David Meyer

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Jun 05, 1983
Chargé d’enquêter sur la mort très suspecte de l'agent 009 (pourquoi avait-il donc cet inestimable œuf Fabergé dans la main ?...), James Bond assiste à la mise aux enchères de l’œuf. Le richissime Kamal Khan en fait l'acquisition. Ce prince Indien exilé semble nourrir de secrètes accointances avec le général renégat Orlov. Mais quel lien y a-t-il entre l’œuf, les complots du tandem russo-indien et la désirable, bien que mystérieuse, Octopussy ? Et si c'était le déclenchement de la Troisième Guerre Mondiale ?!
L'Évangile de Jean

L'Évangile de Jean

Sep 11, 2003
Le cinéaste anglais Philip Saville dirige le récit religieux "l'Évangile de Jean", une production de la compagnie canadienne Visual Bible International. Ce drame de trois heures essaye de suivre avec précision l'Évangile tel que Jean l'a écrit, au cours du premier siècle.
The Third Walker

The Third Walker

Jan 01, 1978
Twins Etienne and Andrew are separated at birth--an error that years later will wrench apart two loving families.


Jan 01, 1976
The classic Shakespeare play in a way you've never seen.
The Tempest

The Tempest

Sep 13, 1979
Prospero, a potent magician, lives on a desolate isle with his virginal daughter, Miranda. He's in exile, banished from his duchy by his usurping brother and the King of Naples. Providence brings these enemies near; aided by his vassal the spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures a tempest to wreck the Italian ship. The king's son, thinking all others lost, becomes Prospero's prisoner, falling in love with Miranda and she with him. Prospero's brother and the king wander the island, as do a drunken cook and sailor, who conspire with Caliban, Prospero's beastly slave, to murder Prospero. Prospero wants reason to triumph, Ariel wants his freedom, Miranda a husband; the sailors want to dance.
Meurtre dans un jardin anglais
Au XVIIe siècle, une aristocrate, profitant de l'absence de son mari, engage un peintre pour immortaliser son domaine. En dédommagement, elle lui offre la totale jouissance de son corps. L'artiste découvrira trop tard les buts secrets de cet agréable contrat.
War Requiem

War Requiem

Jan 06, 1989
During World War I, British soldier Owen is mortified by the examples of cruelty that surround him in the trenches. He combats these terrifying images by maintaining hope in his love for an army nurse. But he also begins to accept his fate as another battlefield sacrifice.


Nov 26, 1997
A travers la dramatique histoire d'un couple d'homosexuels, évocation de la ségrégation et du martyre de ces derniers pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui bien souvent préféraient se faire passer pour juifs, plutôt que de porter le triangle rose réservé aux homosexuels.


Jul 20, 2020
Enter a shadowy establishment where residents attempt to create order from the chaos of life. Carers become patients, memories fracture and relationships collide. Physical theatre company Gecko has a reputation for generating unique worlds, intoxicatingly beautiful scenes and breathtaking choreography. Based on their internationally acclaimed production by Amit Lahav, this film is a visually captivating and poetic dissection of the way we nurture and care for ourselves and each other.
TV Movie


Apr 30, 1982
A psychological interpretation of the opera mixing in references to the history of Germany, Wagner’s life, German literature and philosophy. The action is centered on Wagner’s death mask. Kundry is the main character – one might read the film as the story of her redemption rather than that of Amfortas.
London Spy

London Spy

Dec 07, 2015
Danny, un jeune homme romantique et mal dans sa peau, tombe amoureux de l'énigmatique et asocial Alex. Lorsque ce dernier disparaît, Danny s'emploie à le retrouver. Les découvertes qu'il va faire sur la vie secrète de son amant, qui était en réalité un agent secret travaillant pour le compte du MI6, vont peu à peu le plonger au cœur d'une gigantesque machination qui le dépasse.
An Englishman's Castle
Set in an alternative 1970s where Germany won the Second World War and occupied Europe, a soap opera called 'An Englishman's Castle' plays out through writer Peter Ingram.
Lady Killers

Lady Killers

Aug 21, 1981
Compelling crime anthology looks at some of Britain's most notorious murder trials, in which both male and female defendants stood accused of the murder of women. Introduced by Robert Morley, seven hour-long dramas reconstruct sensational trials which shocked Britain, offering in-depth analyses of individuals' motives and methods.