William Steis

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Le démon des profondeurs
Les magnifiques eaux bleues d’Hawaï recèlent bien des mystères... et des pêcheurs avides de remplir leurs filets vont l'apprendre à leurs dépens. Venus se livrer à leur activité favorite dans une baie tranquille, ces derniers n'hésitent pas à utiliser des bâtons de dynamite pour accélérer la pêche, ce qui ne va pas manquer de réveiller une terrifiante créature qui dormait depuis des siècles...
Lost Angels

Lost Angels

May 05, 1989
Rich L.A. party brat Tim spins into a cycle of despair after his parents divorce, and trying to fill the void with drugs and trouble only buys him a ticket to an asylum. But with the help of a psychiatrist who has taken an interest in him, will Tim try to pull himself out of the muck of teenage rebellion and ennui?
Raiders of the Sun

Raiders of the Sun

Jun 24, 1992
Bloodthirsty factions rule the barren earth. It's the 21st Century and a biological disaster has ruined the planet. Here, in a world where gunpowder is more valuable than gold, a few hundred survivors wage the final conflict for power and control. Yet among them rises a new warrior, destined to shape the aeons which will follow -- a man who stops at nothing to achieve his ends, and for whom courage is the only commodity
Body Shot

Body Shot

Mar 09, 1994
Paparazzi photographer Mickey Dane is obsessed with elusive pop singer Chelsea, and his attempts to capture her on film often land him in trouble.
Equalizer 2000

Equalizer 2000

Jan 04, 1988
Dans un avenir sombre d'un monde postnucléaire, un camp de combattants luttent pour obtenir la seule arme assez puissante pour garantir leur survie : "L'Equalizer 2000".
Eye of the Eagle

Eye of the Eagle

Jan 01, 1987
"The Lost Command," a bunch of notorious renegades, terrorize South Vietnam, forcing Sgt. Zack Skinner, HQ's best man to hunt down the Command to stop its killing spree.
Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct

May 01, 1988
For America, the Vietnam War is over. Johnny doesn't see it that way. This Special Forces soldier battles vicious Vietcong, a sadistic Russian advisor and his own peacenik girlfriend as he embarks on a deadly mission behind enemy lines.
Cold Sassy Tree

Cold Sassy Tree

Oct 16, 1989
Au début du 20ème siècle, une femme indépendante d'une petite ville provoque un scandale lorsqu'elle décide d'épouser un vieux propriétaire d'une épicerie local, veuf depuis trois semaines seulement.
Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

Jun 09, 1994
After surviving a sneak attack on himself and fellow agents Jimmy and Gene as they were transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail, FBI agent Jeff Douglas becomes an uwitting pawn of the White Hand drug cartel. Mistakenly told that his already murdered family is being held hostage, Jeff is forced to turn one-time courier for the White Hand, whose leaders are Manta and four others named Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee. After surviving a car-bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff learns the truth about his family being murdered, and he sets out to exterminate the White Hand cartel. Unofficially aided by an agent named Megan, whose mother was raped and murdered years ago, Jeff steals FBI files and begins his campaign of revenge on the White Hand cartel.
Nobody's Fool

Nobody's Fool

Nov 07, 1986
Cassie a un travail qu'elle considère misérable dans un bar. Elle est seule et dépressive. Un jour, alors qu'elle lui annonce être enceinte, son petit ami prend la fuite. Après plusieurs tentatives ratées de suicide, elle décide de faire adopter son enfant. Quand une troupe de théâtre de Los Angeles vient à Buckeye, elle rencontre Riley, un technicien. Discrètement, ils sortent ensemble, et Cassie tombe amoureuse de ce dernier. Néanmoins, elle éprouve toujours des sentiments pour son ancien petit ami...