Go Joon-hee

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Doomsday Book

Doomsday Book

Apr 11, 2012
Doomsday Book nous présente trois récits ayant pour thème commun la fin de l'Humanité. En premier, « A Brave New World » nous plonge au cœur d'une épidémie décuplant l'agressivité et la libido des infectés, qui prennent graduellement l'apparence de zombies. Il sera suivi de « The Heavenly Creature » où le guide robotisé d’un temple serait peut-être la dernière réincarnation de Buddha. Et enfin, « Happy Birthday », où une fillette commande une boule de billard sur le Web pour remplacer celle qu'elle a brisée. Deux ans plus tard, sa famille et elle se préparent à l'arrivée d'un météore se déplaçant à une vitesse foudroyante en direction de la Terre.


Jun 05, 2008
When the head of a credit union disappears with the credit union's money, four women create a team called Bong Chon Girl Scouts Troop #3 to recover the stolen money, and chaos ensues.
Marriage Blue

Marriage Blue

Nov 21, 2013
À la veille de leur mariage, quatre couples découvrent les différentes émotions par lesquelles passent les jeunes mariés. Certains ont finalement peur de l'engagement total et irréversible qu'impose le mariage, d'autres ne peuvent réprimer leur joie après une longue attente…
Architecture 101

Architecture 101

Mar 22, 2012
Seo Yeon est une femme riche qui vit dans le quartier très chic de Gangnam. Elle demande à un architecte d'une petite compagnie, Seung Min, de reconstruire sa maison d'enfance sur l'île de Jeju en une maison de rêve. On apprend qu'ils étaient tous deux étudiants dans la même classe d'architecture, qu'ils vivaient également dans la même petite ville et qu'ils étaient alors devenus très proche jusqu'à ce que Seung Min tombe amoureux de Seo Yeon... Retour au présent. Seung Min accepte le chantier que lui confie Seo Yeon et ils se replongent ainsi dans leur passé, leur souvenirs, ainsi que leur premier baiser ...
Red Carpet

Red Carpet

Oct 23, 2014
Jeong-woo, un réalisateur de films érotiques, rêve de réaliser des films "commerciaux". Eun-soo, quant à elle, est une grande actrice de cinéma, qui exerce ce métier depuis son plus jeune âge. Lorsque ces deux personnes se rencontrent, la vie de Jeong-woo est totalement bouleversée...
나의 절친 악당들
At a car accident site, Ji-Noo (Ryoo Seung-Bum), Na-Mi (Koh Joon-Hee), Jung-Sook (Ryoo Hyoun-Kyoung) and Yakuboo (Samuel Okyere) find a bag filled with money. They become involved in a dangerous case.
Hansel et Gretel

Hansel et Gretel

Dec 27, 2007
En voulant rendre visite à sa mère très malade, Eun-soo est victime d'un accident de voiture, perd connaissance, se réveille perdu dans la forêt. Il y rencontre une mystérieuse jeune fille qui l'entraîne dans une maison digne d'un conte de fée, couverte de fleurs, de dentelles. Mais très vite Eun-soo n'est plus l'hôte mais le prisonnier de la jeune fille, de sa famille qui ne vieillit jamais. Eun-soo croit découvrir un moyen de s'enfuir en lisant un très vieux livre de contes, mais la réalité dépasse la fiction, ce qu'il lit dans le livre n'est rien d'autre que sa propre histoire !!!
꼭 껴안고 눈물 핑
Chan-young is a musical actor. Dan-bee who is in a musical with Chan-young gently holds his hands behind the curtain. Chan-young stays still. There is Chan-young who has fallen in love for the second time. And there is Dan-bee who’s rushing to Chan-young. But it is unclear whether she knows or not about her immature husband’s affair... Chan-young’s wife Mi-sun is quiet and calm. However, as seasons change their performances are reaching their end and there is a change in their love...


Nov 10, 2011
Chul-soo (Eui-chul Jung) is a student at the local university and a a part-time courier. He has the job so he can pay for the university tuition fees. One day he has to go to the city of Yeosu to deliver the ashes of a dead homeless person. Mi-jin (Joon-hee Koh) attends the same university and was forced to become a surrogate mother so she could pay for her university tuition fees. After having her baby she however changes her mind and flees to Yeosu with the baby. There they both meet each other.
멋진 신세계

멋진 신세계

Apr 05, 2012
A geek is left home alone and his negligence causes the spread of a deadly contamination that infects the entire local population and turns them into flesh-eating zombies.
Science Fiction
해피 버스데이

해피 버스데이

Apr 05, 2012
A young girl throws an 8 pool ball down a portal to outer space, where it becomes much larger and starts charging towards the Earth to destroy everything.
Science Fiction
시리즈 다세포 소녀
“Useless High School” is a school renowned for its sexual aberrations and sexually ambiguous teenagers, The student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism, and teachers and students alike leave school early because of sexually-transmitted diseases. Dasepo Girl Series features a brother with only one eye and his transgender sister, plus a poor girl literally wearing poverty on her back and her escapades into the world of sex with adults - and those are just a few of the many unique characters populating Mosseulmo ("Useless") High.
정글의 법칙

정글의 법칙

Jun 05, 2021
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on their own and experience life with local tribes and people. In each location, the guests are tasked to hunt and prepare their meals and also create shelter for the tribe. They sometimes confronted by many difficult challenges. Where will the tribe visit? And how will they survive on their own? Stay tuned to check out!
Twelve Men In A Year

Twelve Men In A Year

Apr 05, 2012
Une écrivaine de magazine de 29 ans Mi-Roo (Yoon Jin-Seo) estime que les signes du zodiaque décide le destin. Elle décide alors d'écrire un article en se basant sur son expérience amoureuse en sortant avec 12 hommes différent qui possèdent chacun un des 12 signes du zodiaque différent.


Apr 02, 2013
When you grow up in extreme poverty, the experience can instill a steely resolve to succeed at all costs. Joo Da Hae is determined to leave her life of poverty behind and will stop at nothing until she achieves the wealth and lifestyle she so desires. Ha Ryu, who loved Da Hae and would have done anything for her, is used and betrayed by her in her greedy quest. He later becomes a public prosecutor who must bring her down. But the heartless Da Hae, who rises to become First Lady, has plenty of others who will sacrifice themselves at her whim, including the smitten Baek Do Hoon. Can the ruthless Da Hae be stopped before she goes too far?
She Was Pretty

She Was Pretty

Nov 11, 2015
Quand deux anciens amoureux se revoient pour la première fois en 15 ans car ils sont embauchés par le même magazine de mode, tout peut arriver.


Jul 17, 2012
Although he was poor, detective Baek Hong Suk made an honest living. However, his poor yet happy family is shattered when his 15-year-old daughter dies. When people tarnish the name of his daughter, who means everything to him, Hong Suk vows to reveal the truth behind his daughter’s wrongful death and digs up the truth. In his search, he comes to face a stronger mastermind than expected.
We Got Married

We Got Married

May 13, 2017
Où les célébrités prennent part à un mariage virtuel. Les couples ont des missions pour se rapprocher et aider leur mariage à grandir.
나는 달린다

나는 달린다

Dec 11, 2003
A young man here is dreaming his future. He needs to do whatever task lying in front of him as to earn his living, yet he is running fast to dream and to love. Whenever he is sprinting, he is so full of energy that he forgets about his poverty and his dark family background. The world might jeer at him but he does not care. She is rather special. She is very well aware of her charms and is highly self defiant. The most unfamiliar word to her is "failure" because she has never faced failure in her life since the world was always on her side. She conquered whatever she intended and she dumped whatever she thought unnecessary. However, she just cannot deny the love that is to determine her destiny. She is like an open hearted prairie, young and gleaming. They love each other and the love changes both of their lives; they run towards the uneasy future.
Can You Hear My Heart?
C'est l'histoire d'amour de Cha Dong-joo, un homme devenu sourd à la suite d'un accident mais qui prétend entendre, et de Bong Woo-ri, une femme intelligente mais qui fait semblant d'être idiote pour protéger la dignité de son père handicapé mental. Elle est à la recherche de son demi-frère, Bong Ma-roo, qui s'est enfui de chez lui il y a 16 ans.


Apr 08, 2007
Celebrity guests are split into two teams to compete in various contests. One guest, known only to himself, is designated the "X-Man", and does his best to cause his team to lose the contests. At the end, all guests try to determine the X-Man's identity.
사랑에 미치다

사랑에 미치다

Apr 01, 2007
Suh Jin Young is an aviation maintenance technician. Her fiance Jae Hoon passed away in a horrible traffic accident. Kim Chae Joon dreams of becoming an aviation maintenance technician but he encounters prejudice because he is an ex-convict. He killed someone with his car. Suh Jin Young gives him a chance to work under her and they fall in love. However that love is severely tested when they both discover that Chae Joon's victim was Suh Jin Young's fiance Jae Hoon.


Jan 20, 2018
La ville de Bukcheon a été dominée par la famille Jang depuis 3 générations. Jang Joon-Seo est le deuxième fils du chef de famille Jang Beom-Ho. Une femme que Jang Joon-Seo aime meurt. Après cela, il essaie de révéler la vérité sur sa mort et un secret de sa famille.
Action & Adventure
Knowing Brothers

Knowing Brothers

Mar 01, 2025
Durant l'émission l'invité(e) fait un questionnaire sur lui et pose les questions une par une et les présentateurs doivent avoir le plus de bonnes réponses. S'ils se trompent, ils sont punis. Le concept de l'émission est que les présentateurs soient dans un lycée et que chaque invité soit un "nouvel" élève transféré.


Apr 25, 2019
Hong Seo Jeong est un médium psychique. À cause de sa capacité surnaturelle qu'elle essaye de cacher, elle mène une vie solitaire, à l'abri et à l'écart de tout le monde. Mais sa vie bascule le jour où elle rencontre Gang Pil Seon. Pil Seon est un détective grossier mais très compétent dans son domaine. Pendant qu'il enquêtait sur une affaire, il rencontre par hasard Seo Jeong et s'intéresse de suite à elle. Seo Jeong et Pil Seon commencent alors à résoudre des différents cas ensemble en utilisant leurs capacités spéciales.
SNL 코리아 리부트
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members.