Jack Raymond

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The Missing Three Quarter
Holmes receives a mysterious telegram from Cyril Overton, the captain of the Cambridge University rugby team. Overton later explains that one of the best players on his team, a young man named Godfrey Staunton, went missing while in London for an important game. Holmes follows a trail of clues back to Cambridge.
The Affairs of Jimmy Valentine
Une personnalité de la radio de New York se rend dans la petite ville de Fernville, dans l'Indiana, pour tenter de découvrir un coffre-fort notoire, censé se faire passer pour l'un des citoyens les plus éminents de la ville.
Vie facile

Vie facile

Jul 16, 1937
JB Ball, un financier milliardaire, en a assez de sa famille et plus particulièrement de son épouse dispendieuse. Au cours d'une dispute conjugale, excessivement violente, il s'empare du manteau de vison, très cher et juste acquis, de sa femme et le lance par-dessus le balcon de sa luxueuse demeure. Il atterrit sur la jeune Mary Smith, qui passait par là. Pauvre, travaillant dur, Mary n'hésite guère devant ce don du ciel. Elle s'en revêt et constate qu'on la prend dorénavant pour la moitié du milliardaire. Décidant de vivre conformément à son statut elle se rend à la Bourse, où elle réussit à provoquer un krach. D'aventures catastrophiques en soirées mondaines, Mary rencontre le fils du milliardaire. Le coup de foudre est immédiat...
A Man Betrayed

A Man Betrayed

Mar 07, 1941
Bucolic lawyer John Wayne takes on big-city corruption in A Man Betrayed. He sets out to prove that an above-suspicion politician (Edward Ellis) is actually a crook. The price of integrity is sweet in this instance, since Wayne happens to be in love with the politician's daughter (Frances Dee).
Nous avons gagné ce soir
Bill Thompson, un boxeur sur le déclin, doit se coucher lors d'un combat. Mais dans un sursaut d'orgueil, il fait volte-face et met son adversaire au tapis. Il doit maintenant faire face aux conséquences.
Faites vos jeux

Faites vos jeux

Jul 15, 1949
Clark Gable étoiles dans ce drame 1949, réalisé par Mervyn LeRoy, sur un propriétaire de casino jongler les affaires et les problèmes familiaux. Le casting comprend également Alexis Smith, Mary Astor, Darryl Hickman, Marjorie Rambeau, Lewis Stone, Audrey Totter et Corey Wendell.
Union Depot

Union Depot

Jan 14, 1932
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
La Fille des boucaniers
Passagère clandestine à bord d'un bateau en partance pour La Nouvelle-Orléans, Deborah McCoy, une entraîneuse originaire de Boston, est enlevée par le pirate Frederic Baptiste, qui pille les embarcations du riche armateur Narbonne pour venir en aide aux marins défavorisés. Parvenant à s'enfuir, la jeune femme est recueillie par madame Brizar, qui entend parfaire son éducation. Quelque temps plus tard, Debbie se produit lors d'une réception donnée par le capitaine Kingston, qui n'est autre que Frederic Baptiste...
The Preview Murder Mystery
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Rogues' Gallery

Rogues' Gallery

Dec 06, 1944
Reporter Patsy Reynolds and photographer Eddie Porter are assigned to interview John Foster, head of the Emmerson Foundation regarding a listening device the organization is working on. Foster evades them and they to the lab to see Professor Reynolds, the real inventor. Soon, they are involved in several shootings, blueprints that change hands several times, a corpse in their car that appears and disappears a few times, the loss of their jobs and several people who either think they are killers or candidates for being killed.
Le Couple invisible

Le Couple invisible

Jul 16, 1937
Marion et Georges Kerby, un couple de riche, meurt subitement dans un accident de voiture. Leur banquier, Cosmo Topper, se rend compte que la vie est trop courte et souhaite en profiter, seulement sa femme, Clara, vaine et intolérante, l'en empêche. Les Kerbys ont besoin d'une bonne action pour rejoindre les cieux, ils tombent sur Cosmo Tobber et décident de l'aider à vivre mieux. Ils ont le pouvoir d'être invisible et ne se gènent pour en profiter !
Riley of the Rainbow Division
Two pals enlist in the army during World War I. Just before they complete training camp and are to be sent overseas, they're scheduled to marry their girlfriends. However, they get in trouble and wind up in the guardhouse. Their girlfriends are determined to get married, however, and in order to accomplish this, they disguise themselves as soldiers and sneak onto the base, where they unwittingly get mixed up with enemy spies trying to gather information.
Scarlet River

Scarlet River

Mar 10, 1933
Unable to find open range near Hollywood, western actor Tom Baxter and his troop head to Judy Blake's ranch to shoot their film.
Too Much Harmony

Too Much Harmony

Sep 23, 1933
A singer is involved with two women in his life, one a "good" girl and one a "bad" one."
Paris in Spring

Paris in Spring

May 27, 1935
Afraid of marriage, Simone (Mary Ellis) breaks off her long term engagement with her fiancé Paul de Lille (Tullio Carminati). Paul heads to the top of The Eiffel Tower with thoughts of suicide. In another part of Paris and also afraid of marriage, Mignon (Ida Lupino) breaks it off from her young lover (James Blakely). Despairing, Mignon also climbs to the top of the The Eiffel Tower intending to leap to her death. There she meets Paul and the two compare stories. After discussion, Paul dissuades her from leaping and the two conspire to make their respective partners jealous by pretending to have an affair with each other.
Dick Tracy's G-Men

Dick Tracy's G-Men

Sep 02, 1939
L'espion international , Zarnoff, à l'emploi de "Les Trois Pouvoirs" (vraisemblablement une référence fictive à l' Axe ) est capturé par Dick Tracy au début de la série, jugé et condamné à mort. Cependant, grâce à l'usage d'une drogue rare incrustée par ses agents dans le journal du soir, il s'évade de la chambre à gaz . Ses hommes ramassent son "cadavre" en tendant une embuscade au corbillard et en lui administrant un autre contre-médicament. Il poursuit ses plans d'espionnage , tout en profitant de l'occasion pour se venger de Tracy.
Blind Date

Blind Date

Jul 20, 1934
A young woman is torn between a wealthy suitor who wants her body and the honest young man who wants what's best for her.
Loin du ghetto

Loin du ghetto

Mar 04, 1929
Morris Goldfish, issu d'une pauvre famille juive de Lower East Side, n'a qu'une ambition, s'intégrer à la haute société new-yorkaise. Il y parvient en épousant une fille de bonne famille et en devenant antiquaire sous le nom de Maurice Fish. Tout à sa gloire nouvelle, il n'a cure de la déception de sa jeune soeur, Birdie, qui voulait se marier avec Eddie, un ami d'enfance, compositeur de chansons sans succès, pas plus que du déracinement de son vieux père, obligé de suivre son fils à Park Avenue. La mise en accusation d'Eddie, à qui l'on reproche une complicité imaginaire dans un hold-up, menace sa nouvelle et brillante situation. Il n'hésite pas à désavouer sa soeur...


Oct 03, 1935
A fast-talking boxing manager and the somewhat hapless fighter he manages happen to run into a young man who was a good prizefighter in his day but is now out of the sport and has a drinking problem. They decide to train him for a big match, and in the process find themselves involved in romance, shady characters and a possible kidnapping.
Crépuscule de gloire

Crépuscule de gloire

Jan 21, 1928
A Hollywood, un général russe en exil devenu figurant est amené a jouer son propre rôle de commandant en chef de l’armée du tsar.
Shake Hands with Murder
A female bail-bond broker and her partner help an accused embezzler prove his innocence. Having the body of the embezzler's late business partner pop up doesn't help matters.


Sep 27, 1930
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive.
Broadway Serenade

Broadway Serenade

Apr 07, 1939
A married singer, pianist/composer team are struggling to hit it big in New York. Finally, they audition before a Broadway producer, but the producer only wants the singer, leaving the husband without a job and feeling a failure.
Le monde est merveilleux
Willie Heyward, millionnaire, est du genre à ne pas se faire de souci et à cueillir les roses de la vie. Il épouse même Vivian, une jeune femme attirée par son argent, sans se poser la moindre question. Mais le jour où il est accusé à tort du meurtre d'une danseuse, tout bascule. Condamné à mort, il ne peut plus compter que sur Guy Johnson, son détective privé, lui aussi accusé de complicité, et qui fera tout pour rétablir la justice, aidé par une poétesse.
Honeymoon in Bali

Honeymoon in Bali

Sep 29, 1939
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
You Can't Buy Luck

You Can't Buy Luck

Apr 30, 1937
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
Night Club Scandal

Night Club Scandal

Nov 11, 1937
When Dr. Ernest Tindal's wife is murdered, evidence mounts to convict her lover, Frank Marian. But Frank knows he didn't do it.....
'Neath Brooklyn Bridge
The East Side Kids find a young girl in the apartment of a man who has just been murdered. Believing her to be innocent, they hide her in their clubhouse while they try to find the real killer. The killer, however, used a baseball bat as his murder weapon, and the bat has the fingerprints of one of the gang on it.
Une princesse à bord

Une princesse à bord

May 22, 1936
Wanda Nash, une actrice de Brooklyn, décide de se faire passer pour la princesse Olga de Suède afin de décrocher un contrat de film avec un grand studio d'Hollywood. À bord du paquebot Mammoth, à destination de New York, elle rencontre King Mantell, un chef d'orchestre jouant de l'accordéon et ayant un long casier judiciaire derrière lui. Tous deux font alors l'objet d'un chantage de la part de Robert M. Darcy et après le meurtre de Darcy, ils deviennent deux des principaux suspects du meurtre. Ils doivent trouver le véritable tueur avant que les cinq inspecteurs de police voyageant sur le navire ne puissent leur mettre la main dessus.
Laurel Et Hardy - En croisière
Laurel et Hardy travaillent dans une usine de klaxons ; Ollie en devient fou : Ils rentrent chez eux et le médecin diagnostique qu'Ollie est allergique aux sons de trompe ; Or Stan joue du trombone à coulisses; une combinaison néfaste. Ils décident de partir en croisière pour se reposer.
He Stayed for Breakfast
Set in Paris, this romantic comedy revolves around the beautiful estranged wife of a wealthy banker who hides a handsome and fiery Communist fugitive in her apartment.
Three Week Ends

Three Week Ends

Dec 08, 1928
A sexy young nightclub singer sets her sights on a young man she believes to be a millionaire playboy, although he is in reality only an insurance agent.
Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane

Apr 17, 1941
À la mort du milliardaire Charles Foster Kane, un grand magnat de la presse, Thompson, un reporter, enquête sur sa vie. Les contacts qu'il prend avec ses proches lui font découvrir un personnage gigantesque, mégalomane, égoïste et solitaire.
La dame en question

La dame en question

Aug 07, 1940
Lorsqu'un membre du jury prend au défendeur Il ne pouvait «convict t, elle a une mauvaise influence sur son fils.
Honolulu Lu

Honolulu Lu

Dec 11, 1941
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
Sally of the Scandals

Sally of the Scandals

Jul 15, 1928
Sally of the Scandals is a 1928 American silent crime drama film produced and released by Film Booking Offices of America. It was directed by Lynn Shores and starred Bessie Love.
L'aigle du désert

L'aigle du désert

Aug 05, 1950
La belle princesse Schéhérazade est en route pour Téhéran où elle doit épouser, pour raison d'Etat, un ignoble tyran. En chemin, elle est enlevée par Omar, véritable Robin du désert et prétendant au trône...
Deux nigauds légionnaires
Jonesy and Lou are in Algeria looking for a wrestler they are promoting. Sergeant Axmann tricks them into joining the Foreign Legion, after which they discover Axmann's collaboration with the nasty Sheik Hamud El Khalid.
Give Us This Night

Give Us This Night

Mar 06, 1936
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
Foreign Agent

Foreign Agent

Oct 09, 1942
Hollywood starlet foils an Axis plot to sabotage the L.A. infrastructure.
Lady from Louisiana

Lady from Louisiana

Apr 22, 1941
Northern lawyer John Reynolds travels to New Orleans to try and clean up the local crime syndicate based around a lottery. Although he meets Julie Mirbeau and they are attracted to each other, the fact that her father heads the lottery means they end up on opposite sides. When her father is killed, Julie becomes more and more involved in the shady activities and in blocking Reynolds' attempts at prosecution.
Border Flight

Border Flight

May 29, 1936
Frances Farmer's second film is a typical B-programmer from the Paramount lot of 1936--up and coming stars (John Howard, Robert Cummings, Grant Withers, Farmer) in a concerning the Coast Guard and smugglers. The chief points of interest are the truly exceptional aerial sequences and Farmer's early performance.
Brooklyn Orchid

Brooklyn Orchid

Jan 31, 1942
Two taxi-fleet operators rescue a girl and she follows them to a mountain resort.
La Femme de l'année

La Femme de l'année

Feb 05, 1942
Sam Craig, reporter sportif dans un quotidien new-yorkais, supporte mal les remarques sur le sport de sa collègue Tess Harding, fille de diplomate et chroniqueuse à la rubrique internationale. Ils se querellent car tout les oppose. Mais, au grand étonnement de leurs amis, ils se marient ! Commencent les difficultés. Leurs intérêts divergent, l’un raffole des matchs de baseball, de réunions intimes entre amis et de plaisirs simples, l’autre, plus sophistiquée, baigne dans les mondanités, les meetings féministes et la politique… De plus, Tess est nommée « femme de l’année » ! La vie privée des jeunes époux devient chaotique et Sam, excédé, quitte le domicile conjugal. Tess, se rendant compte de l’amour qu’elle porte à Sam, décide de le reconquérir et se glisse un petit matin chez lui, elle lui prépare un petit-déjeuner qui vire à la catastrophe. Touché par les efforts de Tess, Sam se réconcilie avec sa femme.
The Wild Party

The Wild Party

Apr 06, 1929
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
The Accusing Finger

The Accusing Finger

Nov 17, 1936
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
The Calling of Dan Matthews
Dan Matthews (Richard Arlen), a young parson, is in love with Hope Strong (Charlotte Wynters), the daughter of James B. Strong ('FRederick Burton'), a man who controls the town with his real estate and business interests. Strong is an upstanding citizen who has fallen into the hands of a clever racketeer, Jeff Hardy (Douglass Dumbrille), who acts as Strong's manager of some innocent-appearing amusement places that are really secret dens of vice.
711 Ocean Drive

711 Ocean Drive

Jul 01, 1950
Un expert de l'électronique crée un énorme système de diffusion bookie pour son patron du crime, et prend en charge les opérations quand son patron est assassiné. Son avidité le conduit sur une voie destructrice mortelle.
The Man Who Walked Alone
A war hero returns home following a medical discharge and ends up entangled with a young woman speeding away from her wedding day in her fiance's car. Seeing the soldier, she gives him a ride and explains her predicament. Things get sticky when the cops capture them and accuse the soldier of desertion.


Nov 18, 1938
Olivia, danseuse de night-club lasse de sa vie agitée, épouse un homme de la société davantage pour changer de vie que par amour. Lorsqu'ils emménagent tous deux dans la grande ferme familiale, la situation se complique avec sa belle-famille. La sœur de son mari lui fait sentir son ressentiment tandis que le frère, marié à un amour de jeunesse, s'éprend de la jolie danseuse…


Oct 16, 1945
Kitty, une jeune fille des rues est éduquée par Sir Marcy. Elle épouse ensuite Jonathan Selly, qui meurt peu après. Enceinte, elle se remarie avec le duc de Malmunster, qui décède à son tour. Avec son titre de duchesse, elle peut enfin se lier avec l'homme de sa vie, Sir Hugh Marcy...
Maisie Gets Her Man

Maisie Gets Her Man

Jun 01, 1942
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Sleepy Lagoon

Sleepy Lagoon

Sep 05, 1943
Young radio personality Judy Joyner becomes mayor of the moribund town, Sleepy Lagoon, after running on an all women ticket and promptly sets out to turn the town around.
Find the King

Find the King

Nov 05, 1927
In this two-reel comedy, Edward Everett Horton is the pampered scion of a family, raised by a couple of prissy aunts. He does card tricks. Through various machinations, he winds up running a saloon out west, where he charms one of the two tough guys in town by taking away his tie and fixing a bow tie to him; the other, Jack Curtis, he bests at poker "for keeps!" and wins the heart of local good girl Violet Bird.
The Lunatic at Large

The Lunatic at Large

Jan 02, 1927
Offering a ride to a millionaire, Sam Smith (Leon Errol) agrees to trade places with his passenger for financial reasons. Only when the men in the white coats put the collar on him does Sam realize that the "millionaire" was actually an escaped mental patient.
A Royal Divorce

A Royal Divorce

Sep 21, 1938
The love affair between the French Emperor Napoleon and the lady Josephine leads through Napoleon's rise to power and their eventual divorce.