavale, fuit la police et la mafia yougoslave mais avant de prendre le large une bonne fois pour toutes, il veut faire un dernier coup: importer une grosse quantité de cocaïne.Mrado, tueur à gages, est chargé de pister Jorge.Sur le chemin de l’argent facile, il faudra s’allier et trahir, se défendre et tuer, mais surtout, essayer de survivre...
L'Été dans la vallée d'or
Fikret Varupa est un jeune homme de 16 ans, originaire de Sarajevo. Il apprend à l’enterrement de son père que ce dernier devait de l’argent à Hamid, inconnu de lui jusqu’alors. Sa famille doit absolument rembourser cette dette afin de rendre la paix à l’âme du père. Fikret essaye différents moyens pour trouver l’argent, jusqu’à se laisser entraîner par deux flics corrompus...
Gori Vatra

Gori Vatra

Sep 01, 2003
Two years after the Bosnian war, a town that is slowly rebuilding itself must whip together a democracy when it's announced the U.S. President Bill Clinton might be paying a visit.
Le Casse du ciel

Le Casse du ciel

Nov 22, 2024
Deux amis d'enfance décident de se lancer dans un dernier braquage pour voler des millions dans un dépôt de fonds suédois hyper sécurisé. Mais la police veille...
Action & Adventure