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Sep 01, 2010
Un mystérieux vagabond, accompagné d'un jeune guerrier japonais prénommé Yoshi, arrive dans une ville terrorisée par de dangereux criminels. Guidé par la sagesse du barman du saloon de la ville, le vagabond décide d'unir ses forces à celles de Yoshi pour mettre fin au règne corrompu de l'infâme Nicola et de sa compagne Alexandra, une femme fatale au passé trouble.
Moon Child

Moon Child

Apr 19, 2003
Moon Child va suivre trois jeunes garçons orphelins vivant de leurs vols, mais ça tourne mal et les enfants, dont Sho, âgé de 8 ans, sont sauvés par Kei, un être immortel buveur de sang et venant de perdre son mentor. Malgré ses pouvoirs, Kei est limité par le Soleil qui le brûle et ne peut donc seulement vivre la nuit ou dans l'ombre. Des années plus tard, Sho et ce dernier sont devenus inséparables et vivent de divers pillages contre d'autres gangs. Au cours d'un coup qui a mal tourné, ils rencontrent Son qui finit par rejoindre leur bande et leur présente sa sœur Yi-Che dont ils tombent tous deux amoureux. Yi-che est devenue muette dans son enfance. Après une période insouciante, un drame va obliger Kei à quitter le groupe...
翔んで埼玉 ~琵琶湖より愛をこめて~
People of Saitama Prefecture, who have been persecuted by Tokyoites for a long time, stand up for their freedom. Thanks to Momomi Hakuhodo (Fumi Nikaido) and the Saitama Liberation Front, laissez-passer is abolished. The people of Saitama Prefecture can once again enjoy their peaceful daily lives, but the Saitama Liberation Front heads toward its next goal. This leads to a big case.
Shin Hokuto no Ken : La Forteresse idolâtre
Au XXIe siècle, une guerre nucléaire a transformé la plus grande partie de la surface de la Terre en désert, ce qui a également entraîné la contamination de l'approvisionnement en eau de la Terre. Un homme du nom de Sanga a construit le havre fortifié de la "Dernière Terre", où il gouverne comme son dictateur en monopolisant l'approvisionnement en eau non contaminée de la ville. Lorsqu'il apprend que les habitants du Freedom Village voisin essaient de creuser un puits pour le leur, Sanga envoie ses sous-fifres saboter leurs efforts. Kenshiro, maître de Hokuto Shinken, est impliqué dans le conflit entre les deux régions après avoir sauvé Tobi, un informateur embauché par Freedom Village.
マリスミゼル: merveilles ~終焉と帰趨~ l'espace
Recordings of two live performances by Malice Mizer edited into a complete concert experience of the visual kei band’s third studio album "merveilles", filmed while on tour during 1998 at the Nippon Budōkan Hall (April 1) and Yokohama Arena (July 22) in Japan. The live video features an onstage cathedral set piece, theatrics, costume changes, and skits performed as openings/endings to songs. The final show of the merveilles ~Shuuen to Kisuu~ tour held July 22, 1998 at Yokohama Arena (featured in the film) would be lead vocalist Gackt’s last performance with Malice Mizer before leaving the band in January of 1999 and drummer Kami’s last live show before his sudden passing on June 21, 1999.
劇場版 仮面ライダーディケイド オールライダー対大ショッカー
Tsukasa travels to his home world of the World of Decade, where he discovers the origin of his powers and his true heritage as the leader of Dai-Shocker. The film features all ten of the lead Heisei Kamen Riders, as well as all of the Shōwa period Kamen Riders, leading to a total of 25 Riders.
My Little Nightmare: The Movie
Koto Yuiko fait des rêves troublants dont elle interdit l'accès à son grand-père et à son professeur Mutoi Ayami. En parallèle, sa classe accueille un nouvel élève du nom de Kanji Shibui qui se trouve être le nouveau prince des rêves quelque peu maléfiques de Koto Yuiko. Kanji Shibui aurait-il des projets malveillants ?
In the year 2020, when Covid-19 is rapidly spreading around the world, chaos ensues and people's daily lives are completely upended. A virus outbreak suddenly occurs at the prime minister's office in Japan. This leads to the prime minister's sudden death. The Japanese government then puts in place an unprecedented plan, which is to bring back the greatest leaders from Japan's past through AI holograms and form a super cabinet with them. These famous individuals include Ieyasu Tokugawa, Ryoma Sakamoto, Nobunaga Oda, and Hideyoshi Toyotomi. People are stunned and at the same time go crazy over the endless execution of policies by this new legendary cabinet. Risa Nishimura wants to become an announcer and currently works as a TV reporter for a broadcasting station. She approaches a government spokesperson, Ryoma Sakamoto, for an exclusive scoop. Due to an unexpected case, she realizes that something is going on behind this cabinet.
Gackt: The Greatest Filmography 1999-2006: Red
A harder-edge companion to its ballad-heavy counterpart Blue, the Red collection of music videos by Japanese rock star Gackt Camui includes a dozen tracks by the onetime singer of the band Malice Mizer. The international superstar shines on "Another World," "Oasis," "Secret Garden," "Redemption," "Mizerable," "Black Stone," "Sekirei," "Vanilla," "Kimi Ga Oikaketa Yume," "Mirror," "Wasurenai Kara" and "Metamorphoze."


Feb 22, 2019
People from Saitama Prefecture are persecuted and, because of this, they hide the fact that they are from there. In Tokyo, Momomi Hakuhodo is a male high school student and the son of the Tokyo governor. Physically, Momomi Hakuhodo looks like a girl. One day, he meets mysterious male transfer student Rei Asami. They are attracted to each other, but Rei Asami is from Saitama Prefecture.
Japan's notorius J-pop goth punk star Gackt has produced many best-selling albums and has a devoted fan base, but people still find it difficult to classify him. It is likely to be even more difficult to do so after witnessing his versatile performance in his latest tour. "The Sixth Day & Seventh Night" tour had it final show on July 4, 2004 and this lively show was chosen to be released on DVD. New band members were added for this concert, and the sound is heavier and tighter than usual, with Gackt and his band putting on an entertaining experimental performance. The stage costumes are designed by famous designer h.NAOTO.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝
The theatre play is set in the late Heian (794–1185) and early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan. The main character is young adult Minamoto no Yoshitsune, from the Minamoto clan. Like previous chapters, it is a historical fiction, a world with supernatural powers and spirits (Mononokes). The idea was to create a story where the Oni (Japanese demons) were the origin of vampires, and eventually of the central character.[19] In the Heian period existed those called as Mononoke (spirits), and Mononofu, who were born between humans and Mononoke, and with special powers dominated both Mononoke and humans. The story from Mysteries of Yoshitsune spreads out when the member with inherited blood crossed over to Europe, and became the progenitor of the later vampires.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝 Chapter 2
The story begins from March in year 1184 2 months after the final scene in the first play. The Genpei War and troubles of the hero, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, acted by GACKT,was dramatised from a new perspective drawn with a color of entertainment and a fresh breath of aesthetics. It is set in the days after the Heian Era. The Mononoke, who were feared since ancient times, the Mononofu, who are humans who gained the Mononoke’s powers, and the humans, who are being ruled by the Mononofu. In this scenario, the Heike and the Genji families, along with the other Mononofu around them, possess various powers like telepathy and seeing the future.
It is an all-time best tour that is a reminder to fans who have walked with him for 20 years of his solo career, and was held from January 2020 as a national tour version of his premium birthday live held on July 4, 2019, his birthday in 2019. The performance held at Tokyo International Forum Hall A was recorded from the tour.
マリスミゼル: merveilles ~終焉と帰趨~ l'espace
Recordings of two live performances by Malice Mizer edited into a complete concert experience of the visual kei band’s third studio album "merveilles", filmed while on tour during 1998 at the Nippon Budōkan Hall (April 1) and Yokohama Arena (July 22) in Japan. The live video features an onstage cathedral set piece, theatrics, costume changes, and skits performed as openings/endings to songs. The final show of the merveilles ~Shuuen to Kisuu~ tour held July 22, 1998 at Yokohama Arena (featured in the film) would be lead vocalist Gackt’s last performance with Malice Mizer before leaving the band in January of 1999 and drummer Kami’s last live show before his sudden passing on June 21, 1999.
Japan's notorius J-pop goth punk star Gackt has produced many best-selling albums and has a devoted fan base, but people still find it difficult to classify him. It is likely to be even more difficult to do so after witnessing his versatile performance in his latest tour. "The Sixth Day & Seventh Night" tour had it final show on July 4, 2004 and this lively show was chosen to be released on DVD. New band members were added for this concert, and the sound is heavier and tighter than usual, with Gackt and his band putting on an entertaining experimental performance. The stage costumes are designed by famous designer h.NAOTO.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝
The theatre play is set in the late Heian (794–1185) and early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan. The main character is young adult Minamoto no Yoshitsune, from the Minamoto clan. Like previous chapters, it is a historical fiction, a world with supernatural powers and spirits (Mononokes). The idea was to create a story where the Oni (Japanese demons) were the origin of vampires, and eventually of the central character.[19] In the Heian period existed those called as Mononoke (spirits), and Mononofu, who were born between humans and Mononoke, and with special powers dominated both Mononoke and humans. The story from Mysteries of Yoshitsune spreads out when the member with inherited blood crossed over to Europe, and became the progenitor of the later vampires.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝
The theatre play is set in the late Heian (794–1185) and early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan. The main character is young adult Minamoto no Yoshitsune, from the Minamoto clan. Like previous chapters, it is a historical fiction, a world with supernatural powers and spirits (Mononokes). The idea was to create a story where the Oni (Japanese demons) were the origin of vampires, and eventually of the central character.[19] In the Heian period existed those called as Mononoke (spirits), and Mononofu, who were born between humans and Mononoke, and with special powers dominated both Mononoke and humans. The story from Mysteries of Yoshitsune spreads out when the member with inherited blood crossed over to Europe, and became the progenitor of the later vampires.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝
The theatre play is set in the late Heian (794–1185) and early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan. The main character is young adult Minamoto no Yoshitsune, from the Minamoto clan. Like previous chapters, it is a historical fiction, a world with supernatural powers and spirits (Mononokes). The idea was to create a story where the Oni (Japanese demons) were the origin of vampires, and eventually of the central character.[19] In the Heian period existed those called as Mononoke (spirits), and Mononofu, who were born between humans and Mononoke, and with special powers dominated both Mononoke and humans. The story from Mysteries of Yoshitsune spreads out when the member with inherited blood crossed over to Europe, and became the progenitor of the later vampires.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝 Chapter 2
The story begins from March in year 1184 2 months after the final scene in the first play. The Genpei War and troubles of the hero, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, acted by GACKT,was dramatised from a new perspective drawn with a color of entertainment and a fresh breath of aesthetics. It is set in the days after the Heian Era. The Mononoke, who were feared since ancient times, the Mononofu, who are humans who gained the Mononoke’s powers, and the humans, who are being ruled by the Mononofu. In this scenario, the Heike and the Genji families, along with the other Mononofu around them, possess various powers like telepathy and seeing the future.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝 Chapter 2
The story begins from March in year 1184 2 months after the final scene in the first play. The Genpei War and troubles of the hero, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, acted by GACKT,was dramatised from a new perspective drawn with a color of entertainment and a fresh breath of aesthetics. It is set in the days after the Heian Era. The Mononoke, who were feared since ancient times, the Mononofu, who are humans who gained the Mononoke’s powers, and the humans, who are being ruled by the Mononofu. In this scenario, the Heike and the Genji families, along with the other Mononofu around them, possess various powers like telepathy and seeing the future.
Moon Saga 義経秘伝 Chapter 2
The story begins from March in year 1184 2 months after the final scene in the first play. The Genpei War and troubles of the hero, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, acted by GACKT,was dramatised from a new perspective drawn with a color of entertainment and a fresh breath of aesthetics. It is set in the days after the Heian Era. The Mononoke, who were feared since ancient times, the Mononofu, who are humans who gained the Mononoke’s powers, and the humans, who are being ruled by the Mononofu. In this scenario, the Heike and the Genji families, along with the other Mononofu around them, possess various powers like telepathy and seeing the future.
劇場版 仮面ライダーディケイド オールライダー対大ショッカー
Tsukasa travels to his home world of the World of Decade, where he discovers the origin of his powers and his true heritage as the leader of Dai-Shocker. The film features all ten of the lead Heisei Kamen Riders, as well as all of the Shōwa period Kamen Riders, leading to a total of 25 Riders.
Sengoku Basara -Moonlight Party-
Dans la sanglante période Sengoku, ou période des États belligérants du Japon féodal, de nombreux généraux se sont battus dans une lutte sans fin pour le pouvoir, mais un homme s'est avéré être une menace trop grande : le seigneur des ténèbres, Oda Nobunaga. Sanada Yukimura et Date Masamune, deux jeunes chefs de guerre de différentes régions qui sont devenus des rivaux passionnés, commencent à former une alliance improbable avec le reste des généraux pour vaincre le roi diabolique. Accompagné de Sanada Yukimura, qui est en compagnie du chef des ninjas de Sanada Sarutobi Sasuke, Takeda Shingen, le « Tigre de Kai », partent ensemble au combat. L'armée Takeda avance. En s'approchant de Nagashino, ils sont confrontés à des troupes dirigées par Date Masamune, le chef des Oushu.
Action & Adventure


Dec 31, 2007
Fūrin Kazan was the 46th NHK Taiga drama beginning on January 7, 2007. It was aired throughout 2007. The four characters from left to right are wind, woods, fire, and mountain. The title is a reference to the war banner used by Takeda Shingen, which in turn was taken from Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It means "Swift as the Wind, Silent as a Forest, Fierce as Fire and Immovable as a Mountain."


Dec 31, 2010
Isolé de par les collines qui l’entourent, le village de Sotoba est véritablement coupé du monde. De ce fait, certains jeunes n’ont qu’une seule envie : quitter la région pour retourner à la ville et goûter aux joies de la modernité. Cependant, au moment où des étrangers viennent occuper l’ancien château abandonné qui surplombe le village, une succession de morts mystérieuses perturbe le calme habituel des environs. En effet, des personnes peu âgées et en parfaite santé semblent tomber subitement en anémie pour finalement mourir quelques jours plus tard. Alors qu’une possibilité de pandémie est supposée, certaines rumeurs répandent l'idée que la cause de tous ces drames pourrait en vérité trouver sa source dans des raisons à la fois obscures et surnaturelles…


Mar 28, 2017
Dans les années 2030, nous suivons les aventures d'un club de détectives rassemblés par le mystérieux Kogorō Akechi. Avec l'aide de leurs différentes compétences, ils parviennent à résoudre des affaires, même lorsqu'elles sont de grande envergure. Kensuke Hanazaki, un des membres de ce club fait un jour la rencontre de Yoshio Kobayashi, un jeune homme qui est immortel pour une raison que lui-même ne connaît pas. Il n'aspire qu'à une chose, pouvoir mourir. Pris d'un intérêt pour lui, Hanazaki l'invite à rejoindre le club des détectives. Étrangement, cette rencontre semble avoir un lien avec Kogorō Akechi et son plus grand rival, le "Démon aux 20 visages"...
Action & Adventure
Mr Brain

Mr Brain

Jul 11, 2009
Ryusuke Tsukumo est un neuro-scientifique travaillant pour l'Institut Nationale de Recherche de la Police Scientifique. Il n'arrive généralement pas à décrypter l’atmosphère d'une situation ; mais, lorsqu'il utilise sa science, il se fait alors très respecter. Lorsque quelque chose titille son intérêt, il y persévère et ne renonce jamais, cherchant obstinément les criminels avec certitude.
My Little Nightmare

My Little Nightmare

Dec 22, 2012
Dans ce monde d'incertitude, serions-nous plus heureux si nous pouvions prédire l'avenir ? Que feriez-vous si tous vos rêves avaient une façon de se réaliser… y compris les cauchemars ? Ayami a une réputation d'institutrice dévouée et fiable, mais elle cache son vrai caractère. Elle ne croit pas à l'amour et à la confiance. Elle s'arrange pour ne jamais avoir à faire face aux responsabilités et aux problèmes qui l'entourent. Un jour, une nouvelle étudiante, Yuiko, s'inscrit dans sa classe. Il ne faut pas longtemps à Ayami pour découvrir que Yuiko a la capacité de prédire l'avenir grâce aux rêves qu'elle voit dans son sommeil ; des rêves qui sont symboliques et qui nécessitent une interprétation correcte pour comprendre les événements à venir. Mais lorsque Yuiko commence à faire des cauchemars des gens qui l'entourent, Ayami, bien que contre son gré, doit faire équipe avec Yuiko pour essayer de changer le destin tragique de ceux qui les entourent…
Time Spiral

Time Spiral

Oct 21, 2014
Quand Aizawa Natsuki était enfant, elle a été kidnappée, ce qui l'a laissée gravement et émotionnellement traumatisée. Natsuki a grandi en comptant sur son ami Yuki Kentaro. Elle étudie maintenant la physique à l'université. Un jour, elle rencontre le nouveau professeur Tatsumi Shuya. Dès lors, des événements mystérieux se produisent continuellement autour de Natsuki. Shuya est un voyageur du temps qui voyage entre le futur et le passé.


Sep 18, 2011
Set in the Ryukyu Kingdom during the latter days of the Tokugawa shogunate, a woman takes the guise of a Eunuch to pass a government examination. She eventually becomes a government official still in the disguise of a man.


Mar 09, 2025
Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker...
Action & Adventure