Franco Javarone

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Il viaggio della sposa
17th-century noblewoman Porzia leaves the cloister she was raised in to marry, but an ambush leaves her with only humble coachman Bartolo by her side. While venturing into dangerous and unknown lands, the two grow increasingly close despite their opposite backgrounds.
Mi faccia causa

Mi faccia causa

Jan 17, 1985
Judge Pennisi deals with a lot of citizens every day, some of them criminals, but almost always ordinary people, suffering from a wide range of problems.
La città gioca d'azzardo
Luca Altieri est un joueur. Il aime les cartes et il est passé maître dans le poker. Il est aussi un cartographe. Il commence à travailler pour "Le Président", qui possède de nombreuses maisons de jeu et tout semble aller bien jusqu'à ce que Luca tombe amoureux de Maria Luisa. Malheureusement pour eux, elle est la fille de Corrado, le fils du "Président".
Se lo scopre Gargiulo

Se lo scopre Gargiulo

May 15, 1988
Mariée à l'héritier d'une famille huppée de Naples, une infirmière plonge soudain dans le milieu de la pègre locale pour sauver son père d'une dette de jeu.
Grosso guaio a Cartagena
A sailor who landed on the ground only for a bank deposit found himself involved in a spin of misadventures and vicissitudes. He will have to retrieve his ten thousand dollars (to invest in the opening of a Tahiti bar) before the ship resumes.
Mai con le donne

Mai con le donne

Sep 27, 1985
Gino Chelli spends his days between work, his friend Beppe and his contentious girlfriend Tea. He spends the nights dreaming about her former classmate Liza, who now is a famous star. One day, she comes back in town.


Sep 12, 1980
Fontamara is a village in the Marsica, forgotten by all but God and its inhabitants are called 'cafoni' (boors). Berardo Viola wants to marry Elvira but only after gaining enough money to buy some land and in order to reach his aim he has the idea of going to a great city. When Maria Grazia is raped by the fascists, Berardo and Antonio decide to leave Fontamara and go to Rome. Here they are swindled by a lawyer and afterwards they are invited by an antifascist to a restaurant where they are arrested by the police because of some subversive papers they had.
Il minestrone

Il minestrone

Feb 20, 1981
Francesco et Giovannino, deux vagabonds de la banlieue de Rome, forcés de fouiller dans les ordures à la recherche perpétuelle de nourriture, se rencontrent et deviennent amis. En raison d’un malentendu, ils sont arrêtés et enfermés au commissariat où est détenu le Maestro, un mendiant spécialisé dans l’évasion des restaurants de la capitale après s’être gavé sans payer.
Vieni a vivere a Napoli!
Naples is a city that contains many worlds and welcomes them all like a loving mother. Don't be fooled by the invitation contained in the title, however, it could contain a joke: to live here you need the right stomach.


Sep 03, 1982
Two convicts escape from prison and evade the law by taking hostage the middle-class family of a doctor. One of the jailbirds calls the local television station, requesting that they broadcast his demand for a plane so they can escape the country. The television director and his crew show up to film the hostage crisis, and then things get progressively more bizarre and satirical. Not content with the living drama, he directs everyone's actions to make the event more newsworthy.
L'ultimo tango

L'ultimo tango

Mar 22, 2015
Alberto Tango is the owner of a small and shabby detective agency in the area close to Naples. His collaborator is Corrado, naive boy with some problems of mental stability. Tango lives by his tricks, often at the limit of legality, to fill the huge debt that he has contracted with the cynical Rava, his ex former employer and current creditor. Tango receives a call from Sergio Tudisco, an important industrial man. He wants to hire him to find her daughter Olga, rebel girl run away. Tudisco gives Tango the sum that would solve the problems with Rava. Tango accepts after a hesitation.
Le rose di Danzica

Le rose di Danzica

Nov 23, 1979
The plagued climate of the era is realized in the encounter and later in the friendship between the general Konrad Von Der Berg, who refused to command a ruthless suppression of opponents and from whose diary the story is drawn, and Eric Von Lehner Baron, who has orders to escort Von Der Berg to a prison camp.
Ad ovest di Paperino

Ad ovest di Paperino

Feb 24, 1982
It is the first film of the comedy trio "I GianCattivi", formed by Athina Cenci, Francesco Nuti and Benvenuti, who won the Nastro d'Argento for Best New Director. The film is set in Florence, Tuscany, with some scenes shot in Prato.The title is an inside joke that refers to the Tuscan village of Paperino, which is a district of Prato; the film's surreal and grotesque undertones are also hinted by the title itself, since "Paperino" is also the Italian name for Donald Duck.
La Voix de la lune

La Voix de la lune

Mar 05, 1990
Le candide Ivo Salvini, vagabond qui communique avec la Lune, part pour une étrange contrée rendre un escarpin d'argent qu'il a autrefois dérobé à la blonde Aldina...


Oct 11, 2002
Un pantin de bois nommé Pinocchio, créé par Gepetto, un vieux menuisier toscan, s'anime par la magie de la Fée Bleue. Devenu un vrai petit garçon, il fait l'apprentissage de la vie. Au lieu d'aller à l'école, Pinocchio se rend au théâtre de marionnettes de Mangiafuoco. Sans le savoir, il s'apprête à vivre de grandes aventures dans de merveilleux endroits comme le Pays des Jouets, et, à rencontrer de drôles de personnages comme Lucignolo, un adolescent déluré, ou encore un chat et un renard - deux fripouilles - qui vont lui donner du fil à retordre...
Soudain, le paradis

Soudain, le paradis

Dec 19, 2003
À Ischia, un artiste spécialisé dans les effets visuels rencontre une femme séduisante qui change sa vision cynique de l'amour. Mais est-elle trop belle pour être vraie ?
Mariti in affitto

Mariti in affitto

Apr 02, 2004
When Vincenzo Scocozza , an Italian immigrant sculptor living and working in Manhattan, weds the expectant Charlene Taylor, it over complicates his life for he is already married
Leopardi, Il giovane favoloso
Italie. XVIIIe siècle. Giacomo Leopardi est un enfant prodige. Issu d’une famille aristocratique, il grandit sous le regard implacable de son père. Contraint aux études dans l’immense bibliothèque familiale, il s’évade dans l’écriture et la poésie. En Europe, le monde change, les révolutions éclatent et Giacomo se libère du joug de son père ultraconservateur. Génie malheureux, ironique et rebelle, il deviendra, à côté de Dante, le plus célèbre poète italien.
Répétition d'orchestre
Journalistes attentifs, acoustique idéale, musiciens hors-pair, l'atmosphère est recueillie pour cette fameuse répétition. Apparaît le chef d'orchestre qui par ses exigences et injonctions provoque la révolte des musiciens.
Mater natura

Mater natura

Apr 29, 2005
About the misadventures of Desiderio, a pretty young Neapolitan transsexual, and of her group of transvestite friends. Disappointed in love and politics, they set up an organic farm and psychological help centre for men in crisis.


Sep 23, 2002
La Mère, Rosa, le père, Romano, le frère cadet, Giancarlo et le petit frère, Gigi. En 1964, une famille d'Italie décide de s'installer en Allemagne, à Duisburg, afin que le père trouve du travail. Cependant, il ne veut pas se salir les mains dans l'industrie minière c'est la raison pour laquelle, lorsque la famille apprend que le local en dessous de chez eux est à louer, elle décide d'ouvrir une pizzeria, la première d'Allemagne puisque l'histoire se déroule dans les années 1970. Elle s'appellera Solino, en l'honneur du village d'origine de la famille. On voit grandir les enfants de 10 ans puis encore de plusieurs années à la fin. L'histoire tourne autour du rêve de Gigi : faire un film.
I vesuviani

I vesuviani

Jun 27, 1997
Five Neapolitan directors depict life in the city under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius for this anthology film of comedy, drama, surrealism, and political commentary.
Morte di un matematico napoletano
Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric hospital, left by his wife, and increasingly disillusioned with academia and the Communist Party, he lives his last days with painful detachment.
Così parlò Bellavista
In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.
Le Continent des hommes-poissons
En 1891, après un naufrage dans la mer des Antilles, Claude le Ross, médecin de bord, arrive sur une ile dirigée par un despote, Edmond Rackham. Claude est charge de maintenir en vie un biologiste prisonnier, afin que Rackham puisse poursuivre sa chasse au trésor.
Science Fiction
Les Bonnes Nouvelles

Les Bonnes Nouvelles

Nov 24, 1979
A disaffected media executive spends his days watching violent programming on the television screens in his office and his evenings neglecting his frustrated wife at home. The monotonicity is disturbed when he is contacted by an old friend who confides in him he is being threatened by mysterious assassins.
Un sacré détective

Un sacré détective

Dec 26, 2024
Don Matteo est un curé de campagne, à Gubbio, une petite ville en Italie. Son sacerdoce ne s'arrête pas à dire la messe ou confesser ses paroissiens, mais aussi à enquêter sur les différents crimes qui ont lieu dans sa paroisse.