Ashley Chin

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Sket, le choc du ghetto
À la suite du meurtre cruel et brutal de sa grande sœur par un gang violent, Kayla - 16 ans - n'a plus qu'une idée en tête : la vengeance. Pour parvenir à ses fins, l'adolescente intègre un gang rival. Mais elle va devoir apprendre à survivre dans la jungle urbaine où seules les règles de la rue font loi...


Oct 02, 2011
A young man's attempt to break out of a cycle of violence. When country-girl Tia comes to stay with her cousin in the city, little does she realise that her naivety will disturb the delicate balance of cousin Davina and her group of friends. Living the good life on a career of crime, Davina's friend Tyson struggles to be a parent to his teenage sister Nyla. Getting to know Tia allows Tyson to see a way out of his violent life. But Tia's blossoming romance is a consequence that Davina had not envisaged, and Davina begins to plot a terrible revenge.
Snow in Paradise

Snow in Paradise

May 21, 2014
D'après une histoire vraie. Dave est un petit délinquant qui mène sa vie, entre drogue et de violence, dans l'East End de Londres. Lorsque ses agissements entraînent la mort de Tariq, son meilleur ami, Dave est terrassé pour la première fois par la honte et le remords. Alors qu’il commence à faire la paix avec lui-même, son passé de criminel revient le mettre à l’épreuve.
Cherry Tree Lane

Cherry Tree Lane

Jul 10, 2010
Dans leur propre maison, des parents sont terrorisés par un groupe de jeunes voulant s'en prendre à leur fils.
Storm Damage

Storm Damage

Jan 23, 2000
A young teacher returns to the children’s care home where he grew up, and becomes involved with the lives of the troubled teenage children.
Les Poings contre les murs
Eric est un jeune délinquant violent prématurément jeté dans le monde sinistre d’une prison pour adultes. Alors qu’il lutte pour s’affirmer face aux surveillants et aux autres détenus, il doit également se mesurer à son propre père, Nev, un homme qui a passé la majeure partie de sa vie derrière les barreaux. Eric, avec d’autres prisonniers, apprend à vaincre sa rage et découvre de nouvelles règles de survie, mais certaines forces sont à l’œuvre et menacent de le détruire..


Apr 30, 2014
Afin de mener une vie agréable, quatre étudiants ont mis au point, depuis leur chambre à l'université, un fructueux système de fraude à la carte de crédit. Avec des cartes aux codes piratés, ils achètent des produits sur Internet et les revendent autour d'eux. Un jour, par malchance, ils volent les coordonnées bancaires de Marcel, un truand allemand. Celui-ci ne tarde pas à se manifester, les menaçant de mort s'ils ne lui remettent pas deux millions de livres sterling dans les quinze jours. C'est beaucoup d'argent et peu de temps. Sam, le cerveau du quatuor, tente alors de mettre sur pied un vol de bijoux à Miami pour faire patienter Marcel.
The Intent 2: The Come Up
Before the T.I.C and the Clappers crew were formed, the members worked for a ruthless Yardie boss, Beverly. One of the boys, Jay has ambitions to set up on his own. He has no money, his car keeps getting towed away, every move he makes to get money and lift himself out of the everyday struggle is unsuccessful. Inspired by his high-flying girlfriend, Selene, he sets about laying the foundations for his own organised crime ring. Things are going seemingly well until he is arrested and Beverley discovers his hidden ambition. An ill-fated robbery after a stint in jail and a trip to Jamaica tears the crew apart. All their actions are being monitored by an undercover police officer who goes by the street name ‘Gunz’, who has been deployed by the Met Police to ingratiate himself with the crew. With the same grit, humour and action sequences as its’ predecessor, ‘THE COME UP’ promises to follow ‘THE INTENT’ in becoming an instant cult classic but with international reach.


Mar 13, 2013
In London, just a few years from now, the government have enforced a curfew - no civilians on the streets after dark. A terrorist group have threatened to release a killer virus. Time is running out for the FEDZ.
The Essence

The Essence

Apr 12, 2019
Off a major event, Isaac attempts to get his life back on track. Will he succeed in doing so?
The Essence

The Essence

Apr 12, 2019
Off a major event, Isaac attempts to get his life back on track. Will he succeed in doing so?
The Essence

The Essence

Apr 12, 2019
Off a major event, Isaac attempts to get his life back on track. Will he succeed in doing so?


Oct 02, 2011
A young man's attempt to break out of a cycle of violence. When country-girl Tia comes to stay with her cousin in the city, little does she realise that her naivety will disturb the delicate balance of cousin Davina and her group of friends. Living the good life on a career of crime, Davina's friend Tyson struggles to be a parent to his teenage sister Nyla. Getting to know Tia allows Tyson to see a way out of his violent life. But Tia's blossoming romance is a consequence that Davina had not envisaged, and Davina begins to plot a terrible revenge.


Dec 02, 2022
Faith is a coming of age story about a South London boy who finds faith in Islam to escape gang life. He escapes to Egypt to find his faith in life again but he must return to keep a commitment to his best friend’s, fatherless daughter and face the past. Faith isn’t your average ‘gang’ film, The script is based on the real life story of Director Ashley Belal Chin.


Dec 02, 2022
Faith is a coming of age story about a South London boy who finds faith in Islam to escape gang life. He escapes to Egypt to find his faith in life again but he must return to keep a commitment to his best friend’s, fatherless daughter and face the past. Faith isn’t your average ‘gang’ film, The script is based on the real life story of Director Ashley Belal Chin.
Meurtres en sommeil

Meurtres en sommeil

Apr 11, 2011
Peter Boyd est le chef d'une équipe de police multi-discipline de détective et scientifique, La brigade des affaires classées, qui enquête sur d'anciens meurtres non résolus en utilisant les méthodes modernes, pas encore disponibles au moment de l'enquête initiale.