Akira Otani

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Eko Eko Azarak 2 - Birth of the Wizard
Des archéologues découvrent le cercueil de Kirie, une sorcière morte depuis une centaine d'années. À peine l'ont-ils ouvert que cette dernière se réveille et les réduit en charpie, n'épargnant une fille que pour la posséder et partir à la recherche de celle qu'elle a attendu pendant toutes ces années. Cette élue n'est à première vue qu'une adolescente ordinaire, mais la plus puissante sorcière de tous les temps sommeille en la jeune Misa Kuroi. Posséder son corps donnerait à Kirie le pouvoir absolu mais c'est sans compter sur Saiga, un autre sorcier bien décidé à se dresser en travers de son chemin et à l'anéantir. Pour cela, il devra protéger Misa jusqu'à ce que cette dernière prenne conscience de son destin et apprenne à maîtriser son pouvoir sans limites. Car elle seule pourra renvoyer Kirie en enfer et sauver le monde...


Mar 24, 1995
 Takuro Yamazaki teaches people "true work". He is a business commander and corporate warrior YAMAZAKI with combat ability. When a rival company Business Commander appears, he fights with his fighting ability! !!  We have succeeded in visualizing the original comic of Jun Tomizawa, which is full of special effects, without damaging the image. In particular, Issey Ogata, who starred in the movie, can only be thought of by this person! The role of the business commander YAMAZAKI.
Disappearances... What if a magical fairy beyond human knowledge is lurking in the shadows of incidents that could occur in our daily lives? Mysterious disappearances and slaughters in a seemingly peaceful and ordinary port town are so bizarre that all the bodies found have been mummified. Detective Junpei investigates this mysterious case. His father, who was also a detective, disappeared 20 years ago while investigating another strange case.
THE レイプマン
In this first installment of the series - we are introduced to Keisuke: mild mannered school-teacher by day - avenging angel of rape by night - and his goofy Uncle, who together run Rapeman Services. Their "services" are called-upon by a nightclub owner who tells a sob story about having her boyfriend, a current political candidate, stolen by his secretary, and asks Rapeman to "take care of her" as an act of revenge. This is done per the nightclub owner's request - but we soon find that the story was just a cover to cause a bigger scandal that involves rival a seedy rival politician and the Yakuza...
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner is a live-action television series based on the 1995 video game of the same name. Originally commissioned for a thirteen episode run, popular demand resulted in a further series of thirteen episodes being produced. it was originally broadcast on TX Network in the late night timeslot as a late night horror drama series.