Rebecca Palmer

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Fiona's Story

Fiona's Story

Aug 31, 2008
Fiona fights to hold her family together after husband is accused of owning child pornography.
Summer in the Shade

Summer in the Shade

Mar 09, 2020
Summer, 1997. Twelve-year-old Grace and eleven-year-old Asta have been friends for as long as they can remember. When her father suddenly leaves, Grace’s fascination with religion and the supernatural becomes an obsession. At the end of the school holidays the girls go to stay in a cottage in the Cornish countryside with Asta’s bohemian mum, Kate. There, troubled Grace is forced to confront her demons...
Mary Reine d'Ecosse

Mary Reine d'Ecosse

Aug 04, 2013
Élevée en France, Mary Stuart épouse en premières noces François II, roi de France. A peine âgée de 15 ans, elle devient souveraine à 17 ans, en 1559, à la mort de son époux, emporté par la maladie. Six ans plus tard, elle épouse en secondes noces à Édimbourg Henry Stuart, dit «Lord Darnley», roi consort d'Écosse. La jeune femme n'a que mépris pour son mari, qu'elle juge faible. Elle fait alors la rencontre de James Hepburn, comte de Bothwell, dont elle tombe immédiatement amoureuse. Reine catholique en terre protestante, elle accumule les maladresses et choque la population en épousant Bothwell après avoir fait assassiner son mari. Élizabeth Ire, qui a peur pour son propre trône, fait enfermer sa rivale...
Cette Sale Terre

Cette Sale Terre

Nov 10, 2001
Aux confins de la Grande-Bretagne, Francine, Kath et la fille de cette dernière vivent dans une ferme sans âge. Enthousiastes et optimistes, les deux sœurs font tourner l’exploitation comme elles le peuvent. Buto, le père de la fillette, cupide, violent et égoïste, s’apprête à épouser Kath car, bientôt âgée de 21 ans, celle-ci va hériter des terres...
Beneath the Skin

Beneath the Skin

Jul 03, 2005
A stalker tackles three women in London. First 23-year old likable schoolteacher Zoe Haratounian, who beats off a thief and gets declared a local heroine by the press, gets scary anonymous letters, but because she runs off from the police station when the desk officer cheerfully calls her 'our poster girl' to a colleague when recognizing her on a press cutting, it takes days before the police can even send over PC Andrew Stadden, a detective in training. She breaks up with her 'not sensitively supportive' hunky boyfriend, gardener Fred, who even gets investigated as a suspect and only has his soccer mates Maurice 'Moz' 'Hack' ...


Jul 08, 2012
A dark fantastical tale in which a man enters into a pact with all the insect inhabitants of his small cottage.


Oct 25, 2005


Boy meets girl everyday on her way to work. Will her job stop them from falling in love?
Red Rose

Red Rose

Jan 21, 2005
Robert Burns overcomes his upbringing as a farm labourer to become the national poet of Scotland. Love comes his way in the form of Jean Armour but his attempts at securing a happy relationship are blighted by Jean's father who disapproves of Burns. Finally, Jean and Robbie are married and Burns tries to settle down to a happy married life, but the success of his literary career brings with it many temptations and he is unable to resist the attention of the aristocratic women who fawn upon him. Finding difficulties in supporting his growing family of children, Burns seeks work as a local tax and excise officer in the port of Dumfries when Britain is threatened by the spread of the French Revolution
Comfortably Numb

Comfortably Numb

Jan 25, 2004
Comfortably Numb shows us Jake's struggle to overcome his alcoholism in a rehab center, Promis. After early difficulties, he starts to make progress when he forms a relationship with a fellow patient, Emma. But they are forbidden to see each other after Jake is confronted about his "sex and love" addiction in a group counselling session. This creates more problems, as Jake doesn't understand that his dependence on the relationship with Emma is actually a barrier to his rehabilitation. A night of excess sparked by drugs makes things get out of hand. Jake decides to leave the center and fight his addiction on his own terms. But almost immediately he goes into a pub. It seems as though Jake will fall back into being an alcoholic, but as the film ends, we see that he has returned to Promis, and is determined to make a full recovery this time.
New Town Killers

New Town Killers

Oct 28, 2008
Deux banquiers qui ont le monde à leurs pieds prennent un malin plaisir à organiser de véritables chasses à l'homme avec des individus en marge de la société. Leur prochaine cible est un adolescent qui vit avec sa soeur dans la banlieue d'Edimbourg. Elle est criblée de dettes et lui est dans une situation difficile. Il accepte la proposition des deux hommes : se cacher sans se faire attraper en échange de quoi il se verra remettre une grosse somme d'argent.
Alice à travers le miroir
Au moment de faire la lecture à sa petite fille sur le point de s'endormir, Alice, désormais jeune maman, traverse le miroir de la chambre. De retour au pays des merveilles, dans ses habits d'enfant, elle rencontre tour à tour la Reine Rouge, d'insolentes fleurs qui parlent, des pièces d'échec aussi humaines qu'elle, une Reine Blanche qui se souvient des événements avant qu'ils n'aient lieu, un gros oeuf perché au sommet d'une tour… Alors que, dans les bois, rôde le Jabberwocky, un terrible dragon, Alice joue à un étrange et gigantesque jeu dont elle sort victorieuse. Désormais reine, elle participe à un banquet riche en surprises…
Elephant Juice

Elephant Juice

Aug 23, 1999
The story of Billy, Will, Jules, Daphne and Dodie, a group of people who prove that there are no secrets between friends. It all comes out in the end.


Jan 20, 2001
Claire vient chez Jay, l'après-midi. Ils font l'amour. Ils ne se parlent pas, mais il doit se passer quelque chose entre eux parce qu'ils se lèvent ensemble et se couchent à côté de la table, sans un mot. La semaine suivante, à la même heure, elle est à la porte. Ils se déshabillent immédiatement. Si le sexe est un moyen de rencontrer et de connaître les gens, que sait-il d'elle ?
Feu de glace

Feu de glace

May 10, 2002
Aux États-Unis, le coup de foudre entre un bel alpiniste et une jeune femme est mis à mal par des lettres anonymes accusant le sportif de meurtre.
Quills : La plume et le sang
Le Marquis de Sade explore, par sa plume, le côté interdit de l'homme : les passions obscènes du corps, les pulsions sexuelles, les désirs immoraux. Au début du XIXème siècle, il est considéré comme l'être le plus perfide, le monstre le plus abject, mais aussi comme l'homme le plus libre d'esprit que le monde ait connu. Les frasques du Marquis de Sade ont eu raison de sa liberté et de sa santé mentale. Alors qu'il est au faîte de sa carrière, il se retrouve emprisonné dans l'asile de Charenton afin d'y être " soigné ". Sous le regard attentif et omniprésent de l'abbé de Coulmier, qui soutient pouvoir réhabiliter cet homme, le Marquis de Sade continue ses écrits érotiques et sulfureux. Afin de transmettre les manuscrits au grand public, il est aidé par Madeleine Leclerc, une jeune et innocente femme de chambre. Facilement influençable, elle est la personne idéale pour assouvir ses fantasmes les plus fous.


Mar 12, 2005
It's two years since the mysterious disappearance of Kath Swarbrick's older sister Annie, but Kath remains haunted by a need to know what happened. When police investigations wind down, Kath continues the search herself. She gets nowhere until she steals some CCTV footage of her sister on her final day. Visiting the spot where Annie was filmed, Kath becomes convinced she has found a portal to another reality and from this portal Kath is trying to say something.
Blood Trails

Blood Trails

Apr 20, 2006
Anne, coursière à vélo, grille un feu rouge sous les yeux de Chris, un policier. Ce dernier parvient à la rattraper et séduit la jeune femme. Rongée par le remords, elle propose à son petit ami un week-end romantique en pleine montagne. Mais dès leur première ballade à vélo, Chris fait son apparition et poursuit le couple. Une course mortelle commence alors...
Stratosphere Girl

Stratosphere Girl

Sep 09, 2004
Angela is a French art student living in Germany who loves to draw comics and creates elaborate tales drawn in a soft and romantic style. One night, Angela meets Yamamoto, a club DJ from Japan, who invites her to come to Tokyo with him. Infatuated with Yamamoto, Angela impulsively agrees, and is soon sharing an apartment with a handful of Western expatriates who work at a nightclub where Japanese businessmen drink, sing karaoke, and date the "hostesses" for a fee.
Distant Bridges

Distant Bridges

Aug 09, 1999
It's 1915 and World War I rages as England sends the flower of its youth to the killing fields of France and Belgium. Two underage -- albeit patriotic -- boys (Mark Bint and David Harrison) decide to enlist, and the recruiting officer chooses to ignore their ages, allowing them to defend king and country. Will the boys return home to see their loved ones again?


Dec 24, 2017
A young gay man struggles with what family means at Christmas time.


Dec 24, 2017
A young gay man struggles with what family means at Christmas time.
Derek Acorah's Past Hunters
Derek Acorah and his team delve deep into some of the UK's most paranormal locations. Fusing psychic mediumship with paranormal investigation equipment, in an effort to prove the existence of the spirit world.


Apr 30, 2006
Charismatic detective Gil Mayo wise-cracks his way through a variety of murder mysteries alongside his sexy colleague, Alex Jones. Matters aren't simple between the old flames as flirtation could become something more - but who will make the first move? Life is further complicated by Gil's precocious teenage daughter Julie, who he's bringing up by himself after the disappearance of his wife. The detective does come up with a novel way to deal with the piles of bills he keeps receiving though - hiding them in the cupboard!


Oct 23, 2011
MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...