María Cabrera

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Señor, dame paciencia
Gregorio est un banquier très conservateur, fan du Real de Madrid et très grincheux. Lorsque sa femme meurt subitement, il doit respecter son dernier souhait : répandre ses cendres dans le fleuve Guadalquivir. Pour mener à bien cette tâche, Gregorio doit passer un week-end à Sanlucar de Barrameda avec ses enfants, deux filles et un garçon. Le problème est qu'ils seront tous les trois accompagnés de leurs partenaires qui ne le supportent pas.
El mundo es nuestro

El mundo es nuestro

Jun 22, 2012
The Culebra and Cabesa, a pair of criminals, decide to take a bank at gunpoint, dressed as penitents. The plan is simple: Get in, get the money, take off all the loot quickly and catch the first flight to Brazil. But things get complicated when a man on his fifties, victim of the economic crisis goes into the bank loaded with explosives, threatening suicide. What would be the easiest shot in history, becomes a nightmare carnival.
Te estoy amando locamente
Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGBTQ+ movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.
En la otra camilla

En la otra camilla

Jan 01, 2008
The quiet day-to-day existence of two kidnappers, Alfonso and Marta, comes to an abrupt end when the elderly businessman they are holding in captivity tries to commit suicide.
Para toda la muerte

Para toda la muerte

Jan 31, 2020
José has spent the last 8 years preparing the exams to become a civil servant in Spain. After his tests, he celebrates with friends and family, only to receive the news that he did not actually secure a place.
L'Espionne de Tanger

L'Espionne de Tanger

Jan 20, 2014
Lorsqu'il sort de sa retraite pour venger la mort de son fils, un ancien espion se retrouve coincé entre passé et présent, au cœur d'une guerre entre agences et d'une conspiration qui tire profit du chaos au Moyen Orient.
Action & Adventure
La que se avecina

La que se avecina

Dec 22, 2023
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels FactoríaDeFicción and Paramount Comedy. The series debuted in 22 April 2007 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, use of catchphrases and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society. The name of the show involves wordplay, as "vecina" is the Spanish word for neighbour.