Turk, a "cool swinger", throws wild sex and drugs parties. Three hoodlum friends of his crash one party and he resorts to drastic measures to remove them from the festivities.
Low-born Helena is convinced that she and the high-born Bertram are meant to be. Bertram does not, so he runs off to fight in the Italian wars with his "#bff" Parolles, where he meets Diana. The lopsided love triangle all comes crashing down when the two women meet and devise a diabolical plan.
Dans le parc national de Waratah, en Australie, Matt Hammond est garde forestier. Il élève seul ses deux enfants, Mark l’adolescent et Sonny son petit frère. Vivant au cœur de la nature, cette famille partage son quotidien avec Skippy, un kangourou astucieux. Le fidèle compagnon est de toutes les aventures aux côtés des Hammond.